Top of the big era

Chapter 2928 Fog

An internal meeting was held with these people from the EU.

The main discussion was on the cooperation to deal with Qualcomm, as well as some ideas on the EU's next development of a single digital market. It is hoped that Helo's operation can provide some experience.


Zhou Buqi had lunch with Tang Binchen and complained a little, "These people in the EU are so stingy that they don't care about food?"

Tang Binchen said with a smile: "I have eaten their working meals. They are very simple. Maybe I am afraid that I will not be able to entertain you, a rich man. In such a high-end restaurant, a meal at least costs several thousand euros, right? How many people in the European Union dare to If you do this, everyone will step down.”

"These people are so disrespectful in everything they do!"

"Are they really going to investigate Helo?"

"No." Zhou Buqi had seen through it a long time ago, "You think we are weak persimmons!"


Tang Binchen was slightly startled.

He had no foresight. Being in the fog, it was difficult to see clearly the true face of the EU, and he was not sure about the EU's determination to protect the local operator industry.

Zhou Buqi is different. Combining the information from the past and present life, he can quickly make a judgment and sigh: "So, people are bullied when they are kind. We just behave too friendly, so that we make them feel bad." Some unrealistic fantasies.”

"Deliberately bullying people?"

Tang Binchen opened his eyes wide and came up with an idea suggested by Boss Zhou. As he continued to think about it, it was as if all the fog had subsided.

Zhou Buqi said: "They want to protect the local operator industry, that's for sure. In the past few years, Internet companies have indeed bullied operators. At the market level, operators cannot be Internet companies at all. What should we do? We can only take some non-market factors. Those local operator giants are the largest companies in Europe and have the greatest influence on the EU.”

Tang Binchen narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "In China, the United States, South Korea and Japan, they all adopt a laissez-faire attitude towards the competition between operators and the Internet industry. Let both sides fight in the market. Are these in Europe going to be new and different?"

"So he came to us because he thought we were easy to bully." Zhou Buqi snorted, "Why didn't he go to Google or Facebook? If he really did this, those Americans wouldn't tolerate them and would just fight them. go back."

Tang Binchen laughed and said: "In the past few years, Ziweixing has been actively cooperating with them and adopting an extremely friendly cooperative attitude. Do they regard our friendship as weakness? They dare not mess with the Internet giants in the United States. , looking for us specifically?"

Zhou Buqi said: "There is a change of leadership. The young people may want to rush forward and work for another term. The old people are already planning for retirement. This time, they just want to seize the last chance to get something done. A big one. Punish Qualcomm to please the local chip industry. If Helo can be made to back down and change voice calls to a Skype-like mode and share the fees with operators, it will satisfy the requirements of those operator giants. Those old guys may be able to work as consultants or independent directors for operators based on their political achievements after retirement. "

Tang Binchen said angrily: "It's true! The EU this time is really in a mess. Seeing Qualcomm eating up the European chip industry, they haven't taken any effective measures. In the end, we have to rely on us. In front of the Americans, They are all grandchildren. Well, after we have helped them so much, they think we are good at it!"

"Facebook also has voice calling and video calling functions, and they are all free. Why didn't they look for Americans? They specifically focused on Helo?" Zhou Buqi also despised the behavior of these politicians, "These people, It’s really hard to get along. Fortunately, there is a change of leadership. If not, the EU will collapse!”

Tang Binchen smiled and said: "It's almost collapsed. The British side has proposed to leave the European Union. Maybe there will be a referendum in one or two years. This EU has really left a mess. There were European debts in the past. Crisis and Brexit.”

"It can be seen from their attitude towards Helo that they are all ignorant and pedantic idiots."

Zhou Buqi was very disdainful.

Just like history.

In the late Ming Dynasty, the court's expenses were too high, so it had no choice but to increase taxes on the people.

The tax burden was too heavy, and some people just couldn't afford it, so they ran away from the local area and became refugees. The local court couldn't find them, so they didn't have to pay taxes. The remaining people who did not run away had to continue to pay taxes.

As a result, a certain tax hole has appeared in the local area due to tax evasion by refugees.

what to do?

We can only rely on the common people to fill this hole, further increase taxes on the honest and responsible common people who remain, and allocate the taxes that belong to the refugees to those honest people who have not fled.

As a result, more people will run away and become refugees.

If you don't run, it won't work. If you don't run, you will be forced to death by the court.

It’s hard to be a good person!

Whoever doesn't run will suffer!

The final result was that everyone ran away and became refugees.

Immediately, the world was in chaos, and several peasant uprising armies emerged.

Among these refugees, there was a guy named Li Zicheng, who organized these refugees and overthrew the Ming Dynasty.

Zhou Buqi decided to go back and write a letter to explain this period of history clearly to those in the EU.

Don't bully honest people!

If Ziweixing stands with those American technology giants, hum! Europe's technology industry will never be able to turn around!

This time, the EU has the opportunity to take action against Qualcomm, not because this current EU has the ability, courage and courage to take action against the American technology giant, but because Boss Zhou has laid the groundwork for a series of tasks ahead.

They can just pick it up off the shelf!

You got such a big advantage from Boss Zhou for nothing, and you don’t want to repay him, but you want to bully honest people and suppress Helo?

Get the hell out of here!

Zhou Buqi has put forward his request very tactfully. I will help you clean up Qualcomm. Then those related intellectual property rights of the chip industry that collapsed due to the squeeze of Qualcomm, quickly open up a hole and sell them to Asda!

This was a task that Zhou Shaoning had arranged for him long ago.

It happened to take advantage of this opportunity from Qualcomm to connect the two things together.

After saying this, Tang Binchen also saw what Boss Zhou was thinking, and he suddenly said: "No wonder you suddenly brought the topic to intellectual property rights... After you rejected Helo's rectification request, , also made his own request!”

Zhou Buqi said: "Then you must make demands. I have helped so much with Qualcomm, but my help has been in vain? Those guys all know it! Think I am young and easy to bully? The so-called Helo investigation, It’s just a test to see how we react. If we back down, we’ll definitely have more unreasonable demands coming our way.”

Tang Binchen finally understood the undercurrents surging beneath the surface of the internal talks in the morning and said with a smile: "So we have to rebound!"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's like a spring. You press it down and then release it. The spring will not return to its original position directly, but will bounce up. Ziweixing will not easily return to its original position without getting some benefits. If you want me to cooperate with them in building this single digital structure in Europe, you can’t do it without sincerity!”

"For Asda? Intellectual property rights for smartphones?"

Tang Binchen took a deep breath and once again realized the huge gap between himself and Boss Zhou.

It's strange, why is he always so keen on seeing things?

When he looks at some problems, he always feels that there is a lot of fog in front of him, making it difficult for him to see clearly the situation ahead and the road ahead. Of course, it is difficult to make the most accurate judgment.

But in front of Boss Zhou, it seems that the sun is always shining brightly.

It's always clear.

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes, Asda. If you want to market overseas, you cannot avoid patents."

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