Top Quality Beauty Cultivation System

Chapter 461 The Three Disciples of Old Man Han

"Agreement? What agreement? Why didn't I know?"

Su Lin had a faint feeling of being pitted, and hurriedly asked.

"Damn it! Grandpa doesn't let me tell you, so you should treat it as I didn't! Anyway, there is a promise, don't waste your martial arts! That's it, hang up..."

Han Xiaoxiao seemed to have done something wrong, hung up the phone quickly, and then texted Su Lin the contact information of her master.

"What's wrong? Smile, has Su Lin arrived in the capital?" Han Shouyi walked out of the room and asked.

"It's here! However, Su Lin, the troublemaker, just got into the capital and caused trouble. He beat someone outside the airport, and is now being taken to the airport police station by the police!"

Sticking out his tongue, Han Xiaoxiao cutely told his grandfather about Su Lin.

"Oh? Su Lin beat someone? Smile, tell your grandfather, what's going on?" When Han Shou heard that his close disciple Su Lin had beaten someone, he wasn't worried at all, on the contrary, he was very interested. questioned.

"It's like this, grandpa, Su Lin met a local rich man who became rich... Then the rich man found someone to block Su Lin outside the airport, but with Su Lin's skills, this group of people was beaten by Su Lin again. He beat him hard. However, Su Lin just seemed to say that those gangsters colluded with the police at the police station over there, might be a little troublesome!"

Han Xiaoxiao said it briefly, but when Han Shou heard it, he clapped his hands and applauded: "Good fight! This kind of bullying broke out into wealth, and Su Lin played right. Don't stop until you interrupt! Su Lin is right, it's not too much trouble, laugh, you call your master, he is the deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security, if this trivial matter can't be wiped for his younger brother Ass, what are you doing!"

"Grandpa! I have already sent the contact information of Uncle Master to Su Lin, but... I guess he doesn't know Uncle Master is the deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security. Let me say hello to Uncle Master!"

Picking up the phone, Han Xiaoxiao dialed another number in the capital, "Hey! Master, I'm Xiaoxiao! It's like this, the closed disciple that Grandpa accepted before has arrived in the capital, and now he's causing some trouble... ...Yeah! Yes, it's at the police station of the west terminal of the airport, so I'll leave it all to you!"

"Okay! Grandpa, it's settled. Uncle Master said that this matter is covered by him. By the way, Grandpa, do you really plan to let Su Lin participate in the 'Huashan Lun Jian' in October? In case Su Lin What if you lose? Wouldn’t it be a shame for your old man? It’s better to let the third master go. Now that the third master’s overseas martial arts halls have blossomed everywhere, even if the third master can’t go, Let him send a proud disciple there!"

After Han Xiaoxiao hung up the phone, he said to his grandfather with a smile.

"Those disciples of the third child are not the real disciples in our sect. In previous years, the third child was sent there every time, and several old guys said that I was a fool. The third child's martial arts, except for those old guys who came out in person, their None of the disciples, disciples and grandchildren are rivals. This year, I will not let the third child go. Compared with the third child, Su Lin's skills are better than the third one. When he competed with his grandfather that day, he obviously stayed. After several hands, grandpa knew that if he really let go of his strength, grandpa would definitely not be his opponent. Let Su Lin participate in 'Huashan on the Sword', I see what the old guys have to say! Haha..."

After brushing his gray beard, Han Shou smiled and looked very proud.

"Su Lin is really so powerful? Even grandpa is no match for him?"

Han Xiaoxiao shook her head suspiciously, although she knew that Su Lin was very powerful, but she did not expect that even grandpa admitted that he was no longer his opponent. Huashan Lunjian is an agreement between grandfather and a few old guys. Every October, they will choose a place and send their most proud disciples or their disciples to compete. Several old guys have been competing since they were young. Now that they can't move when they are old, they just like it and let the disciples continue this tradition. This has almost become the only way for the old guys to vent their anger.

However, Han Shouyi is very rude. His third disciple, Huo Qitian, is a descendant of Huo Yuanjia. Under Han Shouyi's door, his martial arts are amazing. Ten years ago, he was recognized as the first person below several old guys. . Now, in order to inherit the martial arts of the Huo family and the Han family, he is committed to opening up Chinese martial arts halls overseas, and has received a lot of foreign apprentices. Basically every year, Han Shouyi asks Huo Qitian to participate in the competition, and Huo Qitian wins the first place every time he lives up to expectations. Therefore, several old guys have been unconvinced, and the more frustrated they are, the more courageous they are. While scolding Han Shouyi as a rogue, they are working harder to train their own disciples. It is bound to train a disciple to defeat Huo Qitian.

