Top Quality Beauty Cultivation System

Chapter 477 The Phoenix Flying Out of the Mountains Connects to the Heart Cloud

"This uncle, please, don't send me to see the police! I'll give you money, I... I'll give you all the money in my wallet, okay?"

There was no way, that subway idiot Cao Ming could only keep begging Su Lin not to send himself to the police. M.. He took out his wallet and took out the hundreds of dollars in it to give to Su Lin, but why did Su Lin want to spend such a small amount of money. Even if he came up with a few million, Su Lin wouldn't like it at all. It was the first time I took the subway to encounter such a thing. Is it okay to not punish it severely? He must be taken to the police.

And at this time, when the next station arrived, the train was just stable, and two people's policemen came up immediately from the station entrance. After they received the alarm call from Su Lin, they took a closer look at this car on the subway. Of course, I knew that this idiot uncle Cao Ming was going to molest that little beauty Lian Xinyun. Moreover, they have also been looking for this pervert who has been wandering on the subway for a long time. After many comparisons of the video, they determined that this lunatic uncle named Cao Ming is the subway pervert who molested women on the subway many times.

"Young man! Thank you very much. We have been catching this pervert for a long time. He has always succeeded. This time, we finally caught it! But now we have to work hard for you and the victim. Go to our police station to make a record."

The people's police saluted Su Lin fiercely and said gratefully.

"Then... let's not go, okay? We're still in a hurry."

Although Su Lin himself was in a hurry for Yun Yiyi to set up the company, he knew that even Senior Sister Xinyun was in a hurry, so he spoke with the police first.

"I'm sorry. Young man, if you don't take notes and testify against him, I'm afraid we won't be able to convict him. But don't worry, we have our police station right at our subway station. It's very close, so let's save it. Time, ten minutes should be enough. Don't delay your work. "

The policeman in front of him thought that Su Lin and Lian Xinyun were rushing to work, so he promised, "Ten minutes! After the ten minutes are recorded, you can leave."

"Then... OK! What about you, Lian-senpai? Let's go there in ten minutes! Then catch the next subway?"

Su Lin turned his head and discussed with Lian Xinyun.

"Okay! Even if it takes an hour, I am determined to bring this pervert to justice."

Lian Xinyun's attitude was very firm, and then he followed Su Lin to the police station of the subway station.

"Young man, we have been paying attention to this pervert for almost two months. In the past two months, there have been more than a dozen molestation incidents one after another. This is called Cao Ming's features! This time I really want to thank you."

In the police station, under the irrefutable evidence, Cao Ming had to admit his crimes, including the dozens of previous molestation incidents. In fact, it only took less than ten minutes to complete all the case procedures. With the thanks of the police at the police station, Su Lin and Lian Xinyun went to the subway station and waited for the subway entrance again. Now It was past ten past nine, and they were all waiting for the next subway to go to Zhongguancun.

"Sister Lian, are you rushing to work? Where are you?"

Su Lin looked at Lian Xinyun's watch all the way, and asked with concern.

"Yeah! Su Lin, our company was just established today. It's in the media building in Zhongguancun. I'm about to go there. I'll be there at 9:30. If I'm late, I'll be hated by someone in the company. My vice president catches it, and she will catch my braid again."

Looking at his watch, he said worriedly. In fact, even Xinyun's preparatory work in this company for the past ten days has been very smooth, and he likes this kind of working atmosphere very much, but Liu Yan, a qualified vice president pulled by the senior sister, prefers to look at herself. They are all wrong, and they are against themselves everywhere, and they have not provoked him to provoke him! But every time I come to find my own unhappiness.

This time is a major event for the official establishment of the company, and I have not made preparations in advance. If I can't even arrive on time, Liu Yan will catch her braid and talk about it. , but also affect some of their positions in the company's decision-making.

Lian Xinyun is already a junior this year. Don't look at her fashionable and hot clothes. In fact, she is from a small mountain village in the Central Plains. Since she was a child, she was driven by her parents and worked hard to open a small shop. She was raised along the way. It was even worse than Su Lin's previous family. She also used the green channel to go to college and went to school with loans, but she worked hard and was able to get admitted to Qingbei University. When she was a freshman and sophomore, she relied on her part-time fashion model and some part-time jobs, which not only paid off Student loans, and the ability to send money back home.

Now, because of her outstanding ability, she was pulled into the team of the startup company by one of the most famous seniors in the school. Not only did she become the company's marketing director, but she also gave her 3% of the company's shares. You must know that this company, Dangdang has a registered capital of more than 50 million, and her 3% shares are already worth 1.5 million.

Lian Xinyun heard that this company was also invested by a student of Qingbei University, with an investment of 50 million RMB. Therefore, she is very optimistic about this company. From preparation to establishment, she is running many processes. She also hopes that this company can become her career after graduation. The money she relies on part-time is only a temporary source of income and cannot be a long-term solution. Although she is already well-known in the modeling circle, she hopes that she can rely on her professional surname to find a better job. .

Flying out of that poor mountain village was Lian Xinyun's dream since she was a child, and now, she has basically achieved it. She was like a golden phoenix. She was a blockbuster from that small mountain village and was admitted to Qingbei University. Now she is facing graduation and looking for a job. A good job, or even a career of your own.

But now, in this newly established media company, she is the entrepreneurial team, and she has equity in the company. It can be said that it is her dream career. So she must not let anything interrupt this career.

"I can't be late! I must not let Liu Yan catch me. I have to be there on time!"

