Top of the big era

Chapter 2836 Joint Venture

Not only Zhou Buqi, but also the people around him had this view.

Facebook wants to come to China, which is impossible.

Not to mention the subsequent development.

There is no way to gain entry in the first step!

However, whether it is because these Americans do not understand the domestic market or are determined to covet the huge domestic market, they come to China again and again, and they are really like a foolish old man who can move mountains.

Sheryl Sandberg is very beautiful, but she is older now. She is in her forties and is aging very quickly. However, she can still see the beauty of the past when she smiles. She smiled and said: "This This time, we are going to take a different plan, please don’t stop us!”

Zhou Buqi was a little funny and said sincerely: "Shirley, this really has nothing to do with me. With my relationship with Facebook, even if everyone in the country will stop it, I won't."

Sheryl Sandberg is very confident, "This time, we will definitely make it."

Zhou Buqi shook his head.

No matter what plan they adopt, it's impossible. Because Facebook is only a commercial company, and what prevents them from coming to China has never been commercial. No matter how many jobs you can create and how much tax revenue you can provide, it will be difficult to cross that threshold.

Sheryl Sandberg said: "This time, Facebook can make substantial concessions and adopt a joint venture model."

"joint venture?"

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows.

Sheryl Sandberg said: "Yes, this time, we no longer insist on sole proprietorship. According to our understanding, many industries in your country are developed by foreign companies through joint ventures. For example, Disneyland and McDonald's , Ford, Toyota.”

"Such a joint venture model..." Zhou Buqi was a little surprised. "This kind of joint venture has domestic capital holding 51% of the shares and foreign capital holding 49%."

Sheryl Sandberg nodded, "I know."

Zhou Buqi said: "The main partners of this policy joint venture model are state-owned enterprises."

"I know."

Sheryl Sandberg smiled.

Zhou Buqi took a deep look at her.

This is really courageous.

This is really a big concession.

In order to enter the domestic market, Facebook is really kneeling down.

However, let alone kneeling down, there is no chance even if he lies down.

Sheryl Sandberg continued: "We plan to cooperate with mobile companies to establish a joint venture and operate in the mainland market in full compliance with relevant laws and regulations. As far as I know about this market, the former mobile companies It has great strength and influence in the Internet field, and has launched popular products. However, with the advent of the mobile Internet era, mobile companies seem to have not kept up with the times.”


"I think this is also an opportunity for mobile companies. By cooperating with Facebook, Facebook can help them quickly complete the transformation in the new era, regain influence and gain a place in the Internet field!"

"Good idea."

Zhou Buqi was somewhat impressed.

It is really not easy for a group of foreigners to find such an angle.

She's right.

After entering the mobile Internet, life for mobile companies has been very difficult and they have become victims of industrial development. Many products of Internet companies are OTT models and continue to bypass the business of mobile companies.

In the past few years, mobile has had unprecedented influence in the Internet field.

Such as Monternet.

Including Penguin, they all rely on Monternet to survive.

Another example is Fetion.

It was once considered an epoch-making product. After its launch, it quickly occupied the university market and was rapidly promoted among young people and white-collar workers. It has a general trend of becoming a national-level communication product...

However, the Internet era is changing too fast.

The mobile Internet arrived with great fanfare.

Ziweixing launched WeChat.

The market structure changed instantly.

Fetion is still developed on the basis of SMS business, but it is very cheap, and there is still a charging link. WeChat is different. It is completely OTT and completely bypasses the SMS service. All services are free.

And the product design is simpler and more user-friendly.

It is also more convenient in the process of getting to know strangers. It even provides functions such as "drift bottle" and "shake" specifically for men and women to strike up conversations. It immediately rubs the "yellow" edge, which greatly meets the market demand.

Since then, Fetion has had fewer and fewer active users.

Nowadays, many people have forgotten Fetion, a once popular product. Times have changed. Although Fetion was not launched for a few years, it was a product of the previous era and has deviated from the mainstream of the times. Mobile companies obviously don't understand the Internet well enough and haven't made timely corrections to adjust their product strategies, so they really can only be eliminated by the times.

If Facebook joins in and cooperates with mobile...

For mobile companies, this is a huge opportunity.

China Mobile wants to establish a joint venture with domestic Internet giants, such as Ziweixing, NetEase, Alibaba, Sina, Baidu, and Penguin, and hold 51% of the shares. This is impossible. The big private bosses all know what is going on. , just don’t want to accept it. Let alone 49% of the shares, they would not accept even 51% of the shares.

Foreign companies are different.

Especially Facebook.

It is almost impossible to enter the domestic market. Holding on to China Mobile, adopting a joint venture to obtain a license in the name of China Mobile and thus indirectly entering the domestic market is the last resort.

On the one hand, they have obtained a ticket to enter the domestic market; on the other hand, they have obtained a ticket to enter the Internet industry.

To each his own!

How good?

This is indeed a pretty good plan.

The national team really has no competitiveness in the Internet field. No matter it is a project of academician scientists, a project that spends huge sums of money to hire celebrities, or a state-owned company under a university, it is difficult to have a place in the Internet field.

The domestic Internet market can be said to be the most competitive and cruel market in the world.

Maybe it will work if Facebook is brought in?

By this time, everyone had finished lunch.

Mainly just talking about this matter.

This was the main purpose of Sheryl Sandberg's visit to China. After explaining such a plan, she was very happy to see that the others on the other side were silent. She asked, "Zhou, what do you think of my plan?" Plan, okay?”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Theoretically yes, it's a good idea."

Only now did he understand.

Why didn’t Zuckerberg, who can speak fluent Chinese, come to China, but let Sheryl Sandberg, who doesn’t speak Chinese, come to this muddy water?

This is so embarrassing!

They rushed to cooperate with China Mobile, and even voluntarily lowered their status to only hold 49% of the shares, and gave up the majority shareholder and veto power to China Mobile... This plan is really a bit embarrassing, and there is no basic foundation for a world-class Internet entrepreneur. Ideals and pursuits?

Relying on these 49% shares, you can make some shocking decisions to change the world and the market?

it's out of the question!

It’s just to make money.

Making money nakedly is a bit embarrassing for a large company like Facebook.

Sheryl Sandberg asked: "Can you help me introduce Mr. Wang of the mobile company?"

"Yes, of course." Zhou Buqi had no reason to refuse, but he still kindly reminded, "However, even if you show all your sincerity and are willing to make huge sacrifices and concessions at all levels, this road is still No way."

"Ah?" Sheryl Sandberg was slightly taken aback, "We can help mobile companies develop, and mobile companies are state-owned enterprises. Isn't this in line with the national interest? Isn't it not in the interest of the people?"

Zhou Buqi wanted to laugh, but couldn't laugh at all.

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