Top of the big era

Chapter 795 The Conspiracy of the United Front

Zhou Buqi said: "The reason why Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft's search can't be done is that they haven't built their own content ecology, and the degree of localization of search results is not enough. These two points are the biggest advantages of Baidu and Micropoint."

"Have courage!"

Li Yanhong sighed, already understood what he meant.

Zhou Buqi said indifferently: "The combined share of Baidu and Micropoint is about 85%. This means that there is still 15% of the share, mainly Google and Yahoo."

"Yahoo has been acquired by Ali."

"Strange, aren't you going to be an e-commerce business, and you want to fight Ali?"


"Isn't that enough? The domestic search market is not big or small. There is no need for so many search engines. In my opinion, the future Internet market must be highly centralized, and the market will be the first to get 70 % of the market share, the second in the market takes 25% of the share. This is almost the same. Small businesses will either die or be eaten.”

Li Yanhong smiled, "This is absolutely true."

Zhou Buqi snorted, "Welch's principle of number one and number two. It's either first or second, and third has no meaning."

Li Yanhong nodded, very moved, "Your methods... are really ruthless. I remember that when Ziweixing didn't do search, it also cooperated with Google and Microsoft to use their search platforms? If you use them, kill them." ?”

"Survival of the fittest is the free choice of the market."


"How? Do you want to do it?"

Li Yanhong laughed and said: "I came out to you today to resolve the conflict between Baidu and Ziweixing. Where do you lead this topic? Do you want to join forces to kill the enemy?"

Zhou Buqi said: "You are right, foreigners should not be allowed to take advantage. After killing foreign search engines such as Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo, Baidu and Weidian will compete again to grab the number one position in the market. "

Li Yanhong drank the juice, pondered for a while, and a bit of cold determination appeared on his face, "It can be done!"

In the past few months, Baidu's market share has been around 50%-52%, which is not far behind the peak period of 65%.

If we can join forces with Weidian to clear out foreign giants and some unnecessary small domestic platforms, and carve up the remaining 15% of the market, then Baidu's market share may return to 60%.

Zhou Buqi clenched his fist, "That's it. In South Korea, Naver's market share is nearly 80%, Daum's market share is over 10%, and Google's share is only 2%. This is much stronger, and has advantages in every aspect. EBay has completely withdrawn from China, and QQ,, and Baidu Tieba have basically monopolized the online social networking market. Only in the search field, foreign giants are still doing well. We are looking forward to increasing investment.”

Li Yanhong said: "With such a large domestic market, naturally we cannot give up easily."

Zhou Buqi said: "Let's talk about the conflict between Baidu and Ziweixing slowly, so that we can negotiate and discuss it, whatever you want. However, in the face of foreign invaders, we still need to unite the front and be consistent with the outside world."


Li Yanhong very much agrees.

This is basically equivalent to a semi-aligned state, united front, strangling Google and Microsoft!

With this relationship, the conflict between Baidu and Ziweixing can be put on hold, and he doesn't have to worry about attacks from the rear, and can devote all his energy to fighting Taobao in the e-commerce field.

Zhou Buqi smiled, "What do you think we should do?"

Li Yanhong said: "Block, Baidu and Weidian's own content ecology, block all foreign crawlers, block all search engines. Of course, Baidu and Weidian can add whitelists to each other, and can crawl each other's content."

Zhou Buqi's expression was relatively flat, "Now we are discussing unanimous external and internal conflicts... We haven't reached a plan yet. Whether to add whitelists to each other, we need to talk slowly."

Li Yanhong smiled, "We can talk about everything."

Zhou Buqi remained calm, "Let's talk about external affairs first."

"Whether it's Google, Microsoft, Youdao, or Aiwen, when presenting search results, there will definitely be ecological content from Baidu and Weidian. Because only our two companies have a relatively complete content ecology. We don't give them crawlers. They won't be able to find a good answer!"


"Google's disadvantage is that the degree of localization is not enough, and some localized content with low weight ratio cannot be searched. Small domestic platforms such as Youdao and Zhongsou have insufficient technology and cannot retrieve too rich content. Solve Both of these issues depend on the content ecology of the search engine itself.”

