Top of the big era

Chapter 3049 Theory of Differential Treatment

This kind of design can indeed limit the corruption of the company's internal atmosphere to a certain extent, but it also has some minor problems. Zhou Buqi asked: "Even for outsourcing, there are many outstanding technologies, but they are limited to T1 and T2. Two levels, doesn’t that limit their growth space?”

He Yang has built a complete human outsourcing system and has a very systematic design. "Actually, our outsourcing employees are divided into five levels, from T1 to T5. If there is really an outsourcing The employee is particularly good. After reaching T5, there is still room for growth, then he can really make an exception and become a full-time employee. "


Zhou Buqi was not affected by his words.

The outsourcing issue must definitely be resolved.

He could not sit back and watch as there were so many outsourced employees in the company who were treated differently and discriminated against in the workplace. Not only did these people not have free snacks and free canteens, they even had different employee ID cards, access card permissions, and intranet accounts. The permissions are different, the computer configuration is different, and even the mailbox capacity is different.

At his current level, what he seeks in business is not money at all, nor fame, status, or social influence, but his heart.

But please have a clear conscience!

To put it bluntly, he wants to solve this unfair outsourcing incident because he wants to feel comfortable!

As He Yang said, those low-level outsourcing employees probably don't care about differential treatment at all. When they accepted the job of outsourcing, they had already imagined the situation they would encounter in the future and had already prepared their psychological preparation.

If outsourcing jobs had the same benefits as formal jobs, then outsourcing jobs would not exist at all.

It’s just about making money, and I have long accepted it psychologically.

However, they can accept it, but Zhou Buqi cannot accept it emotionally.

Although he has many companies under his control, Ziweixing and Ziweixing International are the two most important, special and the two companies he cares about the most. To put it bluntly, outsourcing means throwing away the burden and is a manifestation of irresponsibility. It would be too hypocritical for such a large company to talk about benevolence, justice and morality on stage, but then change the tone off stage.

There is indeed a big gap in employee salaries between Ziweixing and Ziweixing International, but they must be unified in terms of corporate systems.

It cannot be that Ziweixing International is a paradise for employees, while Ziweixing in China has become a sweatshop.

He Yang said: "There is also an issue with the number of employees here, which is related to the corporate culture just mentioned. For regular employees, the minimum is T3. Even a fresh graduate must be at T3 level after joining. However, With what we have in college, there are too few fresh graduates who can reach the T3 level, which means that the number of fresh graduates we can recruit is far lower than our employment needs. "

Zhou Buqi still knows this truth, "So we need to recruit people from the club to supplement it."

He Yang said: "Yes, we have to rely on social recruitment. A fresh graduate with a bachelor's degree is generally 21 or 22 years old. Even top students from Tsinghua and Peking University have very immature technical abilities. However, a graduate who has graduated for four or five years or six A man who is almost 30 years old has been in the workplace for many years. Even though his academic qualifications are lower, his technical skills are very mature and he has more development experience. We can even say that he is at the level of social recruitment. Far better than the level recruited by the school.”

Zhou Buqi understood what he meant, "But school recruitment is the soul."

He Yang said: "A 28-year-old graduate from social recruitment, with many years of work experience, his ability level is definitely better than that of a Tsinghua graduate who has just left school. Even if he is also at the T3 level, he will be better than the fresh graduates. Graduates are more employable.”

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath, "However, the potentials of the two are different. The ability of social recruitment employees may be stronger, but he may have reached the ceiling of his ability. Fresh graduates have just left school and entered the workplace. They It’s just the beginning. One is the upper limit and the other is the lower limit. The upper limit is higher than others’ lower limit, which is nothing.”

He Yang smiled and said: "Yes, that's what I mean. The future of Ziweixing must still fall on the school's recruiters. When school recruiters join Ziweixing, they have a blank sheet of paper. They can completely follow Ziweixing's instructions." They are the people who are most compatible with Ziweixing. The social recruitment situation is different. They may have experienced many companies, and may have picked up many bad habits in many bad companies, and even learned from them. There are many crooked ways to climb up through flattery and workplace struggle.”

Only then did Zhou Buqi understand from a broader perspective why Boss He was so concerned about outsourcing, and suddenly said: "That's why you want to outsource!"

This truth is so clear.

Zhou Buqi has already summed it up.

Just like women.

Why does he like perfect girls so much?

Having a virginity complex is one thing, but the more important reason is that with a clean resume, you will have a stronger sense of belonging to the first man. This is a kind of heartfelt recognition and emphasis on your own life choices.

When a company recruits employees, it's like a divorced woman, her loyalty will be much lower. Anyway, she has already been divorced once, so what will happen again? Only a broken jar will break. If it is a good jar, everyone will keep it well for fear of being bumped.

