Top of the big era

Chapter 514 Choice is more important than ability

The intranet was built by Ning Yaxian, and the specific operation was left to the personnel.

However, as Boss Zhou's secretary, she has the highest management authority.

Every time she is not working, she will pay attention to the information on the intranet, and if she finds important content, she must report it to Zhou Buqi in time.

Recently, on Ziweixing’s intranet, there was a very popular post—“Ability or Choice? "

There are nearly ten thousand posts.

Many executives such as He Yang, Zhang Yiming, Guo Pengfei, Pei Yao, and Wang Haiyang participated in it.

Some people think that ability is more important.

It is gold that will always shine, it is a matter of time. Ability is not bought with money, not rewarded by others, nor innate, it depends on the unremitting efforts of the day after tomorrow.

Everyone's IQ is similar, only the level of ability. As long as you are willing to work hard, you will acquire corresponding abilities, which is an intuitive manifestation of the equal relationship between everyone.

At work, a person with strong ability is often easy to gain the trust of colleagues, and at the same time, leaders will appreciate it more and are more willing to promote people with strong ability. In the work sector, people with stronger abilities tend to be more likely to be reused, and they are generally promoted faster. In interpersonal communication, people generally tend to seek experience from those with stronger abilities.

To put it simply, a person with very strong ability, as long as he doesn't have any serious mental illness or major personality flaws or completely unacceptable eccentricities, such a person is very popular no matter what aspects...

However, Ning Yaxian soon discovered the problem.

Those who think ability is more important are relatively low-level employees, and the highest one is the small-level leader of M2.

All middle and high-level managers involved believe that choice is more important.

He Yang: "Development depends on trends, but keeping the honor and wealth brought about by trends depends on real materials. Choice is more important. If you feel that you are underappreciated, reflect on it and summarize. What are your strengths and weaknesses? What resources do you have? What do you like? Judging what you are suitable for? Know what you can do, and then look at what is the market trend? What is the industry trend? Can you use your expertise and ability in a fast-growing industry? What to do? What kind of reliable company to choose? What kind of boss to follow and so on.”

He Yang: "Choice is a process from scratch. Ability is a gradual process. One is creation and the other is development."

Guo Pengfei: "Abilities can be obtained as long as you study hard. For most people, the choice of success is something that can be met but not sought."

Wang Haiyang: "This can be regarded as a shortcoming of domestic education. Schools only pay attention to the cultivation of abilities, while ignoring individualization. Our colleges and universities are like assembly line factories, producing batches of high-quality products. However, assembly line production No matter how good the product comes out, it is just a handicraft. A work of art is often independent, individual, and has a strong personal touch.”

Luo Ji: "Success depends on 99% sweat and 1% inspiration, and that 1% inspiration is far more important than 99% sweat."

Wang Haoyang: "There is a saying in the capital circle that when the wind blows, pigs can fly. What do you mean? As long as you choose the right one, even if you are a pig, you may fly into the sky."


Ning Yaxian read this post all morning and felt quite touched.

She has always paid special attention to her abilities.

Although I have been a housewife for several years, half of my professional knowledge back then is outdated and half forgotten. So she couldn't apply for a technical post, but chose a relatively easy secretary.

However, this does not mean that she has given up on cultivating her own abilities. She follows her boss, observes his words and deeds and the way he judges things, and learns his understanding of this era and corporate policies.

Now it seems that the general direction is wrong.

It seems that the top priority is not trying to improve one's ability, but... choosing a way to break the situation, a correct and meaningful life choice.

Ning Yaxian was almost driven crazy by this thought these days.

Such a young, handsome, wealthy and talented boss seems to have a magical power that deeply affects everyone around him.

She knew some private affairs of Zhou Buqi. For example, when I met Deng Jiajia for the first time, within an hour of knowing each other, I went to her apartment and fooled around for a few hours.

They are all adults, so one can imagine what happened.

However, Ning Yaxian did not have any contempt or contempt for Deng Jiajia.

She is a woman and understands women.

Such a man doesn't even need any words, as long as he appears there, it is enough to break down all the psychological defenses.

Especially a few days ago, the big leaders of the central government came to Ziweixing for investigation.

Focusing on the inspection of, he highly affirmed the purpose of, and was even more moved by the good intentions of He publicly praised: "Ziweixing has all the elements of a modern national enterprise!"

This scene appeared intact on the news broadcast that night.

