Zhou Buqi got off to a big start and was in a good mood!

With a random move, it easily disintegrated the drama of IDG secretly colluding with investors to collectively withdraw their funds to force the palace.

After this wave of operations, collective divestment is impossible.

The ultimate means to threaten Ziweixing is gone.

Next, man is the knife and I am the fish.

Whether it is killing or cutting depends on Boss Zhou's methods.

This is one of them.

The second is that Wang Haoyang is really a good old man. He doesn't make noise after being dismissed, and his mentality is very peaceful. In his own words, he has long felt that such a day will come.

His work style is getting farther and farther away from Ziweixing's philosophy, and he can feel this himself.

However, he still firmly believes that his handling method is correct, he personally bears some grievances, and builds a good relationship with investors in a humble way, so as to benefit the company... It is not an exaggeration to say that he is selfless.

It's just that Zhou Buqi thinks that such a method is too weak.

If it is a time of peace, it is definitely no problem to deal with disputes and differences little by little by means of spring wind and rain.

But now is the time of war!

Ziweixing didn't have so much time to resolve internal conflicts, so he could only cut through the mess quickly. After getting rid of the internal worries, then free up your hands to engage in foreign wars wholeheartedly. That is the competition with Baidu and Penguin, and it is the battlefield in the Red Sea.

Fortunately, Wang Haoyang accepted it humbly, and also actively expressed his hope that he would not leave the company. He could use his influence and control to help Nie Caijun master the financial system faster to avoid management turmoil.

"What a nice guy!"

Zhou Buqi felt somewhat emotional.

Then, it was decided to just dismiss, not fire. Wang Haoyang's real power position in Ziwei Star was removed, and the titles of executive director and member of the decision-making committee were retained.

The annual salary was reduced from 3 million to 300,000.

Options are gone.

In the beginning, Wang Haoyang signed a 4-year contract with a total of 10 million options. Now he has been dismissed, and the option contract has been terminated... So far, he has acquired a total of 3.2 million shares that can be exercised. The remaining 6.8 million shares were reclassified into the company's option pool.

According to the price of the A round, 3.2 million shares is 32 million US dollars.

Wang Haoyang is not a genius. He has participated in Ziweixing's entrepreneurship for more than two years, and he has obtained such an astonishing wealth. After resigning, he can still get an annual salary of 300,000 yuan a year, Ziweixing is worthy of him.

Therefore, in today's general environment, for ordinary people, starting a business or participating in a business is the only way to achieve financial freedom.

Geniuses are different. People like Zhang Yiming, Guo Pengfei, and Xu Baihui can become the best in the industry even if they work part-time without being burdened by money.

Zhou Buqi was deeply touched by this.

After Wang Haoyang left the office, he called his secretary Wang Yaojin and asked her to pick up lychees for him to eat. He was thinking about the enlightenment of the Wang Haoyang incident on corporate management.

Talented employees are not easy to manage, just like Zhang Yiming, Guo Pengfei, Wang Xiaochuan, including Xu Baihui, Ma Pingshan, Zhen Yu and others in the Ten Schools Entrepreneurship Alliance, they need to be taken care of.

Getting a group of talented people to work together is a must for a great company.

In contrast, ordinary people like Wang Haoyang would be easier to manage. And they don't have the pride and conceit of geniuses, and they are more grateful.

The way of thinking of ordinary employees is "everything is given to me by the company", while the way of thinking of a genius is "everything is given to me by the company".

Geniuses bring instability, ordinary employees bring stability.

A great business requires both types of people.

Let talented employees do the 1% vital inspiration, and let ordinary employees do the 99% hard work.

"It seems that the management of employees really can't be treated equally, but should be treated differently. For some special people, there must be special preferential treatment and care, so that unstable geniuses can become stable."

Zhou Buqi opened his mouth and ate another lychee handed over by Wang Yaojin, full of emotion.

Human management is really not fair.

It is idealism to be right about things and wrong about people, and more often it is wrong about things about people.

There is a management theory in the undergraduate textbook of his university, which says that 80% of the energy should be devoted to the management of the 20% of the employees.

When I read the textbook for the exam, I didn't feel much.

Now that you have experienced it, you will understand it, and practice will bring true knowledge!

Wang Yaojin picked up the lychees slowly with her white and tender hands, and said with a smile: "I have seen Jobs' interview. He said that some managers like to work with ordinary employees because they are easy to get along with and easy to manage. But he prefers to work with geniuses. Work, even if you quarrel every day, can also generate sparks of inspiration."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, we can't say who is right and who is wrong. For milk tea companies like Yuanwei Group, the ceiling can be seen and touched, and the main thing is to focus on stability. There is no need to find a bunch of geniuses to increase management A burden. To be an innovative company, such as design, technology, biomedicine, and material engineering, industries that need inspiration and creativity, still need genius as the soul of the company.”

Wang Yaojin said coquettishly, "The boss is the greatest genius."

Zhou Buqi laughed, and put his arms around her waist, "Stop flattering, come! Another one!"

Wang Yaojin handed over another white and tender lychee, full of water, sweet and delicious.

Zhou Buqi glanced at her, and said vaguely: "Well, this lychee is delicious, come... I'll give you half..."

As he spoke, he brought his mouth closer.

