Top of the big era

Chapter 848 Long Yan Joy

Zhou Buqi is going to America soon.

Half work, half honeymoon.

Will be back at the end of the month.

During this period of time, no major projects will be launched in China, and the main focus will be on the gold coin wallet system and Helo.

In contrast, the business volume of cloud computing is much larger than these, but Zhou Buqi is the most confident.

According to Dr. Wang Jian, in order to truly build a cloud computing platform, at least 40-50 project teams must be established, among which there are as many as five or six for the particularly huge projects like the "Feitian" distributed database. .

In the short term, the most difficult thing is the operating system.

For example, the new system vista recently launched by Microsoft has more than a thousand internal versions, and each version has been tested. The total code exceeds 50 million lines, and the revised code is estimated to exceed 100 million lines.

This is just the basic code of the operating system. In addition, there must be supporting software, with a total scale of 100 million lines of code; if a complete software ecosystem is added, the total scale should be no less than one billion lines.

The vista system developed by Microsoft has a research and development expenditure of more than 20 billion US dollars. There are tens of thousands of regular workers, contract workers, and temporary workers who have contributed to it, and the amount of work is comparable to the Pyramid of Khufu.

It can be seen that, as far as the domestic technological environment is concerned, it is impossible to develop a system similar to WindowsXP or WindowsVista.

The first is the lack of a large number of top operating system experts.

Even if there is no shortage of talents and enough technology, there is no money.

The most obvious comparison is that Jinshan's WPS is relatively large software in China, with more than 1.5 million lines of code. It took Jinshan three years to rewrite this level of office software.

Therefore, it is impossible for Ziweixing's cloud computing operating system to start from scratch.

It can only be modified by using several open source systems on the market, and an embedded system that was bought back from the United States some time ago. Half-copy, half-change, half-optimization, to create an operating system "independently developed" in my country.

Zhou Buqi went to the cloud computing business, and then heard a lot of people complaining in private, saying that Dr. Wang Jian is too tempered and always likes to slap the table to get angry.

The main reason is that the workload is too large and the task is too arduous.

For this reason, Zhou Buqi has nothing to do. He has heard that Dr. Wang Jian's management style is a bit rough, his personality is paranoid, and he loves to curse.

This is not surprising. World-class geniuses are often like this. Jobs, Gates, Ellison, Zuckerberg, and Musk are actually similar, and they all have more or less Alzheimer.

Zhou Buqi could only talk to Zhou Feng, understand the reason and promise him righteousness, let him do a good job of lubricant. Cloud computing is a huge project. For the importance of the domestic Internet, it is like building the atomic bomb back then. We can only rely on ourselves, and we must work together to overcome difficulties.


Leaving from the cloud computing business, Zhou Buqi heaved a long sigh of relief. Even if he didn't participate in it himself, he could still feel the tension and seriousness of the working atmosphere here.

Ning Yaxian who was with her said with a smile, "It's a good thing that we have a meeting in the afternoon."


"Cheng Binghao's Special Contribution Award."

"Oh!" Zhou Buqi smiled, feeling much better, "It's a commendation meeting!"

In Ziweixing's option design, there is a special contribution award.

Once this person makes some special contributions to Ziweixing's business, strategy or development, he can get a lot of option rewards.

At present, more than 70 people in the company have won this award, and one of them has won this award twice - Shi Jinglin.

For the first time, she developed a cosmetics business for intramural group buying.

This can make more money than selling electronic products.

The "big devil" became famous in one battle.

The second time was the beginning of school last month. She grandly launched the "91 Shopping Festival". Using this online shopping festival, she created sales of more than 4 billion yuan.

Then won the award for the second time.

Now, another commendation meeting is going to be held to give out awards to employees.

The more rewards you get, the happier you are.

This means that more people will make outstanding contributions to Ziwei Star.

This time, it was the turn of Cheng Binghao, the dean of Ziweixing Engineering Institute.

At the meeting of personnel executives, Wang Haiyang introduced Cheng Binghao's situation in detail: "One of the major functions of Ziweixing Engineering Institute is to provide outsourcing services for high-end projects. The first project is a distributed page loading system. This system It was launched on Ziweixing’s website at the beginning of last month, and it was submitted to the public in the middle of last month, and achieved good application results.”

"The internal research and development cost of the system is 5 million yuan, and the external claim is 30 million yuan. The first phase of 6 orders received a total of 22 million yuan. But with the wide application of this system, colleagues in the industry have seen the page loading The benefits of the upgrade, starting from the 25th of last month, more and more colleagues began to order this system."

"As of now, 63 companies have signed order agreements with us. Among them, 58 are Internet companies and 5 are non-Internet companies. There are 59 domestic companies and 4 foreign companies...the total order value is 210 million yuan!"

