Top of the big era

Chapter 613 Boss Thinking

Noon, meeting.

Several important executives were all present and talked about the brand strategy of Weidian Search in the next few years.

Zhou Buqi completely abandoned the short-term KPI-type plans such as revenue indicators, search volume indicators, and market share indicators that Wang Xiaochuan had previously formulated. Instead, he wanted to focus on the future and plan with a greater strategic vision.

"I repeat, strategy! Strategy! Strategy! Take your long-term perspective and don't be blinded by the gains and losses of a city or a place. Ziwei Star is a planet, but we want to think about the entire universe! Use your imagination Strength, I am not afraid that your ideals are too big, but I am afraid that you have no ideals!"

Zhou Buqi's tone was very serious, and he decided the matter at the beginning.

The formulation of the KPI must have been approved by both He Yang and Xu Liangjie, and it was in line with their ideas.

This is not the pattern that a big entrepreneur should have.

Counting on them is useless, Zhou Buqi is not very satisfied with the plan written by Wang Xing, so he has no choice but to do it by himself.

A meeting lasted for 3 hours, and it was considered to have reached a consensus, and determined the content strategy of Weidian search, a total of six points.

First, pay attention to the value of content, and do not judge success or failure based on market share and revenue.

The essence of search is to search for content, which is a content service. This is the most important thing. It must not be turned into a search full of advertisements, resulting in a very poor user experience.

Second, it is necessary to form differentiated competition and establish a brand through original content.

In addition to basic content such as Weidian Questions and Answers and Weidian Encyclopedia, the most important thing is to supplement the high-end content of Weizhiwang. In addition, in the future, there will be Toutiao, which will feed back its own search business through more, more complex and richer self-media content.

Third, dare to fight high and invest heavily.

Cheap is not good, although it is not completely right, but it is basically correct. It is definitely not enough to only do free content like Baidu. We must dare to spend money on content platforms such as Weizhi, Toutiao, and Encyclopedia of Embarrassments to attract high-quality content creators.

Fourth, focus on new technologies.

Search is a high-end technical activity. In order to bring a better and more comprehensive search experience in the era of information explosion, we must deepen technology research and development. Don't be afraid to spend money, you must do what you need.

Fifth, the commercialization strategy should be from easy to difficult.

Don't be in a hurry to commercialize quickly, but delay gratification. Start with a simple one, find out the business model, and balance the relationship between business and content.

Sixth, continuous and stable management ensures the continuity of brand and content.

The search business is a long-term project, and it is difficult to make a profit within three years. It may not take too long to surpass Google, but it is too difficult to surpass Baidu and requires a longer period of accumulation. There must be a stable management team that can calm down and do things in a low-key manner.

This high-level meeting went very smoothly.

Zhou Buqi could clearly feel the changes in the eyes of the new executives Wang Xing, Wang Xiaochuan, and Chen Tong. Several old employees, including He Yang, Xu Liangjie, Wang Haoyang, Cheng Binghao, etc., all nodded secretly.

Everyone felt the belief and determination of Boss Zhou.

He is not shouting slogans.

He is really practicing the concept of delayed gratification, has a long-term ambitious goal, and strives for it.

Back in the office, Ning Yaxian couldn't help but whispered: "KPI has disadvantages, but it also has advantages. Without KPI assessment, how can we ensure the enthusiasm of Wang Xiaochuan's team? If the KPI reaches the standard, there will be rewards. But there is no KPI now , How to measure their achievements? What is the basis for the issuance of year-end bonuses? Without an incentive mechanism, it is difficult to guarantee work efficiency.”

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Yaxian, you actually told me this? Why, do you feel a sense of crisis?"

These words are not the duty of a secretary.

Ning Yaxian was discouraged: "I thought I could gradually change from secretary to assistant, but someone else took my position."

"Then what do you think of Wang Xing's actions?"

"It's okay."

Ning Yaxian was gloomy and not very happy.

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "He has only been in office for a few days? This is already very good, and it has greatly reduced my work burden."

In the past, when there was no Wang Xing, all the documents were sorted out by the secretariat.

But how can the secretaries have the power to review, approve, and make suggestions?

It can only be to pick out the important documents first and report them to the boss. Unimportant files are pressed down below, and you can read them slowly when the boss has time.

Can only do some sorting work.

Wang Xing is different, he is an assistant.

He's at the vice president level.

He can review all documents in the chairman's office, pre-process back-office work such as finance, personnel, and administration, and then hand them over to the boss.

Zhou Buqi no longer has to read those complicated and long-winded documents, especially the financial statements, which get more and more headaches the more he reads them.

Wang Xing acted as an agent in the process of reading the documents, and then picked out the main content and reported it.

If it is not agreed within a week, the pre-approval will become approval and the document will take effect.

It saves a lot of time.

The same is true for business work, and Wang Xing can also give some suggestions of his own.

In short, with Wang Xing, Zhou Buqi can escape from the sea of ​​documents.

The disadvantage is that Uranus has too much power.