Wang Yaojin was annoyed and annoyed, seeing Ning Yaxian buried her head in reading documents at a distant desk, she didn't pay attention to this side, her watery peach eyes just cast him a glance, she opened her mouth lightly, and quickly leaned over, wanting to get the big boss Take the lychee in his mouth.

Be quick, don't be discovered by Ning Yaxian!

That would be embarrassing.

Unexpectedly, Zhou didn't play tricks, and the flesh was eaten up, and only one core was sent over.

Wang Yaojin became coquettish, stomped her feet on the ground a few times, quickly spit out the fruit core, threw it into the trash can, and said with a blushing face, "Boss, you are necrotic!"

Zhou Buqi was having fun, "One more."

Wang Yaojin said coquettishly: "Then you can't play tricks on me."

Zhou Buqi laughed, "Okay."

Wang Yaojin snuggled into his arms with her limp body, and deftly opened a lychee with both hands, and fed it to Boss Zhou. Then, like a chick waiting to be fed, it raised its white jaw and opened its mouth to wait for the big bird to feed.

Zhou Buqi bit the pulp a few times, and then fed the core.

Wang Yaojin's soft body kept twisting and twisting, coquettishly, "Boss, I'm not coming, you're always teasing me...I want to eat meat, but I don't want to eat pits."

"Okay, this time I'll give you the pulp."

"Not lying?"


It came again, Wang Yaojin continued to raise her head, opened her delicate red lips and waited for the feeding, but it turned out to be a fruit pit again.

I'm so pissed off.

Zhou Buqi had a great time playing, "Are you still coming?"

Wang Yaojin puffed her cheeks and turned her head angrily, "No more, the boss always bullies people."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Then take it away, take it back to the office and eat it yourself, if you eat too much of this thing, you will get angry."

Wang Yaojin seemed to be in a good mood again, and said teasingly, "If you're on fire, I'll help you out..."

Zhou Buqi was in high spirits and almost gave in.

Ning Yaxian on the other side couldn't listen anymore, coughed lightly, and said calmly, "Okay, let's go to the fire another day. Yaojin, you can go back to the secretary's office with the lychee, the boss still has work."

Zhou Buqi was about to get angry, even if it's not appropriate to go to war in the office, it's still interesting to play some small games under the table, so he didn't like to ask: "What work?"

Ning Yaxian couldn't laugh or cry: "Douban! You want to talk to Yang Bo!"

"Oh yes!"

Zhou Buqi slapped his forehead.

Recently, I have been busy fighting with investors, and I have neglected the company's practices.

Tang Binchen wanted to be a hobby circle, so he fell in love with the Douban group. I plan to acquire Douban and reorganize the Douban group. Early communication was not smooth. Yang Bo didn't seem to want to sell it.

This requires boss Zhou to come forward in person.

Speaking of which, Ziweixing and Douban also have a lot of connections.

When we first started the Xiaonei website, because Guo Pengfei and the others were all college students, they were recruits, and there was still a knowledge blind spot in terms of website architecture.

It was Yang Bo who came over and helped out for a week.

Later, Zhou Buqi also sent out an invitation, wanting Yang Bo to join Xiaonei and take full charge of the business. It's a pity that Yang Bo was arrogant at the time. He was a high-achieving student returning from the United States. He didn't like this group of college students. He wanted to start his own business, so he refused.

If he had agreed to it at the beginning, now Yang Boshao said that he would still be able to hold more than ten points of shares in Ziwei Star, and he would be the second in charge after Zhou Buqi.

In the end, he didn't agree, and the current Douban is half dead... Tang Binchen's offer is only 5 million yuan.

What is the concept of 5 million?

When Zhou Buqi invested in Douban in the name of Polaris Venture Capital, he invested 1 million yuan, accounting for 25% of the shares, which is equivalent to giving a valuation of 4 million yuan.

Three years later, Ziwei Star has become an Internet giant with a market value of 12.5 billion US dollars.

Douban is an obscure niche website, and its valuation has changed from 4 million to 5 million.

Such a life experience is really embarrassing.

Choice is really more important than ability.

An ordinary person who makes the right choices can achieve more success than a genius who goes the wrong way.

"Where's Yang Bo?"

"I'll be there in 10 minutes. It's downstairs at Tang Binchen's. You have to go there."


Polaris Venture Capital holds a 25% stake in Douban and has a certain degree of decision-making power. As long as the price is right and the attitude is friendly, the case is not difficult to win.

At this time, Zhou Buqi's cell phone rang, and Ning Yaxian brought it over, pouted, "It's Boss Ma."

Zhou Buqi answered with a smile, "President Ma, what instructions do you have?"

"You kid is amazing!"

Boss Ma laughed angrily.

Zhou Buqi pretended not to know, "What do you mean?"

"The project fund of 6 billion, I will give it if I say it... OK! You are amazing! I can tell that no one can beat you. You are too bad!"

"What's this called? Aren't we allies? Haven't you been supporting me? Who's fighting who?"




After all, Boss Ma hung up the phone, not giving him a chance to argue.

Zhou Buqi looked down at the phone, curled his lips, and snorted twice, "I can't stop, I'm confident if it's Lao Zhang upstairs. I'm not sure about your boss Ma, you're not right! "

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