"Doctor, you are right. But there is a prerequisite, you are wrong, this is the most critical issue."


"Ziweixing must engage in cloud computing! If you don't come, I will find someone else! Ali's technology is too poor, they can't do such a big technological project. This difficult task can only be undertaken by Ziweixing!"

Zhou Buqi's words were resounding.

Dr. Wang Jian did not save face.

Wang Jian remained silent.

Zhou Buqi said indifferently: "You said that Ali will break the boat and fight with his back? I don't think so! As long as Ziweixing builds a cloud computing platform, will Ali have a way out? Once Ali's cloud computing project suffers serious losses, it will take a long time. If there is no result, it is very likely that they will take refuge in Ziweixing’s platform.”

"Yes!" Zhang Yiming agreed deeply, "Doctor, it's too risky for you to go to Alibaba to do cloud computing, and Ziwei Star is the best choice. In the past two years, we have had a very pleasant cooperation in data processing. You should be able to feel the corporate atmosphere of Ziweixing. We have pursuits, ideals, feelings and responsibilities, and our pursuit of technology will never stop."

Wang Jian laughed at himself and shook his head, "Resignation is a troublesome matter, and it's hard for Lao Shen to explain it."

Zhou Buqi laughed, "Doctor, don't worry about Dean Shen."


Wang Jian felt that there was something in his words.

Zhou Buqi asked with a smile: "What is the direction of Dean Shen's research?"

Wang Jiandao: "Mainly in computer vision and graphics, in which he is the world's top expert. In addition, in human-computer interaction, statistical learning, pattern recognition, big data analysis, etc. Deep attainments. He is the chief scientist of Microsoft Research, and was awarded the best engineer award of Microsoft last year. The technical level is absolutely world-class.”

Zhang Yiming was a little surprised, "If he is so powerful, Bill Gates will dismiss him?"

Wang Jiandao: "Removal does not mean demotion. It just feels that he has the main leadership responsibility for the brain drain of Microsoft Research. He may be transferred back to Microsoft headquarters to take charge of other important businesses."

"What's the point of going to the United States? Even if you make achievements, what sense of mission and life value will you have?" Zhou Buqi shook his head, not accepting such a choice.

Wang Jian recognized this very much, and sighed, "Yes, after all, it is someone else's country. The more outstanding achievements you make, the greater the competitive pressure on your own country."

Zhou Buqi asked, "What does Dean Shen think?"

Wang Jiandao: "Of course he wants to stay in China. He studied abroad in 1991 and applied to return to China in 1999. He participated in the establishment of Microsoft Research Institute. It's just... the direction he is doing is too high-end and cutting-edge. The domestic There is really no job suitable for him in technology companies."

Computer vision, graphics, human-computer interaction, statistical learning, pattern recognition... To put it bluntly, it is actually the deep learning of computers, which is artificial intelligence.

In this regard, the country has not even started. The voice recognition technology of HKUST iFlytek has been advertised in China as miraculous, but in fact it is the big one among the short ones.

It was as if in a foggy weather, a figure appeared one kilometer away, and the accurate "recognition" arrived. Recognition is just the simplest work, which can be seen directly by human eyes.

What artificial intelligence has to do is to use big data information to help humans "analyze" and do things that humans cannot do in a short period of time.

Who is this guy?

How much does he earn?

What are his hobbies?

What is his purpose for coming here today?

How is his social relationship and family relationship?

Regarding this, Zhang Yiming smiled without saying a word.

Confident and calm, Zhou Buqi lowered his head and took a sip of the cold coffee, and said with a smile: "Doctor, it's a coincidence that you came here, you may not believe it. Ziweixing has always been interested in the world's cutting-edge technologies. For example, artificial Intelligence. We want to set up Ziweixing Research Institute to do some artificial intelligence research.”


"It's true. Ziwei Star has a subsidiary company that will cooperate with Google to make smartphones. I want to try to study fingerprint recognition or iris recognition."

Wang Jian couldn't believe it, "Is it based on mobile phones?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, it is a system built into the mobile phone. Have you seen the iPhone? It has the function of pulling the pop-up frame to unlock. But this function, privacy protection is not enough. According to the user's personal biological information, the computing power system can be used to Intelligently determine the unlocker, thereby protecting the privacy of mobile phones."

Wang Jian was stunned.

Look at him with wide eyes.

Is this kid really a layman who doesn't understand technology?

Well, Jobs was also a technical layman.

You laymen are terrible!


On May 25, Penguin's payment arrived, and 300 million was just right.

Ziweixing's cash flow reached 1.35 billion in one fell swoop!

That's not counting.

The Series A funding round is still ongoing.

After confirming Softbank's US$1 billion lead, Ziweixing gave up the opportunity to follow-up investment to domestic emerging capital institutions. The news was released, detonating the capital circle.

Numerous good names and praises followed.