Looking at the watch on my hand again, it is now 9:15, and the official establishment of the company will begin in 15 minutes. At this time, the next subway also stopped smoothly, and Lian Xinyun hurriedly stepped up, counting the time silently in his heart.

"There are still two stops to Zhongguancun, which is about six minutes. As a result, I still have nine minutes to get to the company. If I go out from the Zhongguancun subway station to the Media Building, if I run, it should be You can run there in about five minutes, and then go up the stairs. If you are lucky, the elevator will take about a minute, so you won't be late. Okay... just go and do this, get off the subway and run over..."

He had already figured it out in his heart, Lian Xinyun pulled his small handbag, rubbed his shoulders and rubbed his hands together, and when he was about to arrive at the station, he ran wildly all the way.

"Sister Lian, are you...really in a hurry? Afraid of being late?"

Su Lin looked at Lian Xinyun's solemn expression and asked with concern.

"Yeah! Su Lin, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you when I arrive at the station. I'm going to run over right away. I'm sorry, there are only a few minutes left. I have to run to the company quickly."

Lian Xinyun apologized, then suddenly remembered something, and said, "Right! We can exchange mobile phone numbers. When you arrive at Qingbei University, you can come to me. Although I'm already working outside, But I am still the vice president of the dance club in the school. I still have some influence in some things in the school. If you have anything, you can come to me. You helped me today. I owe you a favor, and if there is time another day, I will treat you to a meal!"

The subway hasn't arrived yet, so Lian Xinyun still has time to chat with Su Lin, she asked to exchange mobile phone numbers with Su Lin.

"That's good! Senior Sister Lian, we will definitely meet again in Qingbei University in the future. Senior Sister is actually the vice president of the dance club. It's amazing. Isn't there a lot of beautiful girls in the dance club? already?"

Su Lin laughed, thinking about the scene in the university dance club. It should be a group of beautiful girls in tight clothes with a good figure, with all kinds of basic skills connected in it, tsk tsk tsk... such a scene, When he thought about it, he felt very excited.

I'm afraid, Su Lin estimates that this dance club is a very popular club in Qingbei University! After all, such a club has never lacked beautiful girls, so there will be no shortage of boys who are rushing.

"Haha! Of course, Su Lin, if you don't have a girlfriend, after you get to university, I'll introduce you a few? In our dance club, there are at least five or six faculties who don't have a master!"

Laughing, even Xinyun and Su Lin's conversation became more and more casual and relaxed.

"Next stop, Zhongguancun, please get off the passengers to get ready!"

He was about to arrive at the station, Lian Xinyun looked at his watch and prepared to get off the bus, and Su Lin was helpless, although he could pause the time and carry this beautiful senior Lian, but he couldn't. Yes, it would be really strange if this Senior Sister Lian found out that she had just gone from the subway to the company in the blink of an eye.

"It's coming soon, Su Lin, then I have to run first! See you next time!"

After exchanging mobile phone numbers with Su Lin, Lian Xinyun also remembered Su Lin, a kind-hearted, kind-hearted, handsome little brother in her heart. She didn't know why she was younger than herself. A little younger brother would have such a favorable impression, probably because the other party helped him!

But in fact, this is an addition to the charm of Su Lin's male surname by the Need for Beauty Cultivation System. Originally, Su Lin's appearance was just average, but as Su Lin gained more and more cultivation points, he cultivated more and more beauties. more and more. This effect led to that Su Lin was now particularly attracted to unfamiliar female surnames, and it also made Su Lin's appearance gradually adjusted to become more handsome.

Of course, these are all subtle, changing slowly, a little bit every day, so even Su Lin himself didn't notice such a change.

"Okay! Sister Lian, I believe we will meet soon."

After saying goodbye to Lian Xinyun, the car just arrived at the station. As soon as it arrived at the station, Lian Xinyun flew out and ran out. She was wearing super shorts, with such a sexy figure and face, she had indeed become a beautiful scenery line on the subway all of a sudden. Many male passengers who were going to get on the bus were stunned for a while, and so was Su Lin. He was stunned for a while, and felt that this senior Lian, who was acting in a hurry, was really unusual.

"Sister Yun Yiyi seems to be in the media building as well. How many floors are there? It seems to be the sixth floor or the seventh floor? I can't remember exactly, but I'll find out when I check it out later. Anyway, it's on the upper and lower floors... "

Before talking to Yun Yiyi on the phone, Su Lin knew that his company Yun Yilin Media Co., Ltd. was also in the media building in Zhongguancun, but he had forgotten the specific number of floors. After getting off the subway, Su Lin couldn't find where the Media Building was.

At this time, Lian Xinyun hurried towards the Media Building, but her luck was relatively poor. When she arrived at the Media Building, the elevator was full, so she had to wait patiently for the elevator. Come down again, looking at the watch.

"No! It's too late, it's on the sixth floor anyway, I'll just climb up."

Just now, she ran out of breath to Lian Xinyun, and she couldn't wait for the elevator to come down again, and she was still wearing high heels that were seven or eight centimeters long.

But in order to be in a hurry, she had no choice but to continue climbing the stairs.


Two floors...

five floors...

Sixth floor...

Hurry up, but when she got to the sixth floor, it was still a little late, it was already 9:33. But it seems that at this time, the company is still quiet, and it seems that there is not even the lively celebration that Xinyun imagined, and the salute and champagne have not been opened. It means that at this time, the establishment ceremony has not started. (To be continued.)

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