If he has any crooked thoughts, he can use this power to seek improper benefits. Therefore, the positions of assistants are generally set up in government agencies, and the assistants to the bosses in large companies are often in name only, and often only play the role of senior secretaries.

Zhou Buqi's daring to give Wang Xing real power is not only trust in his character, but also trust in his ambition. A person with great ambitions will not ruin a big event just for a small profit in front of him.

"He has started a business, has been a boss, and has boss thinking, which is the most important thing."

"Boss thinking? What do you mean?"

"It's the thinking of the superior, and it's cruel to say it."

"Tell me?"

Zhou Buqi said: "The biggest beneficiaries of interests are often those who do not follow the rules and take advantage of them. After they get their benefits, they start to make rules for everyone to abide by, so as to protect their own interests. Just like this time The search strategy. The leader in the search market is Baidu, and the entire search business model and rules are created by them. If Weidian Search wants to make a breakthrough, it must destroy Baidu’s existing rules and formulate our own rules.”

Ning Yaxian said if she had realized something: "So Wang Xiaozhou's thinking is limited to the rules set by Baidu, so it is difficult to break through the circle. Wang Xing does not follow the rules, but he can easily break through the circle, and has a bigger vision."

"Roughly the same."

"And what about my question?"

"KPI? You can have OKR without KPI. Google is using this set. The research center is also using OKR, which is not a problem. Let He Yang handle the management. He is an expert, and I don't know much about it. .”

Ning Yaxian sighed softly, feeling that she was still a long way from the assistant.

She called the fourth secretary Wang Yaojin and asked her to peel an apple for the boss.

Then I couldn't help asking: "Boss, you said that you can only get out if you don't obey the rules, but what does the 360 ​​guy say? He seems to be the most unruly person."

Zhou Buqi said: "Old Zhou is good at breaking the rules to get to the top of the circle. 3721 was like this back then. But he has always been on the road of breaking the rules. Even if 3721 became the number one in the industry back then, it was difficult to establish My own standard. The main reason is that word of mouth is too bad, no one is willing to follow him, and no one wants to play with him after setting the rules."

Speaking of Zhou Hongyi, he wanted to make a phone call.

On the matter of burning incense with pandas, Lao Zhou's approach was too bastard. Obviously he doesn't have the ability to detect and kill pandas and burn incense, but he insists on declaring that he has this level. Isn't this defrauding users?

This is the practice of drinking poison to quench thirst.


It seemed that he was also very thirsty. The thirsty one knew that it was poisonous wine, so he wanted to drink it with his eyes closed.

This is desperate.

From this point of view, Qihoo 360 has encountered a major crisis in its operation. Either a strategic disagreement, or a financial crisis, or a team discord, or an investor turning their faces.

This is a dying struggle!

Death is definitely dead.

The Internet incident of "Micro-point Antivirus VS Panda Burning Incense" is just an appetizer. When Zhou Hongyi came to touch porcelain, he would rather spread rumors and bring 360 anti-virus to gain a wave of enthusiasm.

However, the main course hasn't come yet!

During the Spring Festival in the next two months, the advertisements of Micropoint Antivirus will land on CCTV 1, 2, 3 and 5.

Zhou Buqi personally participated in the planning of the advertisement case. He called Yang Mi, a female artist from Jieyu Media, and shouted slogans with a loudspeaker: "Micro-point anti-virus! Micro-point anti-virus! Micro-point anti-virus!" The matching screen is a In the computer, the process of erasing the Panda Burning Incense virus is concealed by the micro-point antivirus. The conclusion is: "When you buy a computer, you must install Micropoint Antivirus."

There are both brainwashing effects and behavioral orientation, as well as the popular Panda Burning Incense on the Internet... As long as there are repeated bombardments, it will be difficult for this advertisement to become popular.

The entire advertising package cost 32 million yuan.

360 antivirus can gain popularity on the Internet, how can it gain popularity on TV stations? Can you come up with such a large sum of money for advertising?

So from Zhou Buqi's point of view, Zhou Hongyi must die this time.

I really didn't expect that Zhou Dapao would be the first Internet tycoon to be killed by him in his rebirth.

Zhou Buqi felt a little bit sorry, so he called him, "Old Zhou, I think you are very angry now. Don't make decisions when you are emotional. This will seriously affect your judgment. Make some decisions. Stupid decision."

"What are you talking about?" Zhou Hongyi was still pretending, not wanting to admit it.

Zhou Buqi sighed, "You are a senior in the industry. You have been a successful person many years ago. There is really no need to put your reputation on top."

Zhou Hongyi said: "360 Antivirus has its own strategic plan, it's inconvenient to tell you."

Zhou Buqi almost laughed out loud, thinking that this guy is really a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, so he said earnestly: "That's fine, anyway, if you need help, just tell me."

"Depend on!"

Zhou Hongyi cursed and hung up the phone directly.

I can't wait to slap these two boys.

Also help?

Help me, don't you just think that Qihoo 360 can't continue, so he can take over.

This kid is definitely the number one receiver in the internet circle!

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