I think Ziweixing is really loyal!

Then there was a little trouble.

The original investment fund was 500 million U.S. dollars, of which 400 million U.S. dollars was distributed to Ali as a strategic investment to deepen the close cooperation between Ali and Ziweixing and protect Ali's upstream flow from interference.

Having turned against Penguin and Baidu one after another, Ali had no choice but to tie Ziweixing to himself for his own safety.

There is a share of 100 million US dollars... a total of 10 million shares, which is not enough.

Almost all domestic venture capital institutions have emerged.

Sequoia Capital, IDC, Northern Light Venture Partners, Qiming Venture Partners, Huaxing Capital, Hillhouse Capital, Hony Capital, SAIF Capital, Capital Today...

Just like grabbing money, they swarmed.

Ziweixing gave shares to domestic venture capital institutions, not for charity, but hoping to use their network channels to help Ziweixing find talents.

So when choosing, of course, the stronger the strength, the better.

The two organizations reported by Wang Haoyang are Sequoia China and IDG.

Zhou Buqi looked at it and was very dissatisfied!

These two institutions are both branches of Wall Street's capital giants in China.

If this is done, will Ziweixing's reputation still be lost? Isn't it vowed to help domestic venture capital funds?

Wang Haoyang was very helpless, "These two are the most powerful, and also the deepest and most extensive relationship in the industry. Sequoia's Shen Nanpeng once founded Ctrip, IDG is even more powerful, with the growth of the domestic Internet. These two must Yes. But both of them are very strong, and they are not willing to just drink soup."

"How much do they want?"

"At least 5 million shares."

5 million shares, that's $50 million. It is the upper limit of the funds they can come up with.

Zhou Buqi looked at the list, thought for a while, and suddenly asked: "By the way, is this Hony Capital from Lenovo?"

Wang Haoyang said: "Yes, it belongs to Legend Holdings."

"This must be there."

"This is Legend Holdings, not Lenovo Group. Their resources in the Internet are very limited. They didn't invest much in the Internet in the past."

"Don't forget, Liu Qing is our vice president."

"All right."

Wang Haoyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and felt that this reason was really powerful.

Zhou Buqi said: "Don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face, Hony Capital has decided first. Today's capital is also good, and invested in JD.com together with Ziweixing. In addition, Hillhouse and Jinshajiang can also participate."

Wang Haoyang was stunned for a moment, "Where is the share?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Take out a share of 100 million US dollars from Ali and give it to these companies. Well, according to the usual practice, all participating VCs only have equity, and confiscate voting rights and all related rights and interests. Ai Lai Lai , don't come and pull it down!"

"Are you going to communicate with Ali?"


After finalizing the financing allocation plan, Wang Xing walked over with a red face.

Zhou Buqi was a little amused, "Are you going to get married?"

Wang Xing smiled, "It's coming soon, I won't forget you when the time comes. Plan A has the latest progress."


Zhou Buqi was deeply surprised.

Ziweixing has prepared 50 million US dollars for "Plan A", and it will go to Silicon Valley to dig high-level talents to return to China. But now the financing has not yet been in place, and the money has not yet been approved.

As Wang Xing is the main person in charge of "Plan A" and "Plan X", does this have a clue?

That's right, didn't he just poach Jiang Chengan back from Google some time ago?

Wang Xing said: "There may be more people this time, more than 30 people."

"What?" Zhou Buqi thought he heard it wrong, "How much?"

Wang Xing smiled, "There are more than 30 people, but only 17 actually came back from Silicon Valley, and the remaining 16 are to be determined. They are fresh graduates from several famous schools. They all got offers from big companies in Silicon Valley. persuading them to return home."

Zhou Buqi was stunned, "What direction?"

Wang Xingdao: "Aren't we going to establish Ziweixing Research Institute, aiming at artificial intelligence? There are also a series of distributed systems in the Academy of Engineering. The group of people I found are basically in this direction."

Zhou Buqi took a breath of cold air in shock.

It's like sending charcoal in a timely manner!

Research institutes and engineering institutes, to put it nicely, are actually empty shells. The Academy of Engineering needs to recruit core R\u0026D engineers from several major business groups, and deploy more than 20 people from the R\u0026D center to build a R\u0026D team of about 100 people.

But what about the research and development institute?

Now it's all right, with these more than 30 technical experts who have returned from the United States, many problems can be solved. Especially artificial intelligence and distributed technology are the most cutting-edge IT technologies in the world.

After all, the domestic side is a little behind, and can only get some second-hand and third-hand technical materials to learn. But it is different in the United States, where universities and Silicon Valley can get a lot of first-hand materials and internal materials.

They can grasp newer and more timely technical trends.

With this group of people joining, Ziweixing's two institutes can even have basic technical talents.

I have confidence!

It's just very strange, Wang Xingren is in China and has no project funds, how did he do it?

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