The big leader also said earnestly: "Recently, some public opinion is not right, and there is too much hostility towards private entrepreneurs. This is wrong. The central government's policy of developing the non-public economy will never change. This determination is firm. The state must take good care of excellent private enterprises like Ziweixing."

However, the passage was snuffed out in the news.

Just in case, the big leader also specially gave Zhou Buqi his own contact information, saying that if he encountered any unpredictable situation, he could contact him directly.

Functionality is the most intuitive.

The business circle centered on Zhou Buqi will soon get similar news, which can be regarded as a reassurance for everyone.

That scene deeply touched everyone present.

Boss Zhou has established the most direct contact with the big leaders.

Looking at the big businessmen in China, there are really few people who can do it, the richest man in Gome can't do it, and people in the technology circles like Zhang Chaoyang, Li Guoqing, Zhou Hongyi, and Lei Jun can't do it either.

This is simply rising to the same level as Boss Liu and Boss Ren.

Ning Yaxian followed her from a distance, she felt as if she was ten years younger and returned to her girlhood, and she had the urge to commit a nympho.

This taste of power and wealth is so intoxicating.

However, she was not too reconciled.

She firmly believed that her confusion was caused by going to Yan Guangming's house twice and being stimulated by his little wife. The 99 stories that the big boss and the little secretary have to tell... It's just inexplicable.

Ning Yaxian thought that Boss Yan's concubine was not well educated, so she had to find a more reliable person and consult her on the sidelines.

After much deliberation, she found Chen Dong.

This is the veteran of the Ten Schools Alliance and one of Boss Zhou's closest partners.

"Abilities and options? Oh, I followed that post."

"What do you think?"

Chen Dong said with a smile: "Everyone's conclusions are very consistent, the choice is more important! I am stupid and always make mistakes. If I were replaced by someone, I might just be the lowest-level employee, but I can do this The high position is because of the original choice."

Ning Yaxian felt that she had become an investigative reporter, and asked, "How did you make your choices back then?"

"You mean Zhou Buqi?"




Ning Yaxian froze for a moment.

Chen Dong smiled and said: "It's luck. Boss Zhou always said that everyone's success is inseparable from luck. The higher the official, the richer he is, the more superstitious things like feng shui and metaphysics are for reasons. of."

Ning Yaxian frowned slightly, "Can you tell me more about it?"

Chen Dong sighed softly and said: "There's nothing I can't say. It was a passive choice to do it with Boss Zhou. My daughter is going to kindergarten, and my girlfriend has to take care of the child and pay attention to her studies, but I am poor. I couldn’t even get a penny. During that time, I was devastated, and if there was a chance to make money, I would do it no matter what.”

Then, he smiled, with a grateful expression on his face, "Probably fate favored me. This is the luckiest time in my life. I met Boss Zhou, and you saw it in the end."

Ning Yaxian nodded slightly, thoughtfully.

Chen Dong said with a smile: "Actually, it's not just me. The people who started the business together basically made passive choices under the influence of luck. For example, Ji Zi'an, his girlfriend at the time fell in love with his best friend, He was depressed and wanted to do something outside the school to relax; for example, Ma Pingshan, who resigned from a state-owned enterprise and went back to school for graduate school under great pressure; for example, Xu Baihui, an ordinary art school student, followed a normal career path, Don't even think about making a name for yourself in the entertainment circle for the rest of your life. After following Boss Zhou, you'll become the queen of entertainment; At that time, he was an influential figure in Beike, but he was actually stubborn and wanted to compete with Boss Zhou. We are basically the same."

Ning Yaxian asked lightly: "Is it just luck? Passive choice?"

"Of course you can choose actively. In my opinion, choice is more important than ability. First, it is because luck is the most important thing, and luck determines not ability, but choice. The second is to actively choose, which requires extremely strong Think deeply when you are capable, and make a final decision based on comprehensive consideration of various reasons. For example, He Yang, he took the initiative to choose. He also succeeded."

"Do you think I'm capable enough?"


Chen Dong was stopped by the question, and looked at her cautiously, "Secretary Ning, we don't have much contact with you, and I don't know you very well. But it must be right for Boss Zhou to choose you as his secretary and take you around. Your abilities are highly recognized."


Ning Yaxian's thoughts became even more chaotic.

Chen Dong got up and said sincerely: "Secretary Ning, I still have a job, so I won't tell you more. However, I don't think you need to think so much. As I said, luck is the most important thing. You To be by Boss Zhou's side means that your life has opened a new chapter, and the God of Destiny will take care of you. As long as you follow this path, you will definitely be right."

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