This is actually the fundamental difference between school recruitment and social recruitment.

Therefore, the greater the company, the more it cares about campus recruitment.

In the workplace, many people don't understand why their boss fired them and then hired someone with a higher salary than themselves but completely inferior abilities. This is the difference in perspective. The level of ability is only a short-term perspective. If you want a company to have longer vitality, you must have a long-term perspective.

Just like the recruitment story in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Everyone knows that Lu Bu is more powerful than Guan Yu, and Lu Bu can challenge the three brothers "Liu, Guan, and Zhang" in a single fight.

However, when Cao Cao recruited Guan Yu, he wanted to give up all his good things, including his BMW and his concubine, just hoping that Guan Yu would stay. When facing Lu Bu, Lu Bu wanted to surrender, but Cao Cao didn't even look at him and killed him directly.

In the process of recruiting and employing people, there must be something more important than short-term capabilities.

He Yang said: "The school's enrollment is the best. Being stuck at the T3 threshold is enough to prove that we have selected the best children in the country during this period. Since we have selected the best seedlings, the company must give them Provide them with the best development resources and the best development opportunities. They have the greatest potential, and they represent the future of the company. However, a company's key projects and development opportunities are always limited and cannot be available to everyone. What to do? Differential treatment is a must!”

Zhou Buqi said: "I suddenly remembered something. When I was in junior high school, there were a few bastard boys in the class who always bullied the one who was the best in my class. Later, I found a few people to bully those guys. A few bastards got beaten up. Now that I think about it, this is actually about differential treatment. The teacher is really good to the good students. Even if the good students make mistakes, the teacher will treat them lightly. In this way, everything else will be treated lightly. Can students maintain a balance in their minds? It’s easy for some bullying to occur.”

He Yang smiled and said: "That's why outsourcing is even more important, and formal employees and outsourced employees must be separated. Fresh graduates have just entered the workplace and have no experience. It is indeed easy to be bullied by some veterans in the workplace. It is also very simple to deal with. It's enough to look at the status. As long as a fresh graduate has a disagreement with an outsourced employee and he is wronged, he can directly dismiss the outsourced employee without asking about right and wrong! From a system level, no old outsourcing veteran can be bullied into the workplace. A slight chance for regular employees.”

"Depend on!"

Zhou Buqi was startled.

He Yang said: "For example, this year's recruitment plan, the company's technical recruitment plan is to recruit 7,000 people, but the school recruitment only selected more than 2,600 people. What to do with the remaining 4,000 labor needs? Then only We can rely on social recruitment. However, social recruitment is risky. There is a high possibility that we will recruit some people who are good at deviant tactics and some veteran professionals in the workplace. The existence of these people will carefully select us and represent the future of the company. The fresh graduates have caused workplace pollution, and they have also learned many bad workplace habits. The best way is to outsource these social recruitments! This makes them less confident and inherently inferior to regular employees. "

Zhou Buqi sighed secretly.

Why does it get more complicated the more I ask?

It’s true that the more you know, the less you know.

He Yang then made a more pointed statement, "As you said, teachers will be kind to good students and treat them differently. Why is this? Because only in this way, good students will be more motivated. Only in this way can students get better grades and get admitted to better schools. This not only gives teachers a great sense of psychological accomplishment, but also allows them to obtain tangible funds from the school. reward.”


Zhou Buqi once had a good relationship with Teacher Han and Teacher Chen in junior high school for a while, and he did understand the teachers' mentality.

He Yang said: "This is the most important thing. The teacher treats the poor students differently, not because the teacher wants to neglect the poor students. To be honest, the teacher doesn't care about the poor students at all, and doesn't even want to take a look! The teacher treats them differently because the teacher I want good students to feel more warm! You said that Ziweixing has workplace discrimination against outsourced employees. This is indeed objective, but subjectively I don’t care about those outsourced employees at all! We want our best and most valuable regular employees to feel more warm. Only by treating them differently can we create a sense of superiority and make our regular employees feel more proud! Only then can we further stimulate their potential to create wealth! "

"I'll go!"

Zhou Buqi was constantly shocked by He Yang's views.

No wonder people dare to "commit crimes against the wind" and openly defy Boss Zhou's previous request to treat employees well. They have already formed a complete theoretical system.

He Yang continued: "How right is it to let some people get rich first? This is practice, and our soil has fully proved the correctness of this path. Some people have really become rich, and even come out. The world's richest man like you. What's wrong with treating them differently? Ziweixing first gives the company's resources, policies, development opportunities, psychological advantages and the best welfare benefits to such a small group of people. It is the mainstay that will lead the development of Ziweixing in the future.”

The last chapter has been released. I don’t know how many times it has been changed. I feel like it has been changed beyond recognition and loses its power.

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