Top Shenhao

Chapter 1043: Escape route

Such an explosion will almost instantly destroy the flowers and trees within a few miles!

Even Hong Ling herself vomited a mouthful of blood.

Down the mountain.

After the explosion, the projection screen here also disappeared instantly.

The audience in the entire square was boiling.

No one had expected that the battle from the Ice Spirit Palace to the Asura Palace would develop into this way.

"Lin Yun, White Shark, you must escape!" The Taoist clenched his fists, his eyes filled with worry.

Now that the picture on the projection screen has disappeared, he can no longer see the current situation of Lin Yun and White Shark.

In the judges' seat.

The elders looked at each other.

None of them expected that this battle would be fought to such an extent.

"That orb was a magical tool from Hong Ling's father? It was a one-time magical tool. Needless to say, its preciousness. It was used when Hong Ling was in danger of life. I didn't expect Hong Ling to do it for him. I actually used up that orb." The third elder sighed.

This kind of magic weapon is powerful, easy to use, and naturally very precious.

"Yes, the price is really high, but Hong Ling shouldn't regret it." Elder Xiong said.

"Hong Ling used a precious magic weapon as a price to let Lin Yun and White Shark escape successfully, but what about this? Even if Zhang Jian and Wu Shuaifei can't find Lin Yun, they can intercept it before the end, unless Lin Yunji People don't plan to settle the score at the end, it is no different from directly crushing the trial jade pendant to abstain." The second elder of the temple said slowly.

"This..., what the second elder said is not unreasonable. Even if you successfully escape now, this is not the way. Now they have become the public enemy of all the contestants outside the temple." The third elder exclaimed.

"Moreover, they are all wounded and scattered and fled. Once they are caught up, they will be destroyed or even killed!" The Fourth Elder shook his head.

"Elder, now the picture disappears, we don't know the situation, I suggest sending someone into the mountain immediately! Rescue Lin Yun three people, they are excellent seedlings, can not fall into the trial mountain!" Elder Xiong eagerly suggested.

"Elder Xiong, I think you are dizzy? The selection of Trial Mountain is not only a test but also an experience. It emphasizes the law of the jungle. We must not intervene. If they can't hold it, they can hide and then Crushed the trial jade pendant and abstained, we will naturally send people up the mountain to respond, as long as they did not crush the trial jade pendant, we can't intervene!" The second elder of the temple reprimanded.

"This...I think too much." Elder Xiong nodded.

He also knows that they really can't intervene before others don't abstain, which violates the rules.

"I hope that Lin Yun and White Shark can take the initiative to crush the trial Yupei and abstain. They face Zhang Jian and Wu Shuaifei teaming up, and they are in a very dangerous situation. If he abstains, at least he can come in the next session and have a chance to enter the Saint. The inner gate of the hall, if they died in the trial mountain, these two good seedlings would be completely gone." Elder Xiong sighed.

"Yes, even if he can escape for a while, he will still not be able to win against Zhang Jian and Wu Shuaifei. Only by abstaining can he protect his life clearly. I hope he will make a wise move. If his life is lost, then there will be nothing." The third elder sighed. .

"This is not only his catastrophe, but also a test. Let's see how he responds and handles it." said the temple elder.


Trial in the mountains.

A moment after the explosion, the smoke and dust dissipated, slowly returning to calm.

The world returns to silence.

When Zhang Jian and others looked up, Hong Ling was no longer visible.

"Damn it!" Zhang Jian clutched his chest, his face hard to see the extreme.

"Unexpectedly, Hong Ling protected him like this. In order to cover his escape, even these magical weapons were used." Wu Shuifei's face turned blue.

"And that Lin Yun, he obviously only has the Golden Core Realm, why is it so strong? This is unreasonable! Unreasonable!" Zhang Jian roared.

This is Zhang Jian's worst miscalculation. Who could have predicted that a golden core monk could be so strong?

"Hurry up, don't let them run away." Shen Yongqi said quickly.

"Don't worry, unless they smash the jade pendant and abstain, otherwise, they must be in the trial mountain, and the monk can't run to the temple!" Wu Shuaifei smiled.

"Yes, they can't run away! Absolutely!" Zhang Jian gritted his teeth, his tone firm.

Zhang Jian knew that he lost to Lin Yun in a heads-up match today. He was embarrassed and he must find the place back.

"Everyone listened to the order, two of them, looking for their traces, and sending a signal immediately after finding them! I want them to pay the price of their lives, especially Lin Yun!" Zhang Jian said viciously.

"Yes!" The disciples from the outer door of the temple responded in unison.

Immediately afterwards, these disciples worked in pairs, dispersed quickly, and began to follow Lin Yun and the three.

Zhang Jian didn't chase after him. He was in urgent need of recovery and recovery. Once he found Lin Yun, he was ready to fight.


the other side.

Lin Yun ran away all the way.

He had just escaped and felt a powerful explosion behind him.

Lin Yun glanced back, and even at a certain distance, he could feel the terrifying power of the explosion.

The light from the explosion made Lin Yun feel dazzling.

After just taking a look, Lin Yun continued to run away, afraid to stay.

"How could such a powerful explosion happen, Hong Ling... will be fine, right?"

Lin Yun, who was running wild, raised a worrisome heart.

Lin Yun didn't know who caused such a powerful explosion, let alone the situation there, or whether Hong Ling was injured or even died...

Hong Ling stayed there in order to stop the enemy. If Hong Ling had any shortcomings, Lin Yun would feel guilty for life.

"Hong Ling has a special status. They have always been afraid of Hong Ling. They should not dare to do anything with Red Ling. Red Ling should not be life-threatening." Lin Yun muttered in his heart.

Twenty minutes passed in a blink of an eye as he ran all the way.

While Lin Yun ran away, he also paid attention to whether someone was catching up behind him.

Fortunately, there are no chasing soldiers.

And now the sky is completely dark, under the shroud of darkness, it is a powerful cover for Lin Yun and the others to escape.

"Oops, no way!"

Lin Yun ran and found that there was a dead end ahead.

There is no way here, so you can only turn back and go another way.

But once you turn back, you are likely to meet the chasing soldiers, which is very risky.

"Can't go back!"

Lin Yun shook his head, then looked around to see if there was any place to hide.

Lin Yun's urgent delay is to find a hiding place and adjust his condition to recover from his injuries!


After Lin Yun looked carefully, he suddenly saw a cave in front of him, the location was relatively hidden.

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