Baidu has Baidu Encyclopedia, Baidu Tieba, Baidu Knows, Baidu Music, Baidu Maps, Baidu News and other content products. Knowledge and other content resources.

Basically, about 80% of self-sufficiency can be achieved.

The combination of the two can increase the efficiency of a single search to over 90%.

It can be said that the cooperation between Weidian and Baidu is very helpful to both parties.

In the same way, when Google, Yahoo, Youdao, iAsk and other search platforms present search results, in order to improve search efficiency, they must use the ecological content of Baidu and Weidian!

If Baidu and Weidian cooperate in private to block all these search platforms... it will seriously affect their search experience, and it will be difficult to find satisfactory results.

Small domestic platforms such as Youdao, Aiwen, Zhongsou, and Yisou, including Yahoo and Microsoft, basically died on the spot.

That is to say, relying on its strong technical advantages, Google can retrieve more content and maintain its own search accuracy. Can be substantially reduced for sure.

Google's user base is the most loyal.


Because of Google's good technology, it can find a lot of high-quality content that Baidu and Weidian can't find. At the same time, it can also prostitute Baidu and Weidian's own content ecology for free.

It is equivalent to grasping with both left and right hands, and the search accuracy is of course very high.

Once the two join forces to block, Google will lose half of its life.

Logically speaking, the discussion between Zhou Buqi and Li Yanhong is absolutely not allowed in the market economy. It is a conspiracy in the shadows to manipulate the market, which is a typical monopolistic behavior.

For example, the LCD panel case that has shocked the world in recent years has almost rewritten the national destiny.

In the field of display screens, Japan is the undisputed world leader, regardless of technological advancement or production scale, it is the best.

South Korea hates Japan the most. It is different from domestic slogans and false boycotts to vent public anger and divert conflicts. They are real.

Several display manufacturers headed by Samsung and LG have united with several major manufacturers in Taiwan who also hate Japan, and a shocking situation is brewing.

At the time, there were mainly two technical aspects of screens—LCD and plasma.

No one is sure which one represents the future.

More importantly, the plasma technology is too advanced, mainly produced by Japanese manufacturers. South Korea and Taiwan lack the corresponding technology, and the quality of the products produced is not high. LCD screen production technology, but the three parties can do it.

The multi-party conspiracy has begun.

The first step is to drive up prices.

Manufacturers in South Korea and Taiwan have reduced the production of LCD screens and raised prices at the same time. The prices are so high that they cannot be sold. LCD screens are slow to sell. At this time, Japanese manufacturers looked at the situation and thought that there was a problem with the supply environment of LCD screens, so they were secretly happy because they still had plasma technology.

Then, Japanese manufacturers all produced plasma screens one after another, investing tens of billions of dollars to expand the production line of plasma screens, thinking that plasma screens represent the next era.

After the Japanese manufacturers have invested all the money, the money is almost spent...the second step begins.

Suppress prices!

Selling at a loss, the price of LCD screens plummeted!

Affected by this incident, the price of LCD TVs in the market has also plunged, and ordinary people in China have also enjoyed this dividend one after another, and they have all taken a fancy to cheap large LCD TVs.

After the LCD screen dived, downstream manufacturers all purchased LCD screens one after another, and the plasma could not be sold immediately. The Japanese manufacturers just borrowed money to expand their production lines, but all of them stopped production, were unsalable, and were ruined!

Later, after an investigation into this matter, an insider conspiracy was discovered, and the WTO severely punished companies in South Korea and Taiwan. But punishment is useless. The new pattern of the market has been determined.

South Korean giants such as Samsung and LG officially replaced the smashing Japanese electronics giants such as Panasonic and Sony, and stood on top of the world. Baodao also followed suit, and a group of relevant upstream, midstream and downstream electronics giants emerged.

This kind of case of committing crimes against the wind and achieving great success is almost a must for all MBA courses.

Baidu and Ziweixing jointly operate the market...not a big problem!

With the background relationship of these two families, all monsters and monsters can be swept away. WTO's fair competition cannot restrain the domestic market order. If foreign companies have complaints, they can just go to the WTO to report. If there are too many lice, they are not afraid of being bitten. The country can take all these things down and protect the development of national enterprises.

