Top Savvy: Starting From Basic Boxing

Chapter 219: Danger in the ancient domain! Lu Changsheng led the top ten magical warriors back

  Chapter 219 Danger in the Ancient Domain! Lu Changsheng leads the return of the top ten supernatural warriors!

  Lu Changsheng stood in the void.

  His purpose has been achieved.

  Obtaining the Lingshi vein, this is the foundation of a huge force.

  For a faction, whether it has spirit stone veins or not is two different things.

   Only with a vein of spirit stone can it become a large-scale power.

   Only then will it be possible to continue the inheritance, masters emerge in endlessly, and become more and more prosperous.

   Without spirit stone veins, it may be able to be strong for a while.

  But with the passage of time, the forces without spirit stone veins will slowly decline and lose their former glory.

  Lu Changsheng looked at the many supernatural warriors and Jindan real people below.

He took a deep breath and said: "Starting today, Lu will establish the Holy Land Tianzong! The sect has just opened, and there is an urgent need for masters to sit in it. One treatment, equal to the suzerain!"

   "However, the time is only one month."

   "One month later, even if supernatural warriors and Jindan real people join, they can only be elders of Keqing!"

  Lu Changsheng's voice spread in all directions.

  Suddenly, the countless warriors in Wanjian Villa became a sensation.

   "What, Lu Zun wants to establish a sect?"

"It's no wonder that Lu Zun must challenge Sword Master Chen Peng and seize the Lingshi veins. It turned out to be for the establishment of a sect. This sect has Lu Zun as its leader, and its future is limitless. I am afraid that from the very beginning of its establishment, it will be able to leap to heaven. The top power in the holy city."

"Yes, among the eight top powers in Tiansheng City, the top three powers all have martial saints, but the lower five powers don't have martial saints. Although there are martial masters, but whether this martial master is the real martial master? It's hard to say. But Lu Zun's Holy Land Tianzong, it's a real deal, with a top Martial Lord sitting in it, the future is limitless!"

"There are still relatively few supernatural warriors and Jindan real people who are casual cultivators, but they are not absent. Although they can also join the top forces, they are actually only the status of the elders of Ke Qing. It is definitely impossible to become the elders of the Supreme Elder. The establishment of Earth Heaven Sect is indeed an opportunity."

   "Hey, this is indeed an opportunity. But once you become the Supreme Elder of the Holy Land Tianzong, you will be completely bound to the Holy Land Tianzong, and all will be prosperous and all will be damaged."

   "Lu Zun is buying a horse bone with a lot of money. The deadline is one month. Joining the Holy Land Tianzong is the Supreme Elder. There is only one month. This is a very difficult choice..."

  Many people felt the light-up in their eyes.

   But more people have concerns.

   Completely bound to Lu Changsheng, what if the Holy Land Tianzong is in danger?

  In other words, the future is not short-lived?

   Who can know this?

  Don't look at Lu Changqi's momentum now, it seems that the future is great.

   But anything can happen in the Holy Land.

  Lu Changsheng is too high-profile.

  A top talent with an uncertain future.

  Once it falls halfway, the Holy Land Tianzong will be in trouble.

  However, some people are optimistic about Lu Changsheng.

   What if Lu Changsheng becomes a martial saint?

   Then it can be glorious for a thousand years!

  Even, become a martial saint orthodoxy.

   In the end to go or not, it depends on everyone's choice.

  Lu Changsheng was not in a hurry.

  Anyway, there is still a month.

  He is indeed buying a horse bone with a thousand dollars.

   Once the Holy Land Tianzong is established, he cannot rely on him alone.

  Even, relying on the seven supernatural powers of the Tianzong of the Ancient Domain will not work.

   There are too few masters.

   If you want to become the top force in Tiansheng City, it will be difficult to gain a firm foothold without dozens of supernatural power realm warriors.

   But through this time, the opportunity to join the Holy Land Tianzong within a "limited time limit" is equivalent to buying a horse bone with a thousand dollars.

   Join the Holy Land Tianzong at this time, and then you can only be with the Holy Land Tianzong.

   Then after hundreds of years or even longer, the Holy Land Tianzong gradually cultivated more disciples.

   Naturally, the Holy Land Tianzong has established a firm foothold in Tiansheng City.

   "Master Chen, take me to the Lingshi mine, let the people from Wanjian Villa leave today."

  Lu Changsheng said calmly.

  He didn't want to wait a moment.

