Top of the big era

Chapter 66 The Seven Projects of Sideline Business

It's not that Zhou Buqi is bragging.

In his previous life, he struggled in the big social environment, encountered family accidents, started from the bottom of society, and worked hard to create his own career step by step.

In comparison, this matter in the university is really too childish.

Looking around, there are profitable projects everywhere, much better than that college discount card project.

It's a pity that it's only 2004 now. If e-commerce takes off in another four or five years, and online information develops, there will be more ways to make money.

Zhou Buqi had dinner with Wu Yu, during the dinner she blushed and asked carefully: "Where are you going after dinner?"


Zhou Buqi, who was full of entrepreneurial thinking, was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help laughing at her delicate and charming appearance, "It's different when you open your face, so you are so active?"


Wu Yu was very coquettish, with a pretty face.

Zhou Buqi asked with a smile: "Have you recovered? No more pain?"

Wu Yu lowered her head and said in a voice like a mosquito, "It's almost there."

"Then go out to live at night?"


"What do you mean by whatever?"

"Listen to you."

Zhou Buqi couldn't help laughing, and wanted to tease her again, "For the sake of you being pretty well-behaved, I turned over your brand tonight, this young man must continue to maintain this kind of vigor."

Wu Yu went confused, "What? What brand?"

Zhou Buqi twitched his mouth, "Forget it, let's not talk about it. When I go back to get the computer, let's go to the room."

This time it's not a five-star hotel, it's a Hanting Express Hotel near the school, it's only over 100 per night.

Shower, make out, shower.

With a bath towel wrapped around his waist, Zhou Buqi took out his notebook shirtless and prepared for tomorrow's meeting.

The so-called ten-school alliance means that all ten schools have their own entrepreneurial clubs, with as many as thirty or forty people, and as few as a dozen people. With so many enthusiastic and hard-working college students, it is time to find something for them.

"Husband, what are you writing?"

At this time, Wu Yu had also finished washing, and she was also wrapped in a large bath towel, revealing her icy and snow-skinned shoulders and delicate white legs, fresh and charming, holding a towel to wipe her wet hair.

Zhou Buqi didn't raise his head: "Business plan."

"May I take a look at it?"


Zhou Buqi patted his thigh.

Wu Yu pursed her lips into a smile, sat in his arms prettyly, looked at the computer screen, and murmured, "Notes of the Number One Scholar in the College Entrance Examination, "Public Entrance Examination Materials" project... Husband, are you going to publish a book?"

"It's not me, I'm looking for work for others." Zhou Buqi said casually.

"Can it be done?"

"It's not difficult. As long as you work a little harder, it's easy to make money. It depends on how much you earn."


Wu Yu nodded with a half-understanding, and leaned back lightly, feeling that his embrace was very warm and satisfying, she continued to look down, and said in amazement: "Ah! This project is good, a table advertisement! Husband, you really Smart, how come I never thought about it?"

Zhou Buqi sniffed the fragrance of her hair, and said domineeringly: "You don't need to think so much, I make money, you spend it, it's only right and proper."

A blush appeared on Wu Yu's delicate and pretty face, and there was a strong sense of happiness in the blush.

"Shopping guide project for training institutions..."

"Enterprise Employment Intermediary Project..."

"Fast Food Delivery Project..."

"The canteen in the dormitory building..."

"Training institutions...huh? Wait!"

Wu Yu was a little strange, pointing at the computer screen in amazement, and asked, "Husband, is it repeated here? There are two training institutions."

Zhou Buqi bit her ear pamperingly, and said with a smile: "Of course it's different. The shopping guide of training institutions is to lead training institutions like New Oriental or driving schools, and form a group to bargain at the school to get part of the price difference. .As for the training institutions, they are looking for some part-time college students to be teachers to teach some elementary and middle school students."

Wu Yu was very helpful to his gentleness, her heart was sweet, she leaned her head on his shoulder, and said in a coquettish voice: "Honey, can you always be like this and not kill me?"

周不器一瞪眼,冷冷的道:“那怎么行?打是亲骂是爱,不打不骂是祸害!天天宠着你,你不上天了?我看得找机会多揍你几顿, so as not to understand the rules.”

"Honey, you hate it!"

Wu Yu was ashamed and angry at the same time, coquettish and angry.


The plenary meeting of the Ten Schools Entrepreneurship Alliance was held again.

Zhou Buqi made his final appearance and handed the printed document to Xue Baoshan, asking her to distribute it.

"Let me just say briefly that chain milk tea shops are our main business and should be treated as a business. However, as the weather turns cooler, the milk tea industry has entered an off-season. It can be said that in the next six months, the performance of milk tea shops will It won’t be very good. So, I found these seven relatively easy part-time jobs and distributed them to everyone to earn some pocket money.”

As soon as the words were finished, Xu Baihui raised her hand and said, "Boss Zhou, we are an alliance of ten schools. There are only seven projects. How do we divide them?"

