Top Quality Beauty Cultivation System

Chapter 400 The admission notice has arrived

"Sorry, the number you dialed has been switched off..."

After dialing Lin Qingxue's mobile number, it kept saying that it was turned off. Su Lin reluctantly called Lin Qingxue's house in Jian'an City, but there was still a beeping sound that no one answered. m.

"Mr. Lin, what's the matter? It's been morning, and the phone has not been turned on. There is no one at home in Jian'an to answer, no... Could something happen?"

Su Lin was a little worried in his heart. When he was about to put down the phone and go to Lin Qingxue's house in Jian'an City to see it, the phone rang at home. He thought it was Lin Qingxue who called back, so he picked it up quickly, but found that the voice on the other end of the phone was Yun Yiyi.

"Su Lin, can you come to my house?"

Yun Yiyi's voice was a little joyful. She was the kind of woman who was always happy and angry, but today Su Lin could feel her emotions from the phone.

"What's the matter? Senior Sister Yun Yiyi? Is there something wrong?"

Su Lin is now worried about Lin Qingxue's problem in his heart. But now he was worried about Lin Qingxue, but he didn't feel that way anymore.

"Su Lin, you'll know when you come to my house. Hee hee, let's give you a surprise! That's it! I'll be waiting for you at home, come over quickly!"

Yun Yiyi didn't tell Su Lin what it was about, but simply asked Su Lin to go to her house. After talking, she hung up and sold it for a while, making it mysterious.

"Why is Senior Sister Yun Yiyi also mysterious? What the hell is going on?"

After hanging up the phone, Su Lin was in a dilemma. While he was worried about Lin Qingxue, Yun Yiyi asked him to go home again.

And just when Su Lin was distressed, the landline in the living room rang again, and he didn't know what a good day it was today. Usually no one called, but today it rang one after another.

"Could it be Teacher Lin?"

Su Lin hurriedly picked up the phone again, but it was still not the voice of Lin Qingxue that he expected, but a person he hated. The voice of Li Jianhua, the teaching director of Jian'an No. 1 Middle School in Jian'an City, rang on the phone very flatteringly: "Excuse me, is this the Su Lin family?"

"Yes! What's the matter?"

Su Lin replied coldly that he didn't think that Li Jianhua's phone call to his home would have anything good.

"It's classmate Su Lin!" Li Jianhua also heard Su Lin's voice on the phone, and said with a smile, "Student Su Lin, congratulations! The admission notice of Qingbei University has been sent to our school. Please come to the school to pick it up, you are really a young talent from our Jian'an No. 1 Middle School!"

Li Jianhua, who was called Li Laogou by his classmates, did not have the ugly attitude he had towards Su Lin before, but now he is extremely affectionate towards Su Lin!

"The notice has arrived? So soon?"

In order to facilitate the statistics of students' admissions, Jian'an No. 1 Middle School asked everyone to fill in the school's address for the mailing place of the admission notice. In this way, the school can also count the admissions of this class of students as soon as possible. Therefore, Su Lin's admission letter from Qingbei University was sent directly to Jian'an No. 1 Middle School. These days, Li Jianhua is in charge of keeping statistics on these notices in the office and notifying students to come to the school to receive the notices.

After estimating the time, Su Lin felt that the admission letter was almost here. It's just that there have been a lot of things going on recently, and time has passed faster, so Su Lin felt that he had just filled out the application, and the admission letter had arrived so quickly.

"Just right, go to the school to get the notice first. By the way, ask Li Laogou and Mr. Lin's situation. Maybe he will know. Then go to Senior Sister Yun Yiyi's house in the afternoon!"

After making a plan in his heart, Su Lin packed up and went out. At the same time, Qin Yanran also received a call from Li Jianhua, director of the teaching department of Jian'an No. 1 Middle School, and also informed her to receive the admission letter from Qingbei University.

"Mom! The admission letter from Qingbei University has arrived at the school, and the dean just asked me to go to the school to get it!"

After Qin Yanran hung up the phone, she said to her mother Fang Liping, who was packing her luggage.

"Go! Come back quickly, Yanran, the admission notice has arrived, and we should leave Jian'an City in just two days. This time the tourism promotion MV was very successful, and it can be considered that my mother did it when she was the mayor of Jian'an City. One last thing. The work has been handed over in the past two days, and the organization has also dispatched new replacements. After packing, we can return to the capital. "

While packing the luggage in the house, Fang Liping also said a little sadly, "Think about it, we have been rooted in this city for more than ten years. Yanran, are you reluctant to give up Jian'an City?"

"Of course. Mom, Jian'an is a beautiful city. Besides, Yanran is very happy, because of her mother's efforts, Jian'an has gradually become a famous tourist city. Mom, don't be too sad, we will have time in the future. You can go back to Jian'an from the capital to play! Yanran also wants to go to Guizongyan! Later, when she came back, she heard sister Xiaoxiao and Su Lin talk about the funny thing about bats pooping in the Batcave, and Yanran really wanted to see it with her own eyes. !whee……"

The current Qin Yanran, on the contrary, does not have the sadness of Fang Liping, but has infinite hope and expectation for the future. Indeed, a young girl of her age has not learned to nostalgic, especially the nostalgia for a city she has lived in for a long time.

