Top Quality Beauty Cultivation System

Chapter 629 Are You Sisters?

At 11:30, the flight from Huaxia Guofu Rongcheng landed slowly at Charles de Gaulle Airport in France. M.

Sally, the beauty reporter of "Furong Daily", walked out of the airport with a suitcase. At midnight in Paris, a layer of light fog has risen, and the flash of neon lights adds a different flavor.

"According to the editor-in-chief, the Chinese oil painter lives in the Warwick Champs-Élysées Hotel in Paris. Fortunately, there are not many Chinese faces in Paris, France. At that time, I just need to pay attention to all the Chinese faces in the hotel, and then take a look at them. Among them, whoever participates in tomorrow's oil painting exhibition will surely be able to find this mysterious oil painter."

After confirming her interview strategy, Sally took a taxi and walked towards the Warwick Champs-Elysees Hotel in Paris.

And Su Lin and Chen Xueling, who were one step ahead of Sally, had already arrived at the door of the Warwick Champs-Elysees Hotel in Paris, a five-star hotel. When Su Lin saw the reservation information, he and Chen Xueling actually lived in the same suite.

However, it is understandable if you think about it, since Su Lin is Chen Xueling's personal bodyguard, she naturally wants to live in a suite with Chen Xueling. Otherwise, even in the next room, in many cases, if an accident occurs at night, it cannot be prevented.

"Mr. Chen, we live in a suite on the seventh floor. There are three rooms in the suite, and we live in one each..."

Su Lin had already shown his French skills in front of Chen Xueling, so it was natural that Su Lin had come to the front desk of the hotel to inquire about relevant matters.

"A suite? That's fine too."

Although Chen Xueling had some grudges in her heart, after all, Su Lin was also a man, but she was relieved when she thought that Su Lin also wanted to protect herself. Anyway, I slept in two rooms in a suite, not in a **?

Because of the problem of tomorrow's oil painting exhibition, the hotels near the Political Axe Building in the 13th arrondissement of Paris are basically fully booked. When Yuan Mingliang came forward to book a suite for Su Lin and Chen Xueling, there was only this large suite with three rooms left. It's a bit of a waste, but it's the best option.

"Okay! This is the room key, let's go! Teacher Chen, I'll take our luggage up, there's an elevator over there."

After redeeming the skills of a language master, even if he lives abroad, Su Lin has no language barriers at all. This feeling is very refreshing. When Su Lin found that he spoke French from his mouth, the feeling was really indescribable.

I got the room card, the room number is 701, which is the largest suite on the seventh floor. Carrying their own bags and Chen Xueling's suitcase, Su Lin and Chen Xueling got on the elevator.

After they left the front desk of the hotel, Song Jia, who hurried over from the airport, also walked to the front desk of the hotel. He also booked a room on the seventh floor, but it was a single room, not a suite. However, it doesn't matter, he has already planned it in his heart. The owner behind this hotel also has a relationship with him, so he only needs to ask the waiter to bring the drink of the aphrodisiac to Chen Xueling's room.

However, Song Jia carelessly ignored one point. He went to check the front desk through the relationship and only paid attention to whether Chen Xueling lived in 701, but did not find out that Su Lin also lived in 701. Of course, this was also because the suite was booked in the name of Chen Xueling, not Su Lin's name. Song Jia thought that Su Lin and Chen Xueling would definitely not live in the same room. After all, in his opinion, Su Lin was just Chen Xueling's student or bodyguard. How could it be possible to live in the same room with Chen Xueling?

Although Song Jia is a little afraid of Su Lin now, he feels that his plan will definitely not fail. First let the waiter bring the medicine drink to Chen Xueling's room, and when the medicine works at night, he secretly asks the waiter for a room key and enters Chen Xueling's room. Under the circumstances, Chen Xueling can be taken down.

"Mr. Song, your room is 703."

After taking the room card handed over by the front desk, Song Jia thought about her plan in her mind again, smiled wickedly, and went upstairs with satisfaction.

More than half an hour later, Sally, a beauty reporter from the "Furong Daily", arrived late and arrived at the front desk of the Warwick Champs-Elysees Hotel in Paris to pick up her reserved room.

At the same time, Sally pretended to chat with the front desk clerk: "I'm sorry, ma'am, may I ask how many Asian faces are staying in the hotel today? I remember that some of my friends from Huaxia stayed in this hotel, but I'm not sure. , can you check it out for me?"

"Sorry, miss, we are not allowed to disclose the information of passengers. However, there are not many Chinese faces staying in the hotel today, only a few."