  I want to receive the Lingshi vein immediately.

   After all, if you receive it one day earlier, you can produce more spirit stones.

   "Okay, I'll take you there myself."

  Chen An took a deep breath, holding back the anger in his heart.

  Lu Changsheng beat Chen Peng to death.

   To the entire Wanjian Villa, they are sworn enemies!

  However, Chen An didn't dare to do anything to Lu Changsheng, and he didn't even dare to say a harsh word.

  He knows it well.

  The current Wanjian Villa is actually very dangerous.

   belongs to the weakest time.

   A little carelessness may even lead to complete failure.

  Starting today, Wanjian Villa has to be extremely low-key.

  Wanjian Villa needs dormancy.

  This time may be decades or hundreds of years.

  Until Wanjian Villa is born again with a martial arts master, then it will be the time for Wanjian Villa to rise again.

   As for now, keep a low profile and try to meet Lu Changsheng's needs.

   Surviving became the only goal of Wanjian Villa.

   Afterwards, Lu Changsheng left.

  Wanjian Villa also began to thank guests behind closed doors.

  Everyone also left one after another.

   This battle let everyone know about Lu Changsheng.

   Know more about the sect established by Lu Changsheng, the Holy Land Tianzong.

   Even in the future, it will no longer be the eight top forces, but the nine top forces.

  Even if Wanjian Villa keeps closing its doors to thank guests and stay dormant, it may no longer be the top force in Tiansheng City.

   Soon, Lu Changsheng came to the sky above the Lingshi mine in Wanjian Villa.

   "The spirit stone vein is here."

   "There are people from Wanjian Villa below, I will let them evacuate one after another."

  The owner said in a deep voice.

   Lu Changsheng sensed it for a while, and immediately sensed that there were indeed spirit stone veins in the mountains below.

   And the quality is quite good.

   "Tell them all to stop and leave immediately."

   Lu Changsheng spoke.

  Chen An nodded, and randomly transmitted voice: "Owners of the Lingshi mine, please don't take a piece of Lingshi, leave the Lingshi mine immediately..."

  The sound echoed in the mountains.

  Suddenly, countless people looked up at the void.

   "What's going on? Why did the owner let us leave the spirit stone vein, and can't even take a piece of spirit stone?"

   "What? The sword master Chen Peng of Wanjian Villa lost to Lu Changsheng? Even the sword master Chen Peng died, and even the Lingshi vein lost to Lu Changsheng..."

   "Impossible, how could Sword Master lose?"

   "This spirit stone vein is the painstaking effort of our Wanjian Villa, it can't just be handed over to others..."

   Among the Lingshi mines, many people could not accept the fact that the Lingshi mines were handed over to others.

   Some people even disobeyed Chen An's order and did not want to leave the Lingshi mine.

  Some people secretly want to take away some spirit stones.

  However, Lu Changsheng's induction was clear about all of this.

  Lu Changsheng will not "indulge" them.

   Now the Lingshi vein is his mine.

  Who wants to take spirit stones from his vein?

Totally impossible!


  Suddenly, the brain domain came.

  Lu Changsheng did not display his supernatural powers, but only his brain.

  When you reach the Supernatural Realm, you actually have a brain domain.

   Moreover, the brain domain is also very powerful.

  Among this spirit stone vein, there are only two supernatural powers.

   Moreover, these two supernatural warriors were also transmitted by Chen An alone.

   Already accepted the fact, he has now left the mine vein.

  Therefore, there are no supernatural power realm warriors sitting in the Lingshi veins.

   Once Lu Changsheng's brain domain descended, it would almost be a devastating blow to the people in the entire Lingshi mine vein!

   "Ah... what is this?"

   "Brain field, I was suppressed by the brain field."

   "What's going on? Where's our supernatural power elder?"


  Lu Changsheng's brain directly crushed one body after another.

   are all trying to take away the Lingshi.

   Then, the rest of the people moved out of the Lingshi vein after directly suppressing it with their brains.

   Moreover, a sentence was left behind: "Anyone who steps into the spirit stone mine ten feet away will be killed without mercy!"

  Looking at the Lingshi veins covered by the brain.

  The warriors of Wanjian Villa who were ten feet away showed fear on their faces.


   A lot of people just died.

   They were crushed by the brain in an instant.

   There is no way to fight back at all.

   "Lu Changsheng, he is the one who killed Sword Master..."

