Top Shenhao

Chapter 1072: Grow in failure

At this time, Lin Yun had successfully constructed more than 6,000 silk threads before an error occurred.

"carry on!"

Lin Yun's eyes were firm.

The bet between the two metal creatures also came to fruition.

"Sixth, it's been a month, how is he?"

"It continues, and the effect seems to be good."

"In that case, you lost the fifth child, haha, I really didn't look away."

"Okay, sixth, I lost. I really underestimated this little guy, but whether he can learn before the limit of March is still a lot to say. At least for now, his progress is still not fast enough."


Time came to two twenty days, and only ten days were left before the deadline.

A complete green lotus blooms in Lin Yun's hands.

"Huh, it's finally condensed!"

Lin Yun looked at the green lotus in his hand, Lin Yun showed a heartfelt smile.

Qinglian is composed of internal forces, glowing with blue light, and looks lifelike and amazingly beautiful!

However, this is still not a success.

It took Lin Yun an hour to wind up and construct this green lotus to successfully construct it.

Real success can be constructed in an instant with a single thought, and then injected with power and beat out.

The enemy won't give you more than an hour, where to slowly build a green lotus.

Therefore, it is necessary to construct these tens of thousands of threads with one thought to be considered a success.

This is the last link and the most difficult link.

Lin Yun checked the date on his watch.

"Oh, time is running out, only the last ten days are left." Lin Yun paled.

In the last ten days, Lin Yun had to shorten the time to condense a green lotus from more than one hour to one second!

This is very difficult.

"There is no way out, let's start!"

Lin Yun did not dare to delay time and started immediately.

Practice makes perfect. If you want a thought, you can only construct countless times, and you must be familiar enough to no longer be familiar.

Therefore, Lin Yun began to use internal force to construct Qinglian in his hands again and again.

Tenth to the last day...

The last ninth day...


Time goes by, and this kind of day is very boring, and it is extremely difficult for ordinary people to bear, but the road to cultivation is inherently boring.

With Lin Yun's structure again and again, with the improvement of familiarity.

The time for Lin Yun to construct a green lotus is also constantly decreasing.

When the time came to the penultimate day, the palace lord successfully condensed Qinglian with a single thought, and successfully learned the first form of Qinglian's decision.

"Congratulations, after passing the test of this level, you will win the entire Qinglian Jue, and be qualified to enter the next level." The metal creature said to the palace lord.

After Lin Yun heard the words, he immediately stopped and looked up at the palace lord.

"Palace Master, congratulations on your success!" Lin Yun showed a smile.

Lin Yun knew how difficult it was to learn this stuff and the Palace Master could succeed, even Lin Yun had to admire her.

Moreover, the Ice Spirit Palace absolutely does not have such a god-level cheat. After the palace master learns the Qinglian decision of the first level, once it is used, the combat effectiveness will definitely increase!

In the future, the palace lord can still learn the second and third forms...

This is definitely a great treasure for the palace owner!

"Lin Yun, come on, too, I believe you can!" said the palace master.

Lin Yun nodded, then immediately continued to condense the green lotus.

The Palace Master stood in the hall, waiting silently, not daring to disturb Lin Yun at all.

Time came to the last day.

"There are 10 minutes left before the end of your test." The metal creature reminded.

At this time, Lin Yun condensed a green lotus, and it took 7 seconds!

Although this is already fast.

However, it must be condensed in one second to be truly successful!

The more you go back, the more you want to shorten the setting time, the more men you will get.

Lin Yun now condenses once every 7 seconds, and can condense 85 times in 10 minutes.

"Quick! Faster!"

Lin Yun gritted his teeth and kept condensing Qinglian.

"Young man, your time is almost here, there is one last minute, the countdown begins, 59, 58, 57..." The metal creature began to count down.

At this moment, Lin Yun condenses once, and it takes 4 seconds!

Lin Yun's forehead was already covered with beads of sweat.

"Give me out! Give me out! It must be done!"

As Lin Yun condensed, he gritted his teeth and shouted, his forehead bulging with blue veins, and even his eyes became scarlet.

If Lin Yun is given one or two more days, Lin Yun is confident that it will definitely succeed.

But now, there is no time.

Lin Yun can only force himself crazy, squeeze his potential to the limit, and push himself crazy!

boom! boom!

Lines of green lotus condensed in Lin Yun's hands, then disappeared, and then condensed again...

The setting time is about once every three seconds.

"Lin Yun..."

The Palace Master, who was standing not far away, stared at Lin Yun with beautiful eyes, nervous and worried flashing in his eyes...

She also knew that there was no time.

"Young man, you only have the last 5 seconds, 5, 4,..." The metal creature counted down.

The countdown sound of metal creatures is like a urging charm.

"It seems to be a failure. It's a pity. If you give him one more day, it will definitely happen. It's a pity that the three-month time limit is set by the owner and we have no right to change it." The metal creature sighed in his heart.

Seeing that it is almost done, but time does not allow, even metal creatures feel a pity.

At this moment, Lin Yun could no longer hear any voice from the outside world, Lin Yun had only one thought in his mind, it must come true!

"Give me out!"


A lotus gleaming with green light instantly bloomed in Lin Yun's hands.

With one thought, Qinglian Cheng!

At this time, the metal creature was just counting down to the third number.

"Did you succeed?!" The metal creature was surprised.

"It's done!"

The palace lord not far away saw Lin Yun congealing Qinglian, and she also showed joy.


Lin Yun looked at the Qinglian made by a thought in his hand, with a smile on his face.

With March's efforts, Lin Yun felt that everything was worth it at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun scattered the Qinglian in his hand and looked up at the metal creature.

"Senior, how much time is there? Am I not late?"

Lin Yun had just entered the state completely, and hadn't heard the countdown of the metal creature.

"No night, you succeeded in the last three seconds. I thought you would fail. Unexpectedly, you still did it. Congratulations, you passed the test of this level." Metal creature said.

Lin Yun breathed a long sigh of relief when he heard this.

At this time, a light and shadow poured into Lin Yun's brain instantly.

It is the full version of Qinglian Jue!

This is the reward for success.

Lin Yun took a look. There is a passage before the full version. Once he accepts this key, he will be regarded as agreeing not to spread this secret code, otherwise he will be condemned by God and killed!

"Congratulations to both of you, you both successfully passed the test of this level, which proves that your talents are all excellent!" said the metal creature.

Lin Yun was also a little joyful when he heard this.

In the past, Lin Yun felt that he could get to this point because of the inheritance of Sword Master Xuanming.

And now, at least it is certain that his talent in cultivation is also very powerful!

After studying the Qinglian Jue in March, Lin Yun's patience has also improved significantly, which is also a gain!

At this time, the palace lord also stepped forward.

"Lin Yun, you lost to me in the test of this level." The palace lord showed an alluring smile.

After all, the Palace Master learned the Qinglian Jue a few days earlier than Lin Yun.

"Palace Master, I never said that I am better than you." Lin Yun couldn't help rolling his eyes.

The palace lord put away his smile and looked at the metal creature: "Senior, can we go to the next level?"

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