Zhou Buqi and Li Yanhong are not good at making the company so big, so of course we must make the most of this advantage.

Therefore, Zhou Buqi proposed a second plan - choose one of the two!

"Any merchants that join Weidian Promotion and websites of Weidian Advertising Alliance cannot join other platforms. Once discovered, the contract will be terminated immediately, they will be blocked, and merchants will be forced to choose one of the two."

"No, it can be like this. Merchants who have joined Baidu Promotion and Baidu Alliance can only join Weidian Promotion and Weidian Alliance. Other search platforms are not allowed. We still need to unite. Didn't you say that, first Kill all external enemies, and then our two families will fight again."

Seeing that Zhou Buqi's expression was cold, Li Yanhong said angrily: "Okay, don't be stubborn! The idea of ​​united front and unanimity to the outside world is very good. At this stage, we should still be an alliance. As for what you said about poaching your people I will compensate you! Take all your websites, and Baidu will add them to the third level of weight, okay? The alliance between Baidu and Ziweixing is a grand strategy, in line with the consensus of both parties Benefit."

Zhou Buqi is very satisfied.

After a series of exchanges, he felt more and more the importance of the current alliance with Baidu. Blocking and blocking monopolistic behavior, if Ziweixing is allowed to do it by itself, the pressure will be a bit heavy. It will be much easier if Baidu is also brought in to bear the legal pressure together.

Another point is that Li Yanhong promised that he is willing to add all the websites under Ziweixing to the third tier, which is equivalent to giving a small preferential treatment for jumping in the queue.

This allows Ziweixing's website to rank in Baidu, only worse than those paid websites and well-known websites such as Netease and Sohu. Outperforms all other sites that rely on fair weight to compete.

It is a good "reconciliation" condition.

The most important point is to prevent Soso!

Penguin's Soso uses Weidian's technical support. Even if Baidu and Weidian have formed an alliance, Soso is not within the scope of the ban. Because the search results of Soso are all given by Weidian.

As a result, Soso will become the only fish that slipped through the big net of Baidu and Weidian.

This is not allowed!

Soso must die!

You can easily do this by choosing one of the promotion service and the advertising network service.

There are two modes for search engines to make money, one is promotion services and the other is advertising alliance services. There are two different forms of advertising fees.

As long as the "choose one" plan is successful, even if Soso relies on Weidian's technical support to accumulate a certain market share, it will be useless!

Because there are no merchants in Soso, the merchants are all Weidian.

One day in the future, when Soso and Weidian are separated, they will have no market share, but no source of profit, and they will not be able to survive. If you want to live, you can only be Wei Dian's younger brother.

For the cooperation between Ziweixing and Baidu, Li Yanhong was looking at the third floor, while Zhou Buqi was already looking at the tenth floor.

Zhou Buqi remained calm and said with emotion: "Google's search prompts are very unhealthy. For example, if you search for 'daughter-in-law', the ones that pop up are 'daughter-in-law and son', 'daughter-in-law and father-in-law', 'daughter-in-law and brother-in-law'. Such content is too vulgar and will have a very bad influence on minors. Even when searching for mothers, sensational entries such as 'mother and son' will appear."

Li Yanhong twitched the corner of her mouth.

This kind of thing, Baidu and Weidian are the same, even more than Google. The purpose of many netizens nowadays is to watch movies, see beauties and read unhealthy novels. Such search terms are in line with the search habits of the public. This is not artificial, it is automatically ranked by the machine according to the search volume.

Li Yanhong said: "What do you mean?"

Zhou Buqi said coldly: "Of course I reported it. How can we let foreign hostile forces harm our youth?"

Li Yanhong could see it. This kid wanted to take advantage of the background status of the two families to play a trick of "only the state officials are allowed to set fires, and the common people are not allowed to light lamps", "Do you want the referee to sideline the fight?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said: "It is necessary to purify the Internet environment. Similar entries will have to be dealt with sooner or later. The two of us will join forces to report them and ask them to rectify. Instead of letting the relevant departments order rectification to affect the company Image, it is better to be more active."

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