  Knowing that it was Lu Changsheng who made the move, even if these people were reluctant to part with the Lingshi vein, they dare not stay now.

   Instead, he turned around and left the Lingshi vein.

   About half an hour later, there was no one around the Lingshi vein.

   Only Lu Changsheng and Chen An in the void remained.

   "Lu Zun, the Lingshi mine vein has been handed over, so farewell."

  Chen An didn't want to stay here for a moment.

  Lu Changsheng nodded, and then Chen An turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.

   "Spiritual stone veins..."

  Lu Changsheng came directly to the Lingshi vein.

  He had a thought.

  The brain domain immediately gathered all the mined spirit stones together.

  Lu Changsheng took a rough look.

   "Eighty thousand spirit stones."

   "It should have not been transferred to Wanjian Villa in time."

  Lu Changsheng's face showed a gleam of joy.

   Immediately put 80,000 spirit stones into the space treasure.

  One drop of heavenly spirit water is 10,000 pieces of spirit stones.

  Even if Lu Changsheng has a good relationship with the Li family, it is impossible to lose too much.

  For a long-term cooperation, 90% of the price is about the same.

  Eighty thousand spirit stones are nine drops of heavenly spirit water.

  Theoretically, it is enough to give birth to nine supernatural power realm warriors.

  However, for Lu Changsheng, this spirit stone is far from enough.

  Lu Changsheng took out the records in the Lingshi vein again.

  There are many detailed records of Lingshi veins on it.

  For example, how many spirit stones are produced.

  What is the quality of the veins and so on.

  Lu Changsheng looked carefully.

   This look is an hour.

  After putting down the record, a strange look flashed in Lu Changsheng's eyes.

  According to the records of Wanjian Villa, this spirit stone vein is actually of good quality.

   But it's just a small Lingshi vein.

"According to the records, this spirit stone vein can mine 50,000 pieces of spirit stones every month, which is 600,000 pieces a year. It is transferred to Wanjian Villa every three months. The 80,000 pieces of spirit stones are less than 600,000 pieces a year. In three months, there will be no time to hand it over to Wanjian Villa."

"600,000 spirit stones a year, but for example, it is necessary to arrange a spirit-gathering circle and nourish the spirit stone veins with aura, so that new spirit stones can be formed, so as to be mined sustainably. Otherwise, mining too many spirit stones is very difficult. The quick spirit stone veins will be mined out."

"If a large number of spirit-gathering magic circles are deployed, the spirit stones consumed by the magic circle alone will cost at least 200,000 spirit stones a year. Moreover, the spirit-gathering magic circles have to be maintained by Jindan real people. In this regard, at least One hundred thousand spirit stones."

"Calculated in this way, in fact, this spirit stone vein can occasionally obtain 300,000 spirit stones every year. Even so, it can only last for a thousand years at most. Once it is mined for thousands of years, this spirit stone vein will definitely disappear , At that time, we will have to find new veins of spirit stones."

   "If it is mined for a thousand years, excluding consumption and maintenance, you can earn more than 300 million spirit stones in total..."

  Three hundred million spirit stones, this is a terrifying number.

  However, when the time is stretched to a thousand years, it is actually nothing.

  There are only 300,000 Lingshi per year.

  If you mine Lingshi at all costs.

   Then even millions of Lingshi can be mined every year.

  But it may be a few years or ten years, and the Lingshi veins will be mined out.

   At that time, you will not be able to obtain stable spiritual stone income.

  The biggest advantage of Lingshi veins is stability!

   "It's actually pretty good to earn 300,000 spirit stones a year steadily, and this is just a small spirit stone mine."

   "If it is a medium-sized or even a large-scale, or a very large-scale spirit stone vein, then the number of spirit stones obtained every year may be a very large number."

   "But I think in a short period of time, relying on this spirit stone vein, I can get enough spirit stones to buy heavenly spirit water, so that my remaining two supernatural powers will be transformed, which is somewhat unrealistic."

   "This spirit stone vein can only be regarded as the foundation of the Holy Land Tianzong..."

  In an instant, Lu Changsheng actually thought a lot.

  His spiritual black hole used a hundred drops of heavenly spirit water.

  Then if the decomposition of the five elements and the prison of the four images are to transform into infinite supernatural powers, the amount of Tianlingshui must be used.

   It is definitely not possible to rely on this small spirit stone vein.

  However, this is also a matter of the future.