However, maybe in a few months, Qin Yanran will often think of this beautiful mountain city of Jian'an City.

"Okay. Yanran, you go! By the way, can you meet Su Lin when you go to school? Then you can tell Su Lin by the way, we will go to Rongcheng the day after tomorrow, and then fly from Rongcheng to the capital. ."

Fang Liping instructed Qin Yanran, and Qin Yanran said strangely, "Mom! Why don't we go directly to Beijing from Wuyishan Airport? Instead, go to Rongcheng first?"

"Mom is going to Rongcheng to resign! Rongcheng is the provincial capital of Fujian Province. Many of my mother's old leaders are in Rongcheng. Now that I'm leaving, can I meet you and say hello?" Fang Liping continued after explaining. Pack your things.

And Qin Yanran didn't ask any more questions. Like a happy little rabbit, she jumped up and down towards Jian'an No. 1 Middle School.

"Hee hee... The admission letter from Qingbei University, Su Lin and I are one by one."

Qin Yanran's heart was full of joy. Jian'an No. 1 Middle School was the only one who were admitted to Qingbei University, and they were the same major. Presumably on the admission notice, that is, the name is different. Qin Yanran was secretly overjoyed. She wondered if such an admission letter could be regarded as a couple admission letter?

Soon, at Jian'an No. 1 Middle School, Qin Yanran's house was close, so she arrived at the teaching office one step earlier than Su Lin. She looked at the two large envelopes with the logo of Qingbei University in front of her, and she felt a burst of excitement and pride in her heart.

After so many years of hard work, I finally got the ticket to enter the highest institution like Qingbei University.

"Qin Yanran, I really congratulate you! You have won glory for our Jian'an No. 1 Middle School!"

Li Jianhua, a snobby snobby, was happily making tea for Qin Yanran.

"Mr. Li is very polite! I would also like to thank the school for cultivating me!"

Qin Yanran looked at the two admission notices on the table, and knew that Su Lin hadn't come yet, and asked, "Mr. Li, that... Su Lin hasn't come yet?"

"Yeah! But I have already called him to inform him, it should be there soon." Li Jianhua replied. He could not have imagined that Su Lin, a stinky boy, would actually be admitted to Qingbei University in the end. The stinky boy who he had seen countless times on the last page of the grade rankings turned out to be salted fish, and he was tied with Qin Yanran, the first in the school, and became this year's top student in the college entrance examination.

Li Jianhua felt that he had really missed the point, but he didn't blame him. Who the hell knew that this stinky boy, Su Lin, would have such a big breakthrough in the last month.

"Then I'll wait here for Su Lin."

After sitting down, Qin Yanran opened her admission letter and read the introduction to Qingbei University and the precautions for freshmen admission. Qin Yanran sat and waited for Su Lin.

After a while, Su Lin also rushed over. However, as soon as he entered the teaching room, he was not as polite to Li Jianhua as Qin Yanran was, but asked in a cold tone, "Director Li, where is my admission notice?"

"Here...Student Su Lin, this is your admission letter! Congratulations..."

Su Lin was rude to him, but Li Jianhua did not dare to treat Su Lin badly now. Not to mention other things, the current status of Su Lin's champion is not only to win glory for Jian'an No. 1 Middle School, but also to make the principal and the big bosses of the school board favor. As long as Su Lin said a bad word about himself to the principal or the directors of the school board, Li Jiahua estimated that he, the dean of education, must have done his best.

"Su Lin, I came before you! Hurry up and open the admission letter to have a look. Except for the name, our letter should be the same in other places!"

Seeing Su Lin coming in, Qin Yanran proudly waved the open admission notice towards Su Lin and smiled.

"Hey! Yanran, I didn't expect you to be so fast. How is it? Isn't the admission letter from Qingbei University particularly beautiful?"

Su Lin also couldn't wait to open the envelope and took out the admission notice inside. Looking at the big gilded characters "Admission Notice of Qingbei University", his mood became uncontrollable.

This is the admission letter of Qingbei University!

Every year, millions of students from Huaxia Kingdom cross the single-plank bridge in order to get admitted to a good university. Qingbei University is a key university among key universities and the highest institution in China. How many students dream that they can be admitted to Qingbei University, and how many students have studied hard for so many years, just to get such an admission ticket.

It is a pity that in the end, very few dreams can come true. Only the more than 100,000 college entrance examination students in Fujian Province a year, and Qingbei University's enrollment in Fujian Province does not add up to more than 20 liberal arts and science subjects. This is already one in ten thousand. Among the hundreds of thousands of candidates, only a dozen people were admitted. And Su Lin and Qin Yanran are the best among the dozen or so, and they are the champions of the college entrance examination in Fujian Province this time.

Even Su Lin, who really got the admission letter now, has an unreal feeling. Once upon a time, when I was young, I imagined such a scene, I could get the admission notice from Qingbei University, the first institution. But just a few months ago, he was just a poor student who hoped to be admitted to a second university and burn high incense.

In the blink of an eye, childhood dreams and extravagant hopes have become a reality. After receiving such an admission notice, Su Lin is a freshman of Qingbei University, and has become a favorite in the eyes of countless people. In fact, his fate has been completely changed since that day when he obtained the best beauty training system. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe (this site), give a reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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