Top Shenhao

Chapter 1076: con man

All three people in the house were taken aback when they heard the report from the guard.

They did not expect that Lin Yun, who disappeared for March, would suddenly come to the door.

"What? Brother Lin Yunxian is here?" Lei Chengmeng stood up.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Cheng burst into a smile.

"Haha, it seems that Brother Lin Yunxian didn't avoid me deliberately, otherwise, he would not take the initiative to visit!"

After Lei Cheng said, he hurried out to meet Lin Yun.

The old man and the woman in Tsing Yi in the house were even more shocked. Could it be that they misunderstood Lin Yun?

The door of the auction house.

Lin Yun was waiting at the door, and Lei Cheng appeared at the door with a smile on his face.

"Brother Lin Yunxian, long time no see." Lei Cheng carried a bold smile.

"Brother Lei Cheng, I'm really sorry. After the temple trials ended, I practiced in retreat. I didn't expect that it would last three months after retreating. I only received the phone calls and text messages from Brother Lei Cheng yesterday. "Lin Yun apologized.

"Retreat? So that's it." Lei Cheng suddenly realized.

He only understood now that Lin Yun disappeared for March, and he was in retreat.

Lei Cheng was also a monk, and of course he knew that the monk was a commonplace in retreat.

Let alone a retreat for three months, it is not surprising that it is a retreat for 3 years and 30 years, so he can fully understand it.

Now, the mystery of Lin Yun's disappearance in March is fully explained.

"Brother Lin Yun, don't talk at the door, hurry! Let's go in first." Lei Cheng invited him warmly.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Cheng led Lin Yun to the reception hall.


At this time, the Shura Temple thousands of miles away.

Inside the hall.

"Hall Master! Palace Master!"

The elder of the Shura Hall hurried into the hall.

"Hall Master, good news, finally there is news about Lin Yun!" The elder of the Asura Hall said excitedly.

After hearing the words, the Hallmaster of the Asura Hall suddenly opened his gloomy eyes.

"He, has he finally appeared?"

On this day, he has been waiting for three months.

"Son, your hatred, avenge your father for you!" In the palace master's eyes, the killing intent suddenly rose.

"Hall Master, this time you personally take action, it is natural to kill him, but..., Palace Master Ice Spirit, won't you intervene? The two of them have a lot to do with each other." The elder of the Xiuluo Palace worried.

After all, the Palace Master of the Ice Spirit Palace was already in the Transcendent Realm, so there is nothing wrong with him to worry about it.

If the two transforming gods realm fight, it is very likely that both will suffer.

"Even if the Bing Ling Palace Lord is willing to help, she will never be able to be Lin Yun's bodyguard. As long as they are not together, we will act quickly. As long as the speed is fast enough, even if Lin Yun calls the palace owner to come to rescue, the palace owner He has not arrived yet, he is already a corpse!" The hall master said coldly.

"What the hall master said is." The elder of the Shura Hall nodded.

"Elder, where is the specific location of this son now?" the palace master asked.

"In the ancient town of Qingyang, there are our people who saw him appear in the ancient town with their own eyes!" said the elder of the Xiuluo Palace.

"Very good, then stop him outside Qingyang Ancient Town!" The palace master's killing intent surged.

"Hall Master, if you intercept and kill outside the ancient town, Lei Cheng from Tianwu Pavilion Auction House will not interfere, right? He came forward last time and helped Lin Yun." The elder looked up at the Palace Master.

"Lei Cheng was willing to help Lin Yun before because he mistakenly thought that Lin Yun was the son of a great figure in the temple, so he wanted to get involved." The hall master sneered.

The hall master continued in a cold voice: "It has now been confirmed that Lin Yun has nothing to do with the temple. As long as Lei Cheng is not stupid, he will not be ashamed. In order to help Lin Yun, he is opposed to our Xiuluo Temple. Lei Cheng is a wise man. He knows the most powerful relationship among them!"

"Yes! Yes!" The great elder nodded and felt relieved.

"Ten thousand steps back, Lei Cheng is just a half-step god, even if he intervenes? I respected him a few decades ago. Now, what is he? If you dare to obstruct, kill him at the same time. That's it!" The hall master was full of arrogance.

In the face of absolute strength, everything else is imaginary!

"Hall Lord, there is one more thing. It is a special time now. Our underground altar is very important. Dong Ying has repeatedly warned that there must be no extravagance. You will kill people personally. You will not make Dong Ying unhappy, right?" Said.

"I'm going to kill Lin Yun, I will fight quickly, and there will be nothing wrong with them. What are they upset? We are a cooperative relationship, not his slaves!" The hall master said in a cold voice.


On the other side, Qingyang Ancient Town.

Lei Cheng invited Lin Yun into the reception hall.

"Xiaoxi, give Lin Yun tea." Lei Cheng instructed the woman in Qingyi.

"Second Uncle, even if he takes the initiative, he can't change the fact that he is a liar. He fooled you with the identity of a great man in the temple, indicating that he didn't treat you Second Uncle as a friend at all. Why should we be so enthusiastic to him." The Qingyi woman muttered. .

After Lin Yun heard the words, he raised his head and glanced at the woman in Qingyi.

Lin Yun had seen her, and when Lin Yun came to the auction house to send something for the first time, he was there.

"Xiaoxi, don't talk nonsense!" Lei Cheng glared at the woman in Tsing Yi.

"Brother Lei Cheng, she thinks I am a liar, and I can understand." Lin Yun said.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun changed his words: "However, I must make this matter clear. I have never said that I am a descendant of the great man in the temple, and I have never personally admitted it."

"This..., what Lin Yunxian said is correct, but I guessed it." Lei Cheng nodded.

Lei Cheng thought about it, Lin Yun did not take the initiative to say it, nor did he admit it, everything was just his guess.

"Even if you haven't admitted it, you promised my second uncle that you would get my second uncle's pill, and then take away so many precious medicinal materials for free from my second uncle. Aren't you cheating? You're not a temple How can the descendants of great people get such a precious high-level pill!" The Tsing Yi woman plausibly said.

Obviously, the woman in Tsing Yi still concluded that Lin Yun was a liar.

Lin Yun looked up at her and said with a smile: "How do you know that I can't get it? My promise, Lin Yun will naturally do."

"Then you have the ability to take it out!" The woman in Tsing Yi was confident.

"Take it out? Okay." Lin Yun responded with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun flipped his hand and a pill appeared in Lin Yun's hand.

"Brother Lei Cheng, I'm here today to honor my promise. I have already obtained the medicine you want."

Lin Yun said as he put the medicine on the table.

"Really... really took it out?" The Tsing Yi woman petrified instantly.

When Lei Cheng saw the pill on the table, his expression instantly stagnated.

Lei Cheng originally thought that Lin Yun was not a descendant of the great man in the temple, and the fact that he helped him get the pill was probably yellow. He did not expect Lin Yun to take it out?

Immediately afterwards, Lei Cheng quickly picked up the pill on the table.

"This...this..., this is indeed a high-level pill!"

Even Lei Cheng, who has always been calm, showed excitement!

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