Top Shenhao

Chapter 1183: Open challenge

"Speaking of this, doesn't it mean that as long as there are enough spirit stones, you can quickly improve "War Emperor Physical Training"?" Lin Yun said with great joy.

According to this transformation speed, I am afraid that 20,000 spiritual stones will be able to reach the first level of "War Emperor Refining Technique".

However, in the next second, an extremely itchy feeling hit my heart instantly.


Lin Yun sucked in an itchy breath, and at the same time couldn't help stopping his cultivation.

Lin Yun estimates that because the transformation is relatively fast, the whole body will be itchy!

"It seems that even if you can practice through Lingshi, it is not that easy to practice." Lin Yun showed helplessness.

"Come again!"

Lin Yun is not so easy to lose.

After making up his mind, Lin Yun continued to absorb the spirit stones and practiced "War Emperor Refining Technique"!

Because he was mentally prepared, Lin Yun gritted his teeth and endured it when the itch came!

The whole body seemed to be scratched by a lot of feathers, it was extremely uncomfortable!

The most difficult thing was that Lin Yun could neither move nor be distracted under the torture of this kind of itchy. He needed to do something with his heart under this kind of torture.

After persisting for about five minutes, Lin Yun was defeated again.

"Damn, this is simply a torture that is worse than death!" Lin Yun couldn't help but scolded his mother.

Lin Yun now finally understands why the Great Elder would say that this "War Emperor Physical Training" is very difficult to practice.

"It's no wonder that among the several elders, only the elder is trained and the difficulty is too high, but the elder is so powerful, he can endure this kind of torture and learn the "War Emperor Physical Training Book"."

Lin Yun had to admire the great elder in his heart after experiencing the difficulty of this book, "War Emperor Refining Technique".

"Just give up like this?" Lin Yun thought of giving up flashed in his heart.

Anyway, if he didn't learn this secret book, Lin Yun's strength would not be greatly affected.


"Lin Yun, what do you think? This is difficult, so I want to give up?"

When Lin Yun flashed this thought, he slapped his face directly.

If he encounters a slight difficulty this time, Lin Yun will choose to give up. If he encounters difficulties in the next practice, will Lin Yun continue to give up?

Next time, next time...

If you really give up when encountering difficulties like this, Lin Yun feels that his path of cultivation may have come to an end!

Lin Yun, absolutely cannot start this.

"I have put aside the words to the elder, if I can't learn, how can I face him? Moreover, the elder can learn, why I can't learn Lin Yun!" Lin Yun's eyes were firm.

Lin Yun can be defeated in front of masters.

However, we must not fall in front of difficulties! Never!

After firming his conviction, Lin Yun continued to absorb the spirit stones and began to practice "War Emperor Body Refining".

After the start of cultivation, that kind of strange itch once again spread all over Lin Yun's body, making people want to scratch and want to stop this kind of torture.

This itch is much harder to resist than pain!

Itching is the most unbearable, let alone itching everywhere in the body.

"Persevere! Persevere!"

Under the torment of the itch, Lin Yun has only one belief in his mind, that is, he must persist!

Why can't others stick to it?

Lin Yun remained motionless and forcibly endured.

An hour passed in a blink of an eye!

At this moment, Lin Yun's forehead was covered with sweat beads, and the white robe was completely wet with sweat.

There seemed to be tens of thousands of ants crawling on Lin Yun.

However, the effect is also there, Lin Yun's skin is also changing little by little.


Lin Yun finally couldn't help it, and fell to the ground, and his whole body began to convulse.

"No, it...has reached the limit that the body can bear, and must rest!" Lin Yun's voice was shaking.

Although persistence is a good thing, there is a degree, otherwise it will cause damage to the body.

Lin Yun prepared to wait for a rest and adjust his state before continuing.

At this moment, the knock on the door remembered.

"Brother Yun, it's me." A white shark's voice sounded at the door.

"The door is not locked, just come in." Lin Yun responded to the door.

White Shark opened the door and walked in.

"Brother Yun, you...what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Lin Yun, the white shark fell profusely to the ground, and he was frightened.

The white shark took three steps and made two steps, and quickly rushed to Lin Yun and helped Lin Yun up.

At this moment, Lin Yun's face was pale, and his whole body appeared very weak.

"Brother Yun, you...what's wrong with you? What happened? How could this be?" White Shark asked repeatedly with concern.

"I'm fine, I'm cultivating a secret book, which is a bit torturous." Lin Yun squeezed a smile, his voice still weak.

"Brother Yun, you have worked so hard, and you won't be able to cultivate like this in your cultivation. No wonder others call you a lunatic Lin." White Shark worried.

"If you don't fight a little bit, how can you get ahead of others? You can't just see how great I am on the surface. Behind my greatness, it takes effort and sweat." Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Brother Yun, I... must learn from you!" The white shark looked very touched.

"By the way, White Shark, what are you looking for?" Lin Yun asked.

"I almost forgot to do business. It's like this, Mo Yuan, who is the second highest in the ranking, challenged you publicly." White Shark said.

"Mo Yuan challenged me?" Lin Yun frowned.

"Yes, he has spread the news throughout the inner door of the temple. He said that you have been spread very well recently, and your record is also very brilliant. He wants to learn and teach." White Shark said.

"An idiot." Lin Yun snorted coldly.

Lin Yun knew that there was Liangzi between him and Mo Yuan, and he was very upset with him in his heart.

However, he chose to openly find a way to learn from himself, wanting to use this to clean up himself, this idea is quite stupid.

As an old disciple who has been cultivating for decades, he took the initiative to challenge a new disciple. First of all, he ignored him and was called a bully.

Even if he wins, others feel that it is not surprising that he defeated Lin Yun with his strength and qualifications.

What can he get? Hong Ling would not fall in love with him because of this.

If he loses, he loses even more face.

Even if he wins, he will exhale at best.

"Brother Yun, do you have any grudges with this Mo Yuan? Mo Yuan is the second in the sky list, a half-step transforming god, much more difficult to deal with than the fourth in the sky list." White Shark said.

White Shark didn't know about the mission, and naturally didn't know the grudge between Lin Yun and Mo Yuan.

"There is indeed a little bit of grudges." Lin Yun replied.

"Brother Yun, are you ready to challenge? According to the temple rules, players with low rankings in the sky list challenge the players with higher rankings. The higher-ranked players must agree, but your ranking is lower than him, so you don't need to agree." Bai Shark said.

Lin Yun's eyes narrowed: "He didn't ask me to write a challenge book privately, but publicly challenged the matter and let it spread throughout the inner door of the temple. He wanted me not to come to the stage. If I refused, he could use it. With a rhythm, he said I was bullying the soft and afraid of the tough, he was really good at calculating."

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