Top of the big era

Chapter 472 Ning Yaxian Tells a Story

The next one has an exaggerated resume.

Her name is Ning Yaxian, she is 31 years old.

In 1994, he was admitted to the Institute of Engineering and Applied Technology of Fudan University, where he studied computer application technology. After graduating from a bachelor's degree in 1998, he joined a famous Japanese company and went to work in Tokyo.

It's so bullshit.

What does it mean to be a college student in the 90s? Another high-achieving student from Fudan University, and went to work in a famous Japanese company... Would such a person apply for a secretary?

Don't be deceitful, right?

The resume is vague, which famous Japanese company is it? Write clearly?

Zhou Buqi's eyes were full of suspicion.

Wang Haiyang felt a little numbed by his look, so he said bravely, "I talked to her for the retest, and she is very good at speaking and knowledge, and she is very fluent in Japanese, so it shouldn't be a fake."

"What about education?"

"it is true!"


"Well, I checked my student status on the school intranet, and there was indeed such a person who graduated from Fudan University back then, and..."

Zhou Buqi frowned, "Tell me? And what?"

Wang Haiyang said in a low voice: "It even has a report card, which is quite scary."

"Scary? What do you mean?"

"National-level scholarship winners, elective courses include Russian and Italian, both with a score of more than 90."

"Huh? Xueba?"

Zhou Buqi didn't believe it even more.

Fudan top students in the 1990s were still scholarship winners. After so many years, if they develop along the technical field, they are at least at the professor level.

Thinking of being the little secretary serving tea and water?

Wang Haiyang said: "She told me that she returned to China in 2002, got married and had children, and has been a housewife all along. She has not worked for many years. She didn't say the specific reason."

"Don't tell me the company you work for, and don't tell me your family details. How do you let such a person go?"

"Boss, you'll know just by looking at it."


Zhou Buqi nodded and recruited the mysterious and mysterious Ms. Ning Yaxian.

Yo ha!

No wonder it made Wang Haiyang bow down.

It is almost like an ivory statue of a goddess, generous, dignified, gentle, and quiet, showing the beautiful charm of a mature woman everywhere. Like flowing water, it is quiet but not arrogant, and there are waves but not impetuous.

"Hello, Mr. Wang, we meet again."

Ning Yaxian's makeup was light, as if she had no makeup, and her calm and elegant demeanor inadvertently exuded the sexiness and fragrance unique to mature women.

Wang Haiyang couldn't look directly at her, and said with a smile, "Hello, Ms. Ning, this is our big boss, the founder, chairman, and CEO of Ziwei Star, Mr. Zhou Buqi."

Ning Yaxian nodded and said with a light smile, "Mr. Zhou is very young."

Zhou Buqi said: "Miss Ning looks younger."

Ning Yaxian pursed her lips and shook her head.

She is not young anymore.

Wang Haiyang has rich experience, and immediately smoothed things over, saying: "Ms. Ning Yaxian, let's not waste any time. This is the final test, and it will decide whether you will get this offer. I hope we can have an open and honest talk. "

"I try my best."

"You started working in Tokyo after graduating from undergraduate?"


"Which company is it?"

Ning Yaxian shook her head, "Can I not say it? This is related to my professional ethics."

Wang Haiyang was a little puzzled, "I only asked about the name of the company, what does it have to do with professional ethics?"

Ning Yaxian said: "Because I am willing to share my work experience in Japanese companies after joining the company. Many of them are insider stories and not so good memories."

Wang Haiyang coughed lightly, frowned and said, "Miss Ning, you maintain the image of your old club, and I appreciate your professionalism. But, are you not worried that your resistance will affect your interview results?"

Ning Yaxian glanced at Zhou Buqi, "Mr. Zhou, what do you think?"

Zhou Buqi looked at her intently for a while, then smiled and said, "Then don't worry about it, I'm curious, why did you go to work in Tokyo after graduating from a bachelor's degree? Have you ever studied Japanese?"

"No, I learned it after I got the offer."

"Can you be more specific?"

"Where do you start?"

"Go to a Japanese company for an interview."

Interviewing executives does not need to read resumes, because resumes completely lower the level of executives. But ordinary positions are different, and resumes are very important.

Ning Yaxian's resume is very simple, as if she is not applying for a secretary position, but a vice president.

Since this is the way, let's talk.

Chat about life, theory, literature, and philosophy, and treat her like an interview with an executive.

"At the beginning, when I was a senior, in about November, the school launched a lot of school recruitment one after another. Basically, the students participated whenever they had the opportunity. I also participated in many written tests and interviews. Then, the written test It was passed, and on the first side, it was represented by a domestic HR agency, and it passed smoothly. On the second side, two Japanese old men came."

"After I introduced myself, they asked me how to understand microelectronics... I can't remember exactly, but it was probably in this direction. I just learned the introduction of this course at that time, so I summarized what I heard in class. After a while, they were very surprised and asked me why I understood it so profoundly and precisely."

