Top of the big era

Chapter 553 Uncertainty is the truth

Guan Ting secretly called Zhou Buqi and complained a lot.

It is said that Guo Pengfei's mental state has not been very good in the past few days, he suffers from insomnia all the time, and sometimes his eyes are still red, as if he has cried. Shi Jinglin was promoted but he was not promoted. Even though he acted calmly, the blow in his heart was not small.

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Guan Ting, you've learned a lot!"

"What's wrong?"

"How do you know he suffers from insomnia all the time? Are you two living together?"

"What are you talking about? Nope."

"Why are you nervous? How long have you two been together? It's normal to live together. What age are you?"

Guan Ting said dissatisfied: "Okay, don't talk nonsense, it's nothing. I just think that although you are the boss, you can't bully people too much."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Just pretend you don't know about it, just watch it. Men, who doesn't have pressure? Only when they are under pressure can they be motivated. If you don't force him, who knows how much potential he can burst out?"

"That can't be..."

"You secretly called me, Guo Pengfei knew?"

"Of course I don't know."


Guan Ting said angrily, "You're making a weird tone again, so I'm ignoring you."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Okay, I know about this, don't worry. Just do the logistics work well. There is no problem with the work, and it won't overwhelm him."

"That...uh..." Guan Ting squeaked, "One more thing, Zhou Buqi... Is the clause prohibiting dating in the office true?"

"of course it's true."

"then what do I do?"

"The nature of both of your current jobs is part-time, so let's put it on hold for now. After graduation, I will help you transfer jobs. Don't worry."

"OK, thanks."

"Old classmate, why are you being polite?"

Hanging up the phone, Zhou Buqi thought for a long time.

I feel that it is not fair to Guo Pengfei recently. It stands to reason that he should be Ziwei Star's No. 2 person, the second largest individual shareholder, and a member of the decision-making committee. As a result, everyone else was promoted, and he was the only one who stayed in place.

We should pay more attention and mention him more.

"Ya Xian, let Guo Pengfei come over!"


"Huh? What are you doing here? Is there something wrong?"

"Boss, are you going on a business trip to the United States?"


"Can I go?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Don't go, the child is so young, you don't need to accompany him on business trips."

Ning Yaxian said: "I have experience in dealing with foreigners. My English is good. Let me help you."

"What about the child?"

"Now I'm used to letting my sister take it. Isn't it the end of the month? It's National Day, so I asked my mother to come over to help. It should be fine."

"You can figure it out for yourself."


Ning Yaxian smiled, very happy.

Zhou Buqi couldn't help asking, "Did you pee your pants yesterday?"

Ning Yaxian glared at him, gritted her teeth, and lowered her voice, "I'm soaked, are you satisfied now? Hmph, scoundrel!"

Zhou Buqi coughed lightly, and said with a serious face: "Secretary Ning, this is an office, please be more solemn."

Ning Yaxian almost died of anger, she swallowed her anger and said: "Mmm, boss, I was wrong, I won't do it next time."

Guo Pengfei rushed over from the school, and he was in a good mood, "Old Zhou, the interactive wiki is almost the same, and we can basically win it."

"So smooth?"

"It's okay. Senior Pan's strategy is also to start from colleges and universities. I heard that is going to enter the game, so I don't have much fighting spirit. But he said that he doesn't need cash to buy, he wants to take the shares of Ziwei Star."

"It's quite discerning." Zhou Buqi smiled, "Okay, then give him the stock, discounted at $1 per share, and don't bully him."

Guo Pengfei said: "Also, I have communicated with Mobai, and they said what do you think about this business?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I came here to talk to you about this matter. The current model of Embarrassment is definitely not good. It needs to be revised and use technical means to make some exclusive features."

"A revision? Now, there are more than 500,000 daily active users, and college students like it very much, and they are actively posting. The revision will cause some people a bad experience, right?"

"Don't look at the short-term. We are doing big business. We must take a long-term view. The embarrassment is just a small project. If the revision fails... then it will fail, and the loss will not be too great. The important thing is that we must pass this website, Do some experimental explorations to lay the foundation for broader and deeper content products in the future.”

Guo Pengfei was a little confused, "How to say?"

Zhou Buqi said: "The current embarrassment, the recommendation method is very traditional, based on release time and hot spots. This is too rigid, so it needs to be lively."

Guo Pengfei frowned, "Wang Jian also told me that you asked him to make the embarrassing pattern more lively, but he couldn't understand it. What do you mean?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Do a recommendation algorithm with uncertainty."


"It's actually gambling."

"How to say?"

Zhou Buqi said: "The most important thing about being a content platform is to encourage creators to actively create. But what is a good incentive mechanism, do you give money? No, the best mechanism is not to spend a penny, just It makes people willing to give.”

