Top Shenhao

Chapter 1150: Reminisce for book friends since the war. Add more

Seeing the chains swept across, the palace lord immediately showed his dagger, burst out his strength, and greeted the battle.


Facing the chain that was whipped, the palace lord directly picked it up with a sword and swept the chain away.

The master of the Asura Palace was very skilled in the use of chains. As soon as the palace master swept open the chains with a sword, the chains turned weirdly, from back to front, lashing out.

The palace lord did not expect this hand, and the chain snapped, and the palace lord was drawn directly from behind.

He flew the palace lord directly for a certain distance before barely holding on.

Fortunately, because the chain was temporarily changed its direction, the power when drawing the palace lord was not great.

"it is good!"


The disciples under the square, seeing the master of his house occupy the advantage, they all cheered.

"Palace Master!"

Lin Yun's expression suddenly changed after seeing this scene.

In the field.

"Jie Jie, Palace Master, what I said, even if you have a higher level of spiritual consciousness than me, it may not be my opponent. My control of the chain is very powerful, but has it been learned?" The Palace Master of Asura said for a while Weird laugh.

Immediately afterwards, the palace lord of the Asura Palace waved the chain in his hand again and lashed away at the palace lord.

"Hmph, don't want to hurt this palace again!" The palace lord swung his sword up.

The battle between the two broke out in mid-air.

The palace owner had just suffered a loss, so he was also careful.

Chains are unpopular weapons, and the advantage of unpopular weapons is that opponents have insufficient protection against such weapons.

As the saying goes, one inch long and one inch strong, this chain is tens of meters long, and the master of the Palace of Asura is very skillful.

The most difficult part is that its whereabouts are strange and unpredictable.

But after the palace owner suffered a loss, he can now cope.

"Lin Yun, don't look at that side, or worry about yourself!"

The deputy head of the Asura Hall scolded Lin Yun.

At the same time, the deputy head of the Asura Hall and the Great Elder all showed their weapons, preparing to fight Lin Yun.

"Two little monsters, are you so anxious to get on the road?" Lin Yun stared at him and shook his head with a smile.

If they were placed in front of Lin Yun to join the temple, the two of them would work together, and it would indeed give Lin Yun a certain amount of pressure, and the battle would be fierce. After all, the deputy head of the Asura Hall was a half-step transforming god.

And now, in Lin Yun's eyes, the two of them were just the kind of roadside mobs.

"Little monster? Boy, you are too mad!" The deputy hall master sneered.

The deputy hall master knew that Lin Yun had defeated Zhang Jian and others of Tier 2 Nascent Soul, but as a half-step transforming god, it was hard to fight, but it was completely fine to fight a battle.

"Then you try." Lin Yunding pointed to the deputy hall master.

"Elder, let's go!"

After the deputy hall master finished speaking, he immediately burst into the realm of half-step transformation of the gods, waved his sword in his hand, and slashed towards Lin Yun!


The saber attacked Lin Yun with full power.

The Great Elder also immediately waved his saber and attacked Lin Yun.

The square below.

"To deal with a Tier 2 Nascent Infant, even the Deputy Hall Master and the Great Elder do it together? The Great Elder can easily kill!"

"This Tier 2 Nascent Soul actually dared to follow the Bing Ling Palace Master to attack my Asura Palace, isn't this a death hunt! I don't know what this kid thought, look at him, how he died later.

The disciples in the square spoke.

In their eyes, a Tier 2 Yuan Ying participating in this level of battle is completely cannon fodder.

In their eyes, Lin Yun was already a dead person.


"Is this a bit of power? Too weak." Lin Yun couldn't help shook his head after feeling the power of the two swords.

This half-step transformation of the deputy hall master is at most similar to Pang Yong in strength, even slightly inferior.

At this time, the deputy hall master's sword had already been cut in front of Lin Yun.

Lin Yun, moved!

The four-layer black flames will break out!

Xuanming sword technique fourth style, cut!

The Scarlet Blood Sword was instantly wrapped in **** streamer, exuding a palpitating power.

Lin Yun directly waved the Scarlet Blood Sword in his hand and slashed towards the deputy hall master.


When the swords collided, the terrifying power contained in the Scarlet Blood Sword rushed to the Vice-Hall Master like a tide.

next moment.

The deputy hall master's whole person is like a short kite, directly falling down.

During the fall, his blood spurted wildly.

At this time, the attack of the Great Elder of the Asura Hall had also reached Lin Yun.

Lin Yun once again urged the fourth style of Xuanming sword technique, slashing towards the great elder.


After the sword collided, the great elder also flew upside down and fell instantly.


The deputy hall master who fell, smashed the square fiercely, smashing the square out of a hole.

Immediately afterwards, the elder of the Asura Hall also ‘dumped’ and hit the square fiercely.

"He He……"

The deputy hall master who smashed into the square had his eyes rounded and stared at the sky.

His eyes flashed with intense shock and incredible colors.

He only had one thought in his heart, how could Lin Yun be so strong!

Lin Yun a few months ago was not so strong at all!

This kid, are you going to hang up?

In the next moment, the life of the deputy hall master was exhausted, and the whole person lost his breath.

Only his eyes were still round, as if he was talking about his shock and unwillingness during his lifetime!

As for the Great Elder of the Asura Hall, when he hit it down, he was already dead!

Just one move.

The deputy head of the Asura Hall and the great elder of the Asura Hall were killed!

Killer, Lin Yun!


At this moment, the entire square fell into deathly silence.

Countless pairs of eyes stared at the thin young figure in midair incredibly.

The second-order Yuan Ying cuts half-step to transform the gods, and the third-order Yuan Ying has one sword?

The deputy head of his house and the great elder.

just this?

Oh my God, is this still a second-tier Nascent Soul? !

My God, the second-order Nascent Soul could be so strong?

Their worldview collapsed!

"He... he is Lin Yun, that is Lin Yun in the Temple Trial Mountain, who upset the trial!" An exclamation sound sounded from the crowd.

When the temple trials were held, the Shadow Gate also had three disciples who entered the Trial Mountain. Although the son of the palace owner was beheaded by Lin Yun, the remaining two had been eliminated long ago.

The person who exclaimed just now was the disciple eliminated from Trial Mountain, so he recognized Lin Yun.

"What? He is the Lin Yun who killed the disciple outside the temple and stirred the entire trial mountain?"

"God, it was him, no wonder he is so strong!"

The entire square was in an uproar.


"I said, you two are just mobs." Lin Yun shook his head.

If Lin Yun didn't directly explode the strongest strength, then the Deputy Palace Master could still have a few tricks with Lin Yun.

However, Lin Yun directly broke out the strongest strength, a single blow was enough to destroy him!

The head of the Palace of Asura, seeing Lin Yun easily kill the deputy head and the elder, his face suddenly changed.

"Damn! How could he be so strong!" The Lord of the Palace of Shura roared frantically.

In his heart, there was even more turbulent waves.

Some time ago, he even came forward specifically to kill Lin Yun, so he could seriously wound Lin Yun with a single wave.

And now, he feels that Lin Yun's strength is enough to fight him!

How terrible is the growth rate of this child?

This son is so terrifying?

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