"I was only 23 years old at the time. I was a little nervous and embarrassed, so I just replied casually, saying that the teacher taught me well. As a result, an old man asked me in surprise, 'Why are you so good?' They spoke Japanese, I don’t speak Japanese, so I had to have an interpreter present. I could tell that the interpreter was also quite surprised at the time, and this question was a bit inexplicable.”

Zhou Buqi was a little dizzy.

It is also inexplicable.

He also can't understand the world of Xueba.

Ning Yaxian went on to say: "I was still young and inexperienced at the time, so my answer was ambiguous, so I just talked nonsense, and said two random things about my personality and things that are good for my growth."

"Do you still need someone else to translate?"


"Didn't you ask about the language?"

"I asked, they asked me if I knew Japanese, and I said no. Then they asked me if I could learn it, and I said I don't know, I haven't learned it, and I have no idea. They also asked them, is Japanese easy to learn? They speak Japanese very easy to learn , The recruiters in the previous sessions all learned it in a few months. I said that I can learn it too, and my IQ should be higher than ordinary people."

Ning Yaxian spoke very calmly and softly, but listen to her, why is she so bragging?

Zhou Buqi almost laughed.

Ning Yaxian was very calm, with a nonchalant expression: "Then the two old men said for sure, saying that I have a high IQ."


Zhou Buqi couldn't bear it anymore.

Ning Yaxian said: "I was also very strange at the time, I also participated in many interviews, and every time the interviewer deliberately suppressed and belittled me, I have never seen anything like this, the two old men kept praising me from the beginning to the end. I thought they were colluding to tease me and deliberately perfunctory me. Unexpectedly, after two weeks, I got the offer."

Wang Haiyang frowned and asked, "Then you decided to go abroad to work in Tokyo? Isn't it too risky?"

"After getting the offer, they sent someone to find me. He was Japanese and had to bring an interpreter. They arranged for me carefully, including all my basic necessities, food, housing and transportation. They also found a Japanese teacher for me. There is still 800 yuan for living expenses. From December to before I graduated, I have been studying Japanese."

Ning Yaxian's words really shocked the two interviewers a lot.

Such a big deal?

What kind of big company is this?

"It cost a lot of money, didn't it?"

"Well, there are more than 20,000 yuan in my hands. I calculated later that they spent at least 40,000 yuan in training me in China for half a year. I studied well and got n1 in half a year."

Wang Haiyang looked shocked.

In 1998, it cost 40,000 yuan to train an undergraduate who did not graduate to learn Japanese? You know, the offer has no legal effect, so you are not afraid that if someone learns it, they will regret it?

What's more, it's n1...

He leaned over and whispered in Zhou Buqi's ear: "n1 is the highest level in the Japanese language test, which is equivalent to TOEFL IELTS. Many people can't reach n3 in half a year."

Zhou Buqi suppressed the shock in his heart and took a deep breath, "So you are very grateful and decided to go to Tokyo?"

Ning Yaxian nodded, "Yes, it's decided. After I joined the job, I met a lady from HR, and we have a good relationship. She told me that the two old men who interviewed me were the head of the HR department and Mrs. Deputy department head, at that time the company recruited a total of 10 foreigners in the entire Asian region."

"Then why is the interview so easy?"

"The head of the department thinks my report card is amazing, and the written test scores... are the best ever in their company."

"All right."

Zhou Buqi didn't quite believe it.

It can't be a liar, can it?

Wang Haiyang's interest became more and more intense, "You were a girl who just graduated from university. It was very difficult for you to go abroad alone, right?"

"It is very difficult. The n1 exam is passed through skills. Half a year of Japanese learning is useless at all, and it is difficult to buy anything. After entering the job, I can't start working immediately. It is half a year of training. This is the most painful, technology and business. The training made it difficult for many local people, and I couldn’t even understand the language, and I felt uncomfortable with everything. Coupled with culture shock and eating disorders, I had nightmares every day during that time.”

"Then what?"

"Mr. Wang, it's already noon, and there are two ladies waiting outside."

Ning Yaxian pursed her lips, as if she didn't intend to continue.

Seeing Zhou Buqi nod his head, Wang Haiyang took a deep breath and said with a smile, "Okay, Miss Ning, this is the end of your interview. If you pass the interview, we will notify you by phone."

"OK, thanks."

Ning Yaxian got up lightly, without procrastinating at all, got up and left.

Zhou Buqi and Wang Haiyang's big eyes meet small eyes, which is very inexplicable.

Where is this interview?

Feel like being taught a lesson.

Want to keep listening?

Then recruit people to join the job!

Zhou Buqi asked: "Do you think what she said is true?"

Wang Haiyang hesitated for a moment, "It doesn't look like it was made up."

"I am very interested in her story, and went to work for a famous international Japanese company... Hehe, the gender discrimination in the Japanese company's workplace is too serious, and the bitter twists and turns after joining the company can be imagined."

"Then listen again?"


It was the first time for Zhou Buqi to see such an interviewer, and his interest increased greatly.

Anyway, it's just a secretary post, not too important.

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