Top of the big era

Chapter 341 Ji Zian is the Focus of the News

Ji Zi'an, the general manager of Dongfang Weidian, has appeared on authoritative talk shows like "Son of the East". He graduated from a famous school, is young and handsome, a gentleman, and has a good conversation. Can be ranked in the top five.

The current Ji Zian seems to be the new young leader of the domestic security market.

The launch of Micropoint Antivirus shocked the industry.

The name Ji Zian once again became the focus of attention of the major media.

Journalists apply for interviews every day.

Dongfang Weidian chose three companies, one is CCTV 2, one is Xinhuanet, and the other is "Southern Weekend".

The interviews of the first two companies were quite satisfactory. After all, they are official media, so they cannot disclose some inside information.

Ji Zi'an mainly talked about products and industrial structure——

"Since the launch of Micropoint Antivirus, it has been well received by the market and has achieved great success. In fact, on the first day of its launch, Micropoint Antivirus has already become the antivirus software with the highest market share in China. Many people regard the success of Micropoint Antivirus as It comes down to free, which is actually part of it. In the VB100 test of the international anti-virus organization, Micropoint Antivirus has also achieved excellent results, ranking first among domestic antivirus software. It can be said that Micropoint Antivirus is the only one in China. A world-class antivirus."

"Free of charge, and the world's first-class technology are the reasons why Micropoint Antivirus is favored by users."

"The purpose of Dongfang Micropoint is to provide the highest quality, most powerful, and most considerate computer security services to the people of the whole country. Now, we have launched two products that detonate the market, but this is far from enough. Dongfang Micropoint will On the road of mission, no matter how difficult it is, we will persevere."

In contrast, the scale of the interview with Southern Weekly is much larger.

Also said some insider things about the industry.

Reporter: "After the launch of Micropoint Security Guard, many similar products have been launched in the market. What do you think of this?"

Ji Zian: "In terms of copyright protection, we still have a long way to go. This certainly violates the interests of Dongfang Weidian, but it cannot be generalized. With so many security guard products entering the market, it will definitely have a negative impact on the Internet environment. It has a great purification effect, which is a good thing.”

The reporter asked: "Are you not angry at all about plagiarism?"

Ji Zian said with a smile: "From the perspective of products, they can do exactly the same as Weidian Security Guard, but what about values? What about social responsibility? What about corporate mission? I won't say much about this, everyone can see it inside."

Reporter: "The outside world has expressed some opinions on your free antivirus, mainly around the technical engine, virus database and business model."

Ji Zian: "I think today, the trend of security services being networked is becoming more and more obvious, and everyone is facing security threats. In this, antivirus is not free, and it seems that everyone still has a lack in the entire service chain. "

Reporter: "Mr. Wang of Jiangmin said that there is a billion-dollar market for anti-virus, which is not big in the first place. Can you get enough if you come in?"

Ji Zian: "First of all, I have great respect for Mr. Wang, he is very successful. We may not make any money in this market, because we don't want to sell anti-virus software. Dongfang Weidian is an Internet company, not a Antivirus software company. We are doing Internet services, not selling security software, and everyone’s starting point is different.”

Reporter: "Now there are rumors that you do free anti-virus and offend people who are both right and wrong? Some people are threatening to kill you?"

Ji Zian: "The anti-virus software market has a huge black industry chain. After the free launch of Micropoint Anti-Virus, it has indeed been under great pressure and caused them a lot of trouble. Black...Let's not talk about it, let's just say it is white Tao, it is anti-virus software. Just like selling medicine, they very much hope that everyone will get sick and can take their medicine after getting sick. Free micro-point anti-virus is better than other products that others charge for, and even some anti-virus software’s dreams of listing are shattered Can you not hate it?"

The reporter asked: "What black industrial chain?"

Ji Zian said calmly: "From the very beginning, viruses and anti-virus software have been in a conflicting and interdependent relationship. When there are viruses, anti-virus software can be used. If the virus disappears, then the anti-virus software will no longer exist. .that's all."

Reporter: "Next, what other products will Dongfang Weidian bring to you? Can you tell me?"

Ji Zian: "Midot Security Guard has solved the problem of rogue software, and Weidian Antivirus has solved the problem of computing viruses. Next, we will start to solve the problem of webpage security."

The reporter asked: "Can you tell me more about it?"

Ji Zi'an said lightly: "It is to clean the webpage, and the virus code in the webpage should be removed before the webpage data reaches IE. At present, in the design, the excessive control of the script program and the loopholes in the browsing have made the IE code Do whatever you want. We want to solve this problem for users.”

Reporter: "What product?"

Ji Zian: "Micro dot network shield."


Ji Zian's interview brought Zhou Buqi a lot of trouble.

Even Lei Jun sent an email to question him.

Zhou Buqi ignored him, but reminded the security forces to strengthen protection.

In two days, he will go to Hangzhou to start business negotiations with Taobao.

This is the imperative.

If the negotiation goes well, in the next two years, at least 200 million advertising revenue can be brought to Ziweixing. If also negotiates, there will be more.