"Grandpa! Then... Where is the second uncle? For so many years, the second and third uncles have been overseas all the year round. I haven't seen him, how has he been lately? Does he know about the fact that grandpa took over the closed disciple?"

Han Xiaoxiao remembered that his grandfather's second disciple Yue Lixing was here, the eldest disciple Yuan Mingliang was the deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security, and the third disciple Huo Qitian was a descendant of the martial arts master Huo Yuanjia, who had opened Chinese martial arts academies overseas. The second disciple, Yue Lixing, is not simple either. He is the king of killers in the world, and he is an SSS-level single-person mercenary. As for the top killer tasks abroad, such as assassinating the leader of a certain country, stealing the top secrets of a certain country and other tasks, Yue Lixing did not do less.

"Since Lixing has chosen to do this business, his usual whereabouts will naturally be uncertain and concealed. However, I have contacted him a few days ago and told him about Su Lin. He is also very impressed with me as a closed disciple. Interested, and he said that he wanted to take Su Lin to do one or two tasks together for him to practice his hands!"

Speaking of his three disciples, Han Shouyi is the most proud of them. There are only three disciples that he has officially accepted in his life, no, if you include Su Lin, there are only four! These three disciples have all made great achievements. They are either in high positions or famous. Now they have accepted the fourth disciple, Su Lin, who is also a closed-door disciple. He also wants to see Su Lin who can have such outstanding martial arts at such a young age. , what more achievements will be made in the future!

At this time, Fang Liping in the Beijing Education Bureau picked up the phone and dialed the telephone number of Huang Dafu, the director of the airport police station: "Hello! Is this Director Huang Dafu Huang of the West Terminal Police Station of the Capital Airport? "

"Yes, yes... Excuse me, where are you?" Huang Dafu, who was in the police station, had just had a chat with Xiong Xingwang before he received the call. The other party had already promised to give 100,000 yuan, just to save Su Lin. Just a few days of detention and a criminal record. Such a good thing, where to find it? Moreover, he also understood the matter. Although Xiong Xingwang and the others took the initiative first, it was still very easy to give Su Linan a charge of overdefense. The operation may be very large, and the money was taken for nothing.

"Hello, Director Huang, I'm Fang Liping, the director of the Municipal Education Bureau. Regarding the case of a fight outside the airport that you dispatched to the police today, the young man named Su Lin is completely self-defense. I hope you can handle it fairly!"

Fang Liping said this more vaguely. In fact, in the officialdom, the underlying meaning is to tell Huang Dafu that the person named Su Lin is me. You better not touch him and let him go.

"Oh? Director Fang of the Office of the Education Bureau? Are we familiar with you? Why haven't you heard of you before? How did you know about the case at our airport from such a distance? Don't worry! Our police station has always been law enforcement for the people. To enforce the law impartially, our police station will definitely deal with dangerous criminals who fight and fight regardless of the law in public places outside the airport!"

"What? Director Huang, I hope you can give me some face, and this matter is clear, Su Lin is not wrong at all."

Fang Liping did not expect that the director of this small police station would not even give him face, and he was already a deputy department-level cadre. Although his position was a little lower, his rank was there. Where is it? How dare the head of a small police station ignore him like this?

"I'm sorry! Director Fang, your education bureau doesn't seem to care about us coming here, right? I still have official business to do here, I'm sorry, I'll hang up first!"

"Director Huang, you..."

Fang Liping wanted to say something else when she heard the beeping sound of the phone hanging up. She didn't expect that Huang Dafu would dare to hang up her phone. She called again and found that the other party didn't answer her at all. phone.

"Can the director of a small police station in the capital be so arrogant now? It's a joke! It seems that I can only go there in person..."

The phone call could not be resolved. Fang Liping was afraid that Su Lin would suffer in the police station, so she quickly explained the work at hand, hurriedly got down from the office building, and drove her car towards the police station in the west terminal of the airport.

"Humph! An office director of the Education Bureau also wants to get in on our police station? What a joke, it's 100,000 yuan, don't give it up, I will lose it for nothing because of your favor and favor as an office director of the Education Bureau. Is it 100,000 yuan? Your Education Bureau can't reach Lao Tzu's hand, if you offend you, you will offend you, and you can still control Lao Tzu?"

After Huang Dafu hung up the phone, he smiled, and then paced out, waiting for the police car to return.

At this time, Su Lin, who had just arrived at the police station, received a phone call from Fang Liping: "Su Lin, don't be too aggressive, cooperate with the police, and I'll come over immediately!" (To be continued. If you like this This work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, give a reward, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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