   It is still necessary to establish the Holy Land Tianzong first, and then send the disciples of the Holy Land Tianzong to control the Lingshi vein here, so as to slowly develop it.

   Afterwards, Lu Changsheng left.

   It is actually not an easy task to establish the Holy Land Tianzong.

   The first is the Zongmen address.

   This is very important.

   Many sect addresses are actually established outside the city.

   After all, the place outside Tiansheng City is much bigger.

  There are so many people in Tiansheng City, it is not easy to find a large area to build a mountain gate.

  However, there seems to be no suitable place outside the city.

   "It can't be too far away from Tiansheng City. If it is too far, I don't know a lot of news in Tiansheng City."

   "It can't be too close. If it's too close, it's better to go to Tiansheng City to build a mountain gate."

   "This distance is best within a hundred miles."

   Within a hundred miles, Lu Changsheng searched everywhere.

  There is no particularly suitable place to build a mountain gate.

   But it doesn't matter.

   If there is no suitable place, create a suitable place yourself.

  Lu Changsheng is already a Wu Zun.

  Moving mountains and filling seas, calling wind and rain, for Lu Changsheng, it couldn't be easier.

  So, Lu Changsheng used brain domains, laws and other means.

  Forcibly changed a place fifty miles away from Tiansheng City, changed the landscape, moved the mountain peaks, and forcibly "made" a mountain gate.

   Then invite Daoist Jindan to arrange formations and build a mountain gate.

  In almost twenty days, the mountain gate has been built.

  Holy Land Tianzong already has a mountain gate!

   Moreover, there are already many supernatural powers warriors who are willing to become the Supreme Elder of the Holy Land Tianzong.

   But Lu Changsheng was still waiting.

   There are still ten days before the one-month period.

  He has to see if there is any Jindan Daoist who is willing to become the Supreme Elder of the Holy Land Tianzong?

  Even, Lu Changsheng had already thought about it.

  The real Jindan came to the Holy Land Tianzong, and he could even open up a line of immortality alone, making the Holy Land Tianzong a sect for fellow practitioners of immortal martial arts.

   In the blink of an eye, the time finally came to a month.

   Among the Holy Land Tianzong.

  Lu Changsheng looked at the figures below.

   One month, this is the number of ultimate supernatural warriors.

   Thirteen supernatural warriors are willing to join the Holy Land Tianzong and become the Supreme Elder of the Holy Land Tianzong!

  This amount is slightly less.

  But it was also within Lu Changsheng's expectation.

   "Elders, you are all the Supreme Elders of my Holy Land Tianzong. In fact, I am also the Supreme Elder."

   "It's not enough just to have our Supreme Elder, we must also have disciples, ordinary elders, and more warriors."

   "It's too late to recruit disciples now. I'm going to return to the ancient Tianzong, and bring some people from the ancient Tianzong to enrich the Holy Land Tianzong."

   "What do you guys think?"

   Lu Changsheng said to the thirteen supernatural warriors.

  One month, there were only thirteen supernatural warriors.

  The Jindan real person that Lu Changsheng was looking forward to did not join the Holy Land Tianzong.

   "Back to the ancient Tianzong?"

  The thirteen supernatural warriors, who are also the Supreme Elders of the Holy Land Tianzong, couldn't help their hearts moving.

   Actually, they weren't that surprised.

  During this time, Lu Changsheng had already informed them of the relationship between the Holy Land Tianzong and the Ancient Domain Tianzong.

   The parties are related, but not affiliated.

   It's like the relationship between Northern Tianzong and Ancient Tianzong.

  Both come from the same sect and have the same orthodoxy, but they do not belong to each other.

  Northern Tianzong, Ancient Tianzong, Holy Land Tianzong.

  These three Heavenly Sects can be said to come from the same sect.

   "Lu Zun, we are also the elders of the Holy Land Tianzong, and we are from the same sect as the Ancient Tianzong. Since Lu Zun is going back to the Ancient Tianzong, can you take us to the Ancient Tianzong?"

   "That's right, we also want to go and see what it looks like where someone like Lu Zun can be born by chance?"

   "Lu Zun, is it convenient?"

  These Supreme Elders all know Lu Changsheng's temper, so they can say whatever they want, and Lu Changsheng won't get angry.

  Now they are the Supreme Elders of the Holy Land Tianzong, and they have been both prosperous and damaged with the Holy Land Tianzong.

