Top Shenhao

Chapter 1052: Watch the battle

"Senior Lin Yun, go ahead, there is no danger, right? That is a monster with the power of half-step transformation." Pan Qing worried.

"We just go first, observe the situation from a distance to see what is going on, and then make plans." Lin Yun said.

Immediately afterwards, a group of four people left the cliff and went straight to the nest of the half-step transformation of the gods and monsters.

Along the way, this half-step transforming **** monster beast continued to roar.

The sound spread throughout the trial mountain, and every team in the mountain could hear it.

The roar changed from a warning at the beginning to a howl of battle.

At the same time, waves of powerful battles spread out, shaking the entire trial mountain!

"Listen to the sound, someone is fighting with the half-step-transforming monster! Who is so fierce, dare to challenge the half-step translating monster!" The white shark was surprised.

"It must be Meng Yangtian. Apart from him, no one dares to do this." Hong Ling said.

"It should be him. I didn't expect to be boarded first by him." Lin Yun showed a smile.

Why did Lin Yun remove his evil spirit under the cliff before? It is to prepare for the war.

Lin Yun's original idea was to try to challenge this half-step demon beast after getting rid of the evil spirit, to see how far his strength can be.

As a result, Meng Yangtian went first.

"Go, let's speed up!"

The four speeded up and rushed towards the half-stepped monster lair.

Before long, the four came to a canyon.

Below the canyon is the old nest of monsters.

At this moment, Meng Yangtian was fighting the monster beast, and the battle scene was extremely fierce.

Under the battle, the ground was constantly shaking, like an earthquake.

The four of them were on the side of the canyon, and they could clearly see the battle scene in the canyon.

This is a big white tiger demon with a human body and a pair of tiger claws covered with white hair. The tiger claws are his powerful attack weapon.

What Meng Yangtian used was a long spear.

"This Meng Yangtian is so strong. There is only a Tier 3 Nascent Soul. Facing a half-step transformation of a monster, he can have such a big advantage." White Shark exclaimed.

"He is really strong." Hong Ling murmured.

Lin Yun couldn't help but nodded.

The fighting power of monster beasts is generally stronger than that of human monks of the same level on the earth, and it can be seen that they have a half-level ability.

The deputy head of the Asura Hall, who had half-stepped into God, probably couldn't beat this great white tiger demon.

It is indeed not easy for Meng Yangtian to defeat the half-step monster beast.

Hong Ling said: "Actually, I had expected that Meng Yangtian would come to challenge this half-step monster. As far as I know, he doesn't bother to **** the trophies of other teams. If you want to secure the first place, you must win this half-step demon beast pill."

"Oh? With his strength, which team he wants to grab, he won't grab it?" Bai Sha was surprised.

After Lin Yun heard the words, he also showed a touch of surprise.

Before Lin Yun just came out of retreat, Lin Yun met Meng Yangtian.

Lin Yun thought about it carefully. After meeting him at that time, Lin Yun was still worried that he would take his own trophy, but he didn't do that.

Lin Yun wondered at that time, why didn't he grab it? It's impossible to see how handsome he is... Now Lin Yun finally understands...

"Speaking of which, he is really a weird man, interesting." Lin Yun showed a smile.

"Aren't peerless geniuses generally strange? Just like your Lin Yun, a donkey." Hong Ling covered his mouth and smiled.

"Uh..." Lin Yungan laughed.

"You can say that he is weird, you can also say that he has his own principles, don't you, Lin Yun, too, saying that you are a donkey is actually because you have your own principles and are not willing to go beyond your own principles." Hong Ling Said.

Lin Yun nodded seriously, Lin Yun still very much agrees with this.

"This guy is a bit interesting." Lin Yun looked at the figure of Meng Yangtian below.

"Look, the half-step transformation of the monster has exploded!" The white shark was surprised.

Sure enough, the great white tiger demon suddenly deformed, completely transformed into a giant white tiger, and its combat effectiveness suddenly increased.

Meng Yangtian also burst out ultimate moves instantly, and his strength also increased sharply.

The battle instantly fell into anxiety.

"What a fierce battle!" Pan Qing covered his small mouth with horror on his face.

The battle was indeed very fierce. Just by watching the battle, Lin Yun could feel the horror of the battlefield.

If Lin Yun were to go now and deal with this completely erupting white tiger demon, Lin Yun felt that he would be very difficult to fight.

The monster beast has a physical advantage, and it has thick skin, which is really difficult to deal with.

"After the White Tiger Demon broke out completely, Meng Yangtian was also very difficult to fight." White Shark said.

Trial under the mountain.

Meng Yangtian fought fiercely against the image of the White Tiger and the Great Demon, and displayed it in front of everyone through the projection image.

"I heard about Meng Yangtian's prestige, but I didn't expect him to be so fierce!"

"Since this great white tiger demon was placed in the trial mountain, no one has challenged it for so many years. Meng Yangtian is the first one."

"He is really good, I heard he is only 32, right? He has a bright future."

There was a lot of discussion in the square.

The elders in the judges' seat naturally praised Meng Yangtian.

"With the talent shown by Meng Yangtian, after entering the inner gate, he will cultivate dozens or hundreds of years, and it will definitely be the pillar of our temple in the future." said the three elders.

Trial on the mountain.

The battle between Meng Yangtian and the monster beast was still going on.

At this time, the battlefield situation changed again, and Meng Yangtian suddenly urged a terrifying ultimate move.

In the canyon, a half-rainbow pierced the sun, a white glow with extremely terrifying power, with the force of destroying it, smashed directly at the monster!

After this white rainbow hit the white tiger demon, the white tiger was directly knocked down and flew tens of meters, crushing a huge rock before stopping.

"Just now I thought that Meng Yangtian had already exploded with all the methods, but I didn't expect that he actually had a back-up! His methods are so many!" Lin Yun was surprised.

Based on the tricks Meng Yangtian just broke out, Lin Yun felt that if he faced Meng Yangtian, he might not be able to beat him.

After all, Meng Yangtian spent much longer practicing time than Lin Yun.

Lin Yun's cultivation time is too short.

Moreover, Lin Yun has just broken through Yuan Ying, and needs improvement in many aspects.

In the canyon.

The place where Meng Yangtian and the monster beast fought was in a mess.

"Tiger demon, I think your methods have been used up, this battle, I think there has been a result." Meng Yangtian said calmly.

"Damn human beings, I have been in this mountain for hundreds of years. No one of the previous contestants has ever challenged me. I don't take the initiative to find you. As long as you don't bother me, your experience, I don't Will intervene, and now, this principle of peaceful coexistence with me has been broken by you!!!" the big demon white tiger roared.

Immediately afterwards, the great demon of the white tiger looked up to the sky and roared.


"All the monsters who want to listen to the orders, unite for me and launch a counterattack! The three chiefs under the seat will show up quickly!"

His roar spread throughout the Monster Beast Mountain!

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