Guo Pengfei frowned, "Weizhiwang's incentive method is wrong?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said: "Weizhiwang is a welfare for college students across the country. If it is an incentive mechanism, it would be too simple and rude. Or the same sentence, you can do experiments on the embarrassment first. Promote this algorithm mechanism on more platforms.”

Guo Pengfei was very interested, "Okay, tell me in detail!"

Then, Zhou Buqi gave an example.

It is said that in the activity room for the elderly, a group of old men play cards from morning to night. Because the base is small, they can win a few dollars a day. It's nothing more than hand in hand, hand in hand non-stop.

But, we can play happily however.

This is the best incentive mechanism - uncertainty.

Uncertainty can stimulate a person's enthusiasm, arouse a person's desire to gamble, and stimulate him to continue to do it. If the uncertain mechanism of "gambling" on the poker table is cancelled, but the mechanism is re-defined, each old hair is given 100 yuan a month, and they are required to play from morning to night. It does not matter if they win or lose, but they must play, then there is no problem. People can persevere.

Although giving 100 yuan a month is more than the money they won every month before, but the mechanism is established, the greed for gambling will disappear, the nature will change, and it will become a salary. No matter how much you give, it will be numb.

Zhou Buqi said: "So we can make a bold judgment. If we want to stimulate a person and activate greed, we must rely on uncertainty. I don't know whether to win or lose, and I don't know how much to win. How exciting is this?"

Guo Pengfei immediately realized, "So if the platform wants to have a better incentive mechanism, it must have uncertainty, and it must... give irregular rewards."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "That's right, that's the truth. For example, the jokes, everyone's posts, the website will be sorted according to time, and the same traffic will be given to the same traffic. After a long time, it will become numb. Which day will the traffic be less? Yes, maybe it will cause complaints from the creators. But what if you are not sure? I don’t know if this thing will be popular? I don’t know if the next one will be popular? When you are about to give up, suddenly give you a Great gift, let you be resurrected with full blood, I am looking forward to it."

"If you just rely on the number of likes, it's not a big gift."

"Well, isn't embarrassing adverts? The advertising costs generated by each post can be distributed to creators at 30%. This will produce another result. The traffic of the website is crucial to the creator's income. Influence. The website can take advantage of the uncertainty, grasp the good intentions, and better control the creators.”

Guo Pengfei narrowed his eyes and nodded, "For content, the best moat is the creators. If we can keep all the high-quality creators in Mobai, even if other companies follow up with similar joke websites, it will be difficult to have them." Competitiveness."

Zhou Buqi said: "To do business, especially point-to-point business that faces consumers, it is very important to understand human nature. Remember when we sold calling cards together? Why can't students sell the same calling cards, but we can kill them?" Quartet? Inspiring the greatest motivation at the smallest cost is the untold secret. Only by understanding human nature can we understand the rules."

"human nature……"

Guo Pengfei was thoughtful.

To control human nature is to control the psychology of consumers and to control their wallets. The essence of marketing is deception, which is to fool the money in consumers' wallets into their own wallets. Doing the Internet is not the same. It is a process in which the sheep pays for the pigs.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "How about it, do you know the direction of the embarrassing hundred now?"

Guo Pengfei was a little dazed, and nodded dully, "Cancel the old rule of sorting by time and number of likes. Make a recommendation algorithm with uncertain rules, and then use the information flow method of to recommend content. It’s a bit complicated, I’ll think about it later.”

"Don't be afraid of failure, try bravely. It doesn't matter if you fail, it's time to accumulate experience. This kind of uncertainty recommendation rule is the first of its kind in the industry. Whether you can make it depends on Guo Pengfei's level."

"There is definitely no problem with technology, it's just a matter of concept."

"Have you collected Xiaodangjia's Water Margin cards? Buying Xiaodangjia and dismantling the cards is uncertainty. However, the main product of Xiaodangjia is crispy noodles. If uncertainty is the main product, Xiaodangjia might have become a big boss. gone."

Guo Pengfei was a little surprised, "Huh? Is this okay? Playing around?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Everyone is joking, saying that it is a way to make a lot of money, and it is written in the criminal law. We are a regular company, and we must not do illegal things. But the best companies in your opinion are not all Is it wandering on the fringes, playing sidelines? Plagiarizing and infringing to play a monopoly, stealing and slandering to play hooligans."

"Isn't it dangerous?"

"So it is necessary to create positive social value."

Guo Pengfei sighed: "After hearing what you said, I realized that uncertainty is the rule of this world. Schrödinger's cat, it turns out that quantum physics is the truth."

"What a mess!" Zhou Buqi was a little amused, "Okay, I just have an idea, how to operate it, you can find someone to discuss it. I will leave it to you, and you can go to Wang Jian's side." Done."

Guo Pengfei knew that Boss Zhou was deliberately reminding himself, so he took a deep breath, "Got it, I'll work hard! I won't let you down."

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