Top of the big era

Chapter 533 The direction is the flow of information

It's very simple to make a website like this.

The architectural design is very low and low-end, basically a few college students can make it.

It is too easy to imitate.

Many Internet start-up companies are like this. They came up with a good idea, then attracted the attention of users, and achieved certain success.

However, the cruelest things often happen after success.

Success means that this path can be followed.

The giants will make a move, and those with business ethics may make an offer for acquisition. Some unscrupulous ones may just copy directly and make an identical product.

This can be regarded as a major feature of my country's Internet field.

Innovation comes with huge risks.

For big companies, if you don't innovate, you will die. But if you innovate, you will spend a lot of money, and the probability of failure is as high as 90%. This is like engaging in research and development. It belongs to the kind of thing where money is spent, and no one can tell whether it can be spent in vain.

So this creates a phenomenon that often only startups that don't have any resources will innovate. Because without innovation, there is no way to get ahead.

In this case, 99% of startups will die.

It's like walking through a minefield with your eyes closed.

Only a very few broke through the minefield and survived.

And for these few survivors, all the Internet giants are staring at them. Either directly draw them into their own camp, or retrace the path they have traveled.

As the saying goes: go the way of others, let others have no way to go.

From this point of view, in the short term, Mobai will not encounter any imitators, at least the giants in the industry will not pay too much attention. Because Embarrassment has not succeeded yet, who knows how many landmines are buried in this area?

Wait for Embarrassment to go on the road first, walk out of a successful pattern, and then trot all the way to catch up.

Embarrassed is a land mine ahead, you have to be careful with every step you take, if you take a wrong step, you will step on the mine and die. But the followers behind are different. They have a definite safe route, and it doesn't take too long to catch up with the embarrassing pace, and finally complete the surpass.

This is determined by the environment.

Domestic protection of intellectual property rights is not strong enough, and the Internet is the biggest beneficiary, so it will naturally suffer backlash.

Zhou Buqi couldn't change the general environment, so he had to come forward in person and give advice to Wang Jian.

In the early days of starting a business, aim high.

Don't think about how to survive.

With Ziweixing on his back, he can't die from embarrassment!

On the first day, think about how to build your own moat, so that those who follow the trend will not be able to learn.

The best example is Xiaonei. also has some competitors, and Weidian Security Guard also has rivals such as Kingsoft, 360, and Jiangmin. Only Xiaonei, in this field, is almost an existence of solitary seeking defeat, and its roots are particularly solid.

Wang Jian was dizzy.

I think the big boss's quiz is quite difficult.

Also a little flustered.

Because he has never thought about such a distant thing, his mind is full of how to attract users and how to promote users to post more posts.

Zhou Buqi reminded: "The design of the current embarrassment is too bad. It's like a forum. The posts are arranged in chronological order, which is too rigid."

"Then how?"

"Information Flow."


"You log in to and see that the information flow on the homepage is fluid, which allows different users to see different pages. This is personalization. Even if the same user opens the page at different times, it will There’s something different, that’s the novelty.”


Wang Jian took a deep breath.

Information flow is currently the most fashionable information recommendation method in the world. Once it is launched, it will have a far-reaching impact, and this model originated from

It's just that's international influence is limited. This summer, Facebook also launched an information flow service, which is world-renowned.

Zhou Buqi said: "The information flow of also has limitations. Because what is pushed is the news of friends, it cannot be selected according to the wishes of the website, and all the news must be pushed in chronological order. Embarrassing is different. What users pay attention to is The content is good or bad, not recent news. Therefore, Mobai must have its own information flow recommendation algorithm.”

Wang Jian didn't know what to say.

A small joke website actually involves such a complicated technical algorithm, and it has to be developed by itself. This level of algorithm, according to Ziwei Star's technical rating standards, is at least A-level.

How can it be so easy to make?

If it is to operate a website, a few senior programmers of T3 and a few T2 can get it done. But if you want to do algorithms, at least you have to recruit a senior expert of T5, and bring a few experts of T4 to do it.

This is a huge investment!

In a short period of time, don't try to be responsible for your own profits and losses. The scale of burning money may be larger than that of the job search website for fresh graduates.

This involves competition.

Everyone knows that Pei Yao, the president of the branch company, is not from a technical background. His main task is to come to the south to establish a good relationship with his peers and develop the southern market.

When the market is successfully developed and the business is stable, it will definitely be transferred back to the headquarters.

When the time comes, who will own the vacant general manager position?

Either Cao Hongtao from the job search website, or Wang Jian from the embarrassing Baibai, or Zhao Ying from the operation department.

Zhao Ying is a woman who works in the market and does not understand technology.

In the end, it is likely to be the competition between Cao Hongtao and Wang Jian.

How can I be promoted if I lose money for hundreds of years and see no profit?

Wang Jian has a headache.

It feels like the boss has given me a big problem.

However, the big bosses have flown over in person, and this matter must be dealt with properly.

Zhou Buqi knows that this is a common problem in large companies. With a higher position and a greater stage temptation, it is difficult to concentrate on starting a business.

This is a test.

If he can handle it, it means that Wang Jian is worth cultivating. If it doesn't work... don't talk about being promoted, maybe the position of president of Embarrassing Encyclopedia will be gone.

At least Cao Hongtao from the job search site next door is doing a good job. He is so devoted to the job search site that he doesn't even want to go to the capital. Going to the capital, that is the headquarters, can be with the big leaders of the group every day, get to know each other well, it will be of great benefit to promotion, but he refused...

When Zhou Buqi heard about this, he was really pleasantly surprised.

"In a short period of time, Embarrassed will not be connected to Moments. That is to say, you still have a certain amount of time for self-development. Enrich the content, and users post less, so you can post it yourself, find joke collections, and excerpt and rewrite .When the content is full enough, it will connect with and, and you understand what this means.”

"Well, with the traffic from and, Mobai may become popular overnight."

"However, before that, you have to customize the development strategy of Baibai. What kind of model do you want to create? I have already reminded you that the direction of information flow should be lively and not serious. Think about it later , During the National Day, you go to the capital to report this matter at the decision-making committee."

Zhou Buqi spoke calmly.

Wang Jiandu was almost stupid.

He just came out of Penguin, and he was just a product manager of QQ mailbox at the beginning, and he was only the middle and low-level management of M4. I usually don't even see the vice president of the company.

This is great, I am going to the decision-making committee, which is equivalent to the board of directors.

This is the highest authority of Ziwei Star.

Screw it up and it's over.

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