   Naturally, Lu Changsheng would not keep the matter of Tianzong in the ancient domain from them.

   "Do you want to visit the Tianzong of the Ancient Domain?"

   "No problem. However, the Holy Land Tianzong has just been established, so it cannot be left without people."

   "How about leaving the three Supreme Elders in charge, and the other ten Supreme Elders returning to the ancient Tianzong with Lu, how about it?"

  Lu Changsheng pondered for a while, then spoke.

  So, the thirteen elders discussed for a while.

  Finally, the three Supreme Elders were willing to stay and sit in charge of the Holy Land Tianzong.

   "Okay, three days later, the ten elders will set off with Lu to the ancient Tianzong!"

  Lu Changsheng made a decision.

  He calculated the time, and it was only a few months after he came to the Holy Land, less than a year.

  Now he has also transformed the Dao fruit into a supernatural power, and it is an infinite supernatural power.

   Even, they have established a firm foothold in Tiansheng City and established the Holy Land Tianzong.

   Then, it's time to go back.

   After all, the seven ancestors of Tianzong in the ancient domain are still waiting for him.

   Time flies, and three days are up.

  Lu Changsheng came to Haoxianfang directly with ten holy land Tianzong supernatural power realm warriors.

  Everyone in Haoxianfang was shocked.

  Lu Changsheng led the ten supernatural powers elders, such a lineup is still very scary.

   All of a sudden, they came to Haoxianfang in mighty force, which made Haoxianfang feel a little overwhelmed.

   Thought that the Holy Land Tianzong was going to attack Haoxianfang.

  However, the misunderstanding was quickly resolved. Lu Changsheng met the real person Cuixuan and explained the situation.

  Reverend Cuixuan looked at the ten supernatural power elders behind Lu Changsheng, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

   "Fellow Daoist Lu, do you want to unify the entire ancient region when you return to the ancient region?"

   Master Cuixuan asked with strange eyes.

  He wasn't joking.

  With Lu Changsheng's current strength, coupled with such a lineup, it is really not too difficult to dominate the ancient domain.

  Lu Changsheng smiled.

   "Reverend Cuixuan, you've got a picture too."

   "What are the benefits of Lu's unification of the ancient domain? Can it bring me a lot of heavenly spirit water, or a lot of spirit stones?"

   "Or, in other words, to dominate the ancient domain and become the supreme ruler?"

   "I still want to become a Martial Saint and dominate the ancient domain. What's the point? My trip back this time is just to fulfill the promise I made to the ancestors of the Tianzong in the ancient domain."

   Lu Changsheng said frankly.

   Master Cuixuan also nodded.

  He thought it was impossible.

  Is there anything good in the ancient domain that is worth Lu Changsheng's trouble?

  Lu Changsheng laid down a vein of spirit stone in the Holy Land.

   And what about the ancient domain?

  Not a single spirit stone vein.

  Even Haoxianzong had spirit stone veins in the past, but they were completely exhausted, and now they are sitting on nothing.

   This is also the reason why Haoxianzong wants to gain a firm foothold in the Holy Land.

   If this continues, Hao Xianzong will almost be unable to maintain it.

   "Okay, the old rules, to open a super long-distance teleportation array, you need a hundred spirit crystals!"

  Lu Changsheng nodded, and directly gave a hundred spirit crystals.

  Equivalent to 10,000 Lingshi.

  Lu Changsheng and others were standing in the ultra-long-distance teleportation circle.

   This ultra-long-distance teleportation circle can only teleport a certain number of people at a time.

   There can only be dozens of people at most.

   But Lu Changsheng and his party only have eleven people, which is enough for teleportation.


  The next moment, the ultra-long-distance teleportation circle was activated.

  A white light flashed, and in the magic circle, Lu Changsheng and others disappeared instantly.


  In Tianzong of the ancient domain, the atmosphere is a bit dignified.

  The ancestors of the seven supernatural powers have gathered together.

  Recently, no one would have imagined that the situation would be so changeable.

  The ancient domain, which had been peaceful for many years, unexpectedly became turbulent and chaotic.

   "Everyone, now the entire ancient domain has reached a critical moment of life and death."

   "Who would have thought that there was a remaining ultra-long-distance teleportation circle in the ancient domain? Moreover, it was discovered by a force in the Holy Land called Tianguang City and repaired it."

   "Now, the force called the Black Light Chamber of Commerce in Tianguang City has sent many masters to our ancient domain through the ultra-long-distance teleportation circle."