Zhou Buqi said: "As I said, the milk tea shop is the main business. Liu Wenbo and Xue Baoshan are responsible for the overall business of the milk tea shop, so they don't need to participate in the part-time project for the time being. Guo Pengfei has other arrangements, so there is no need to participate."

Others are easy to say, mainly because they are worried that Liu Wenbo will have opinions. In order to appease him, Zhou Buqi added: "The pace of expansion of milk tea shops cannot be stopped. Next, there are three stores in Tsinghua University, Peking University, and Renmin University. They will open before November. Before December, there must be a milk tea shop in our ten-school alliance. Wenbo, you are in charge of this matter. The preparation budget for each new store is 20,000 yuan. In addition, for every new store successfully opened, you can get 2,000 yuan Yuan's commission."

As soon as these words came out, Liu Wenbo was really excited.

There are hundreds of colleges and universities in the capital.

If every school opened a milk tea shop, wouldn't it be 200,000 in commission alone?

Liu Wenbo is not Zhou Buqi's confidant, so he doesn't know many things.

Not to mention other things, just these part-time jobs that Zhou Buqi arranged for everyone, once they are done, how can 200,000 be able to stop them?

After Liu Wenbo was settled, Zhou Buqi began to arrange tasks.

The first item is the publishing project, which is the "Notes of the Number One Scholar in the College Entrance Examination" for high school students, and the "Summary of Postgraduate Entrance Examination Materials" for college students. Booklets such as 38 Styles of Beauty and Makeup. It is illegal to publish books, but it is legal to print some learning materials for retail sale.

The person in charge of this project must come from a top university, and Chen Dong from Peking University is the most suitable. Moreover, he had to secretly contact the pirates to earn some quick money to improve his life, which just happened to match.

The second item is the local push advertising project. The group of college students is quite special and is favored by merchants. However, the protectionism of universities is very strong. Without student channels, it is difficult for even the top 500 companies in the world to enter the school to advertise.

The scope of this project is very large, and Zhou Buqi only singled out one point, which is the table advertisement in the cafeteria.

School canteens are all contracted out, and the contractors lack systematic business thinking, which provides opportunities for college students to start their own businesses. College students can contract the exclusive advertising OEM for all tables from the canteen, and then contact off-campus merchants to help them paste advertisements on the tables and earn the difference.

This project is relatively simple, with less investment, quick results, and high income. Zhou Buqi handed it over to Senior Sister Zhenyu. She has been emotionally unstable, and may not be able to withstand greater entrepreneurial pressure.

The third item is the shopping guide project for training institutions, which is a core project.

In short, group buying!

Organize enough students in the school, and then negotiate and bargain with merchants in the name of a large group of consumers, so as to earn the price difference. Once done, you can directly create a group buying website, and you can challenge Taobao. It’s only 2004 now, if the group buying website appears, it will be a blow to Taobao’s dimensionality reduction.

The coverage of group buying is too wide, and Zhou Buqi chose the relatively simple no-cost business, which is to contact training institutions such as New Oriental, driving schools or postgraduate courses, and place orders in the name of group buying.

If it is done, you can use the training shopping guide as the entry point to open up the group buying market.

Right now this is a sideline job, but in the future it is likely to become the main job, so Zhou Buqi attaches great importance to this project and entrusts him to Ji Zi'an, a talented student from the National People's Congress, to be in charge.

The fourth item is the intermediary project of enterprise employment.

In the peak season of the hotel, some part-time waiters will be temporarily recruited, or the etiquette models in the exhibition center, the real estate company will distribute leaflets, and a certain factory will make urgent shipments, etc., all of which require a large number of temporary workers.

It's just that they don't have access to the school, and students don't have access to the information. This project is to develop trust, connecting college students and off-campus businesses. Even at the high end, many art troupes need an "audience" for performances, and high-quality college students can undoubtedly cooperate better.

The person in charge of this project is Xu Baihui, who has excellent communication skills. Moreover, she is a girl, beautiful as a flower, and can gain the double trust of students and businessmen.

The fifth item is the fast food delivery project.

This is easy to understand, college students are lazy and don't want to go out to eat. At this time, as long as there is a team to contact the small restaurants outside the campus, the telephone ordering service can be provided. The entrepreneurial team draws commissions from merchants, even if the commission is as high as 30%, merchants will rush to join.

This task requires individual effort and requires a strong executive team. Zhou Buqi handed it over to Zhang Yinlei, who is hard-working and hard-working.

The sixth item is the canteen project in the dormitory building.

Again, college students are very lazy, too lazy to go to the supermarket to buy things. In this way, you can cooperate with interested dormitories, the entrepreneurial team provides the source of goods, and they provide a place for sales. The profit is split 50-50, and there are also not small gains.

More importantly, each dormitory building can open such a canteen. A school has as few as seven or eight dormitory buildings, and as many as a dozen. How much market space is this?

The person in charge of this task is Meng Houkun.

Zhou Buqi took him with him for several days, and he had to go to the wholesale market by himself to solve the supply problem.

The seventh item, the training institution project, is in charge of Ma Pingshan.

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