Although the blonde MM at the front desk did not disclose the specific passenger information, it also gave Sally some useful information. At least there were not many Chinese faces staying in the hotel. Therefore, Sally was thinking that as long as she finds a way to find out the information of these few Chinese tourists, it will not be difficult to lock the identity of the mysterious painter.

"Okay, thank you, what's the number of my room? It's on the seventh floor! Okay, okay."

Pulling her luggage, Sally also got on the elevator and went to her room.

706, this is Sally's room, the seventh floor is already the top floor of this five-star hotel. There are not many high-rise buildings in Paris, but the seventh floor of the Warwick Champs-Elysees Hotel in Paris can see the Arc de Triomphe, the iconic building of Paris, from a distance.

At this moment, Su Lin was leaning on the windowsill of the living room of the suite, looking at the looming Arc de Triomphe in the distance.

"What's the matter? Su Lin, it's so late, why don't you hurry up and go to bed? I really underestimated you, thanks to you today, otherwise I'd be in big trouble. Thank you."

Chen Xueling saw that Su Lin seemed to be a poet in contemplation at this time. She suddenly felt that Su Lin was so attractive at this time, so she unconsciously stepped up to strike up a conversation.

"'s nothing. Teacher Chen, this is what I should do. Since I promised Commander Chen to protect you, I will definitely not let anyone hurt you."

Su Lin waved his hand and said with a smile, "However, Mr. Chen, that Song Jia probably won't give up like this. Does he know that we live in this hotel?"

"I know. He seems to have booked a room in this hotel too."

Chen Xueling nodded and said, "Su Lin, what do you mean? Song Jia will come to trouble you?"

"It shouldn't be wrong. So, let's be careful at night."

Su Lin said, pulled Chen Xueling and said, "Or...Mr. Chen, let's go to the front desk downstairs and ask if this Song Jia has stayed in the hotel. Knowing which room he is in, we can be prepared. a bit."

What he said was defense, but what Su Lin thought in his heart was to find out which room Song Jia was in, and then he could go in and beat him so hard that he couldn't take care of himself, and it was to see if he dared to come to trouble him. Originally, Su Lin could go to the front desk alone, but he was not at ease leaving Chen Xueling alone in the room.

In case, Song Jia's people rushed in and what happened to Chen Xueling, wouldn't it be troublesome?

"Okay, that's fine, be prepared."

Chen Xueling nodded, and then went out with Su Lin, ready to go downstairs to the front desk to ask.

As a result, as soon as the door was opened, Su Lin saw a blond woman approaching the corridor near the elevator. She looked closely, and she looked a little familiar. When she walked in, she looked at it again, and said in surprise, "Sister Sally, how could this be? Is it you? Why are you here?"

And Sally who came across was also taken aback, not only staring at Su Lin, but also staring at Chen Xueling next to Su Lin, she said with an incredible expression: "Su Lin, Sister Xueling, guys. Why are you here? are you two together? What's going on here?"

"Sister Sally, why are you here in Paris?" Chen Xueling, who was beside Su Lin, was surprised when she saw Sally.

"Sister Xueling? Sister Sally? two know each other?"

Seeing that Chen Xueling actually knew Sally, Su Lin was surprised again, thinking, how can this world be so small? I have come to Europe on this side of the earth, and I was able to meet acquaintances.

"Su Lin, do you know Sally? Sally is my cousin."

She walked forward affectionately, Chen Xueling took Sally's hand and said with a smile, "Let me guess, Sister Sally, you, a beautiful reporter from Rongcheng, came to Paris, France, and you are alone. It's definitely not to save you.* *Month, it's supposed to be for some headlines, right?"

"Haha! Sister Xueling, it's been a long time since I've seen you. It seems that you still know me. Hey... How can I have a chance to spend a month? I don't even have a boyfriend yet. It was a news clue that our editor-in-chief found, and then sent me to Paris."

When Sally said this, she deliberately stared at Su Lin with an aggrieved look, which made Su Lin feel a little embarrassed. After all, Su Lin and Sally also had a one-night love, and Sally's first time was taken away by Su Lin, although Su Lin later used the local object of the Need for Beauty Cultivation System to reverse the time. Supplements are made, but the fact that there was a relationship is undeniable.

"Sister Sally, are you and Teacher Chen cousins?"

Su Lin hurried forward, pulled the topic aside, and asked.

"Su Lin, have you forgotten my Chinese name? My Chinese name is Chen Yijun. My father and sister Sally's father are actually cousins."

Sally said with a smile, and then squeezed Su Lin's little face with both hands, smiled and said, "I'm glad to meet you here again, Su Lin, have you forgotten your sister Sally? "(To be continued.) q

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