   "Wherever they passed, those who obeyed prospered and those who rebelled perished. Even some immortal sects were trampled out by them."

   "Among them, it is said that someone with great supernatural powers made a move!"

   "Although we haven't reached Tianzong in our ancient domain, the situation is already very dangerous."

   "Now we have to discuss a solution."

  The patriarchs of the seven great supernatural powers all have solemn expressions.

   Great supernatural powers!

  The Black Light Chamber of Commerce has great supernatural powers!

  They are all supernatural warriors who have fought in the holy land, so they naturally know what it means to be a great supernatural being.

"The Black Light Merchant Guild of Skylight City, we have once ventured into the holy land, so we should know about this faction. The Black Light Merchant Guild likes to explore some strange and wild areas the most. Then they will **** the bones and **** the marrow, even slaughtering the creatures in an area, and squeeze the potential of that area. Dry."

   "Our ancient domain has indeed fallen, but it was once glorious, and we can still squeeze out some good things. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to expect the Black Light Merchant Association to leave the ancient domain on its own initiative."

   "In this case, we can only withdraw! Perhaps, we have to withdraw to the Northern Tianzong."

   "What's the use of withdrawing the Tianzong of the Northern Territory? With the style of the Black Light Chamber of Commerce, after sweeping the ancient domain, it will definitely sweep the five major domains. No matter where it is, it will not survive."

  The seven ancestors were silent.

  Facing the Black Light Chamber of Commerce.

  It's just a chamber of commerce, and the entire ancient domain is helpless.

   Moreover, they all know that the Black Light Chamber of Commerce not only has great supernatural powers, but also Wu Zun!

   What's even more frightening is that the Black Light Chamber of Commerce has Wu Sheng in charge!

   Such a terrifying force, how can the ancient domain resist it?

  If the opponent randomly sends out a great supernatural being, it is enough to sweep the entire ancient domain.

  Actually, the ancestors of Tianzong in the ancient domain have another way.

  But no one proposed this method.

   That is to leave the ancient Tianzong and go to the holy land.

   This method is indeed feasible.

  However, Haoxianzong's ultra-long-distance teleportation circle can only teleport dozens of people at a time.

   It also costs a lot of spirit stones.

  They don't have so many spirit stones.

   Moreover, only a very small number of people can be transmitted.

  Once they leave, it means that they have completely abandoned the entire ancient Tianzong.

  Ancient Domain Tianzong is the root of the Seven Great Patriarchs, they will never give up unless they have to!


  At this time, one of the ancestors sent a messenger stone to vibrate.

   "Communication from Haoxianzong."

   "Hao Xianzong summoned all the sect forces in the ancient domain, gathered all the warriors of the supernatural powers, and prepared to fight the Black Light Chamber of Commerce."

   "Shall we go?"

   Many ancestors were shocked.

  Hao Xianzong summoned them.

  Obviously, for the entire ancient region, it was really the key to life and death.

   "Go, must go!"

   "Great supernatural beings are certainly powerful, but they are not completely impossible to defeat. The Haoxianzong has a very powerful magic circle. With the help of the patriarchal protection magic circle, it may really be able to compete with the great supernatural powersmen of the Black Light Chamber of Commerce."

   "The Hao Xianzong is the number one immortal sect in the ancient domain, and even the largest power. If the Hao Xianzong falls, then the entire ancient domain will be completely hopeless."

   "Moreover, the most important thing is that the ultra-long-distance teleportation circle to the Holy Land is in the Haoxianzong. Once the Haoxianzong is controlled by the Black Light Merchant Guild, then we will have no hope of escaping to the Holy Land."

  When it comes to the ultra-long-distance teleportation circle, the hearts of the seven patriarchs tightened.

  Yes, Hao Xianzong is not a Xianzong in the general sense.

  It also holds the ultra-long-distance teleportation circle.

  Once the Black Light Merchant Guild breaks through, the supernatural warriors in the ancient domain will not even have the means to **** the holy land.

  Then their only hope is gone.

   Must keep Haoxianzong, keep the ultra-long-distance teleportation circle!

   "Okay, leave one ancestor, and the other six ancestors set off for Haoxianzong."

   "If we are defeated, then let the disciples of the Ancient Heavenly Sect escape as far as they can..."

  The seven ancestors of Tianzong in the ancient domain have already made a decision.

  (end of this chapter)

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