These words were enough to lift the spirits of every executive present.

At the beginning of the establishment of Ziweixing Engineering Institute, it was to improve Xu Liangjie's big, medium and Taiwan plans, and to provide some technical support services for Ziweixing.

But while doing it, the direction changed a bit.

Not only can support internally, but also externally!

You can sell the project to more peers!

Then, high-end outsourcing services emerged.

At first, the audience was small, with only six companies signing up for subscriptions. But after this distributed page loading system was launched, the effect was very remarkable!

The page loading speed is visible to the naked eye!

Next, more peers joined in and ordered this system belatedly, with an average price between 3 million and 4 million.

From the perspective of technical level and outsourcing market conditions, this price is relatively low.

Not long after Ziweixing Engineering Institute was established, it couldn’t be rash to charge a frighteningly high price, scaring away all the peers.

However, although the price is low, the audience is huge!

It is so large that almost every website needs to be equipped with such a system. For example, those non-Internet companies that ordered this system are actually the official websites of state departments.

These days, the official websites of many departments and public institutions have been criticized, either for slow response or server crashes. There are many problems.

It involves the face of the country, and the relevant departments really want to solve it, but they can't solve it.

The approved funds were peeled off layer by layer, and in the hands of the development team below, there was not much left. With less money, it is impossible to hire excellent engineers to help develop.

Therefore, in state-owned enterprises, public institutions, state agencies and other departments, outsourcing is the most popular.

Small issues are resolved internally.

For slightly bigger problems, go to an outsourcing company.

The contract signed with the outsourcing company has a clearly marked price, so you can find out where the relevant funds are used, and properly curb layer-by-layer skinning.

This distributed page loading system of Ziweixing Engineering Institute is also an outsourcing project, just right.

The difference is that Ziweixing Engineering Institute operates normally and does not return deductions, so there are relatively few relevant units and departments that come to order services, only 5.

He Yang praised: "The research and development expenditure is 5 million yuan, and the sales... has exceeded 210 million yuan. Lao He, it seems that your engineering institute is on the right track!"

Cheng Binghao seemed to have drunk two taels of good wine, his face was flushed, and he pretended to be modest, "No, this is just the beginning."

Xu Liangjie said impassionedly: "Yes, it is just the beginning. Only more than 60 companies have ordered this system, which is still far away! If it can be sold around the world like Oracle's products, it may be worth 30 billion U.S. dollars a year." profit."

Everyone laughed.

I think this old Xu is too nonsense.

A technology giant like Oracle, with a market value of nearly 200 billion US dollars, can keep pace with Microsoft. This old Xu was so excited that he saw that his "big, medium and small front desk" strategy had taken shape.

He Yangdao: "At present, the market effect has already started. If there is no such page loading system in the market, everyone's web page loading speed is very slow, and they are all on the same level, so there is no problem. But now our page loading system Launching it and selling it externally will make a huge difference in the market.”

Zhou Buqi nodded and agreed, "This is the meaning of high-end outsourcing services. It is necessary to structurally optimize the underlying technology of the domestic Internet. If they can't do it, we will help them do it!"

If everyone doesn't have this system, let's not talk about it.

However, don't worry about scarcity but inequality.

Some websites are used, and the loading speed becomes faster; some websites are not used, and the loading speed is very slow. This will form a very sharp contrast, which will soon be reflected in the user.

For example, Taobao and Paipai compete with each other. If Taobao subscribes to this website, Paipai must order. Otherwise, if the response speed of Paipai is so slow, a large number of users will be lost.

The final market effect catalyzed is that most of the powerful regular websites must apply this system.

In China alone, there are about 220-250 websites with similar needs.

If these websites can all become customers of Ziweixing Engineering Institute, then the sales of this distributed page loading system will exceed 1 billion yuan!

R \u0026 D funding of 5 million, sales of 1 billion.

The rate of return is 200 times!

If the markets of South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan are is unimaginable, and the future will be very bright.

Xu Liangjie said confidently: "Ziweixing Engineering Institute will have a huge market and economic prospects if it is done well. Even if it doesn't reach the level of Oracle, it is enough to lead the group in the Asian market."

Shen Xiangyang said with a smile: "It is a good thing to get the results. Facts have proved that it is very correct to take the road of technology. Next, we should attract more technical talents to join Ziwei Star."

Xu Liangjie said: "We should establish branches of Ziweixing Engineering Institute in Korea and Japan to make good use of overseas talents."

Everyone despised this old Xu a little bit.

The suspicion of flattering is very serious!

At this stage, everyone is not at ease about Boss Zhou's overseas strategy. I feel that the domestic market is not too stable yet, so it is too risky to venture out to sea.

This Xu Liangjie is great, this is a ladder for Boss Zhou.

Sure enough, Zhou Buqi was very happy!

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