However, he has little confidence in

I haven't made any products yet. It's too unrealistic to ask people to pay for it when I come to the door with a PPT.

However, Shi Jinglin is full of confidence in this. She has been working on the PPT for the past few days and has revised more than ten versions.

"I feel that it's almost done, you can see if it works."

Shi Jinglin knocked on the door and walked into Zhou Buqi's office. When she stepped on the ground with her high heels, the sound of "da da" was very clear, and she knew it was her from a long distance away.

Zhou Buqi didn't know much about PPT tricks, and was not very interested in the red USB flash drive on the table, "You can figure it out yourself!"

Shi Jinglin snorted, took back the USB flash drive, "Going to Hangzhou, who is there?"

"The negotiation team and the legal team are mainly Jieyu Media, and they were the ones who negotiated the advertising business in the past. For Xiaonei, I can go by myself, how about you?"

Zhou Buqi wanted to take Xue Baoshan with him.

Turns out she's busy now too.

Busy with selling women's army and selling drones to Ma Pingshan.

Due to technical problems, unmanned helicopters have not yet been mass-produced. They are all handmade by Ma Pingshan. 10 helicopters can be produced in a month, and some will be eliminated during the testing stage. The ones that can really be pushed to the market every month, that is, 6 frame or 7 frames.

Therefore, the work of selling the Detachment of Women is very difficult. It is to take the prototype to the major research institutes and state-owned enterprises and institutions for pre-sale.

If necessary, a deposit can be paid in advance and a contract can be signed.

Arrives in about two or three months.

The unit price is 300,000!

If you need to get the drone before the Spring Festival, it is best to display it at the annual meeting or at the end of the year, you need to hurry up, and each aircraft is 350,000 yuan.

It is a little expensive, but for many large state-owned enterprises, the annual meeting at the end of the year is often an important event, and officials, banks and many partners will be invited to participate, which is a rare opportunity to show their strength.

The money that should be spent will definitely be spent.

Xue Baoshan is leading the sale of the Detachment of Women, each aircraft can get a commission of 10,000 yuan, and she is doing it happily. In less than a month, an order for 12 drones has been signed.

She naturally doesn't care about the commission, what she cares about is this rare experience of leading a team to run the market.

In the office, Shi Jinglin bit her lip: "On the Xiaonei network, there are a group of college students. How can they know anything about business negotiations? I don't take anyone with me either."

"Well, that's fine."

Zhou Buqi's expression was a little weird.

He doesn't take anyone with him, and she doesn't take anyone with him.

Jieyu Media's negotiation team and legal team are not very familiar...

It was as if they were on a business trip alone.

Shi Jinglin seemed to see what he was thinking, her face turned cold, her eyes were like knives, she gave her a hard look, turned her head, shook her waist and left.

Zhou Buqi was very upset, so he took out his mobile phone and sent her a text message: I sleep at night, and I don't like women. What should I do if I go to Hangcheng?

Soon, Shi Jinglin replied: Stop flirting with your aunt!

Zhou Buqi was a little funny, and continued Huahua: Why don't you go to bed.

Shi Jinglin replied in seconds: Get out! Scumbag!

Zhou Buqi: Are you still angry? I know it's wrong to hit someone, so I'm going to compensate you.

Shi Jinglin: My aunt is not interested in stinky men like you, so don't disturb my work, scumbag!

Zhou Buqi played with his mobile phone, his eyes were like street lights at night, flickering on and off, he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, Guan Ting's face was rosy, and she ran over excitedly, "Zhou Buqi, there is good news!"

"What's up?"

"CCTV sent an invitation."

"What invitation?"

"CCTV 3 is going to make a corporate investment program called "Win in China". It has invited a lot of entrepreneurs, including Mr. Liu from Lenovo, Mr. Ma from Alibaba, Mr. Niu from Mengniu, and Yu Minhong, Shi Yuzhu, Liu Erfei, Guo Guangchang, and the richest man Huang Guangyu. You are also among the invited guests."

Guan Ting was very excited.

This invitation is enough to show Zhou Buqi's status in the domestic business circle.

He is no longer an ordinary businessman, but is qualified to sit on an equal footing with many business leaders.

Zhou Buqi frowned, "Let me go to a TV show? Isn't that nonsense?"

"Ah?" Guan Ting was stunned for a moment, "Aren't you going?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I'm a student, what am I going to do? Let me, a college student, be a mentor to those adult entrepreneurs who are in their decades? This public opinion is too big, I think this producer is just for blogging. Bad idea from the eyeball."

Guan Ting couldn't understand, "This is a very important opportunity. It is a blockbuster program on CCTV, which will greatly enhance the image of Xiaonei and even Ziweixing Group."

"I won't go." Zhou Buqi shook his head, and suddenly thought of someone, "Let Ji Zian go, he is now in harmony with CCTV, he just graduated from university, and he has the two trump cards of Weidian Security Guard and Weidian Antivirus The product is close, enough public opinion, and a lot of hype, the program team will agree."

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