Top Shenhao

Chapter 1208: Acupuncture

"Did you save me back? Thank you Uncle Jin Yong." Lin Yun said.

"Little brother, you can lie down and rest first. My daughter said you can't remember anything. She went to call the old Chinese doctor in the village to see if she can treat you." The middle-aged woman said.

Lin Yun was indeed very painful, so he lay back on the bed.

"Little brother, this is my wife, her name is Zhang Cui." Middle-aged man Jin Yong said.

"Aunt Zhang, thank you." Lin Yun thanked.

Soon, Jin Zhi brought an old Chinese doctor with gray hair into the room.

The old Chinese doctor sat down by the bed, looked at Lin Yun, and exclaimed:

"Young man, I didn't expect you to really wake up. With your injury, it is a miracle that you can wake up. Also, you have all your meridians broken, and you don't know what you went through."

The veteran doctor of Chinese medicine has been ill for Lin Yunzheng several times, so he knows Lin Yun's condition very well.

Jin Zhi said: "Grandpa Niu, he said he can't remember anything, you can help him get a cure."

The old Chinese doctor said: "His condition, I understand, he must have suffered some serious injury, maybe it hurt the brain, or it may have been soaked in the water for too long, causing the brain to flocculate and blood loss."

"Is there any way?" Lin Yun asked quickly.

Although Lin Yun has lost his memory now, Lin Yun always feels that if he has something important, Lin Yun definitely wants to quickly restore all his memories.

"I come to help you perform brain acupuncture every three days. As for whether you can restore your memory, that is the destiny." The old Chinese doctor said.

Soon after, the old Chinese doctor started to perform brain acupuncture for Lin Yun for the first time.

After acupuncture and moxibustion, Lin Yun found that his head was indeed much more comfortable.

But after careful recall, my head still hurts.

After half an hour, the acupuncture was finished, and the old Chinese doctor left.

Jin Zhi's parents sent the old Chinese doctor to the door.

"Doctor Niu, these are twenty native eggs, as a reward for you." Jin Zhi's mother Zhang Cui brought a basket of eggs.

"Don't give it, your family is not rich either. I know this patient is the one you rescued from the river. You are also doing good. I will treat it as doing good." The old Chinese doctor pushed the egg basket back.

"Thank you Doctor Niu." Jin Zhi's parents quickly thanked.

"It's still the same sentence, remember to supplement this child with nutrition, so that his body can recover quickly." The old Chinese doctor still instructed.

Then, the old Chinese doctor left.

After the old Chinese doctor left.

"Jinzhi his dad, the chicken he killed last time has been stewed for him." Jinzhi's mother Zhang Cui looked at Jin Yong.

During the period when Lin Yun was in a coma, they had killed chickens several times, and they all gave Lin Yun chicken soup.

"Then kill one more." Jin Yong brought a bit of dialect.

"Jinzhi his dad, there is only one old hen left in the house. This is a chicken that lays eggs. If it is killed, there will be no more chickens to lay eggs." Zhang Cui said.

"It's important to save people, kill!" Jin Yong gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

For the next two days, Jin Zhi brought chicken and chicken soup to Lin Yun for every meal.

Two days later, Lin Yun was able to walk down the ground.


Jinzhi's dinner table.

Because Lin Yun was already able to move, he came to eat at the dinner table.

"Jin Zhi, uncle and aunt, why don't you eat chicken?" Lin Yun looked at the three of them suspiciously.

Lin Yun discovered that there was only a small bowl of chicken and chicken soup at his table.

In addition, there are only a few vegetarian dishes on the table.

They only eat vegetarian dishes, not chicken or chicken soup.

"Brother, if you are sick, you can just drink chicken soup. We are healthy and we don't need it." Jin Zhi said with a smile.

Lin Yun only felt ashamed when he heard this.

This morning, the old Chinese doctor came to Lin Yun for acupuncture and moxibustion. Lin Yun's memory flashed through some fragments, but he couldn't remember anything.

"Little brother, you don't remember anything now, and you don't know where your home is, so just stay at our home. When will you remember, how about it?" Jin Yong said.

"Okay, thank you Uncle." Lin Yun said with a smile.

Lin Yun was too embarrassed to eat and drink for nothing. After eating, Lin Yun took the initiative to wash the dishes with Jin Zhi.

Jin Zhi was afraid that Lin Yun's body would not recover well, so he wouldn't let Lin Yun do it, but Lin Yun felt that his body was already much better, even if he exerted strength, it was all right.

Although Lin Yun's meridians were all broken, Lin Yun was once a Yuan Ying monk, and his body has undergone many transformations. The strength and resilience of his body are still much better than ordinary people.

"Hey, why is there no water." Jin Zhi, who was about to wash the dishes, saw that there was no water in the bucket.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Zhi carried the bucket and walked out, ready to carry water.

Lin Yun quickly followed to the yard.

In the yard.

A fat aunt is sitting in the yard snarling the sun.

"Jin Zhi, isn't this the person your family rescued? Can you walk down the ground?" The fat aunt stared at Lin Yun.

Immediately afterwards, the fat aunt turned her conversation and said with a smile: "But I heard that your brain has flooded and you have become a fool? It's really pitiful, you become a fool at a young age."

"Second aunt, the eldest brother is not a fool, he just lost his memory temporarily, maybe he can recover someday." Jin Zhi explained.

"Isn't that still a fool?" The fat aunt smiled.

"Jinzhi, let's fetch water first." Lin Yun said.

"it is good."

Jin Zhi nodded, and then led Lin Yun to the well to draw water.

"let me do it."

After the water was finished, Jin Zhi originally wanted to pick it, but Lin Yun took the initiative to rush up and pick up two buckets of water.

"Big brother, your body is only recovering, this... won't it hurt you?" Jin Zhi looked at Lin Yun.

"It's okay, I feel very easy to pick." Lin Yun said with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun took the water and headed to the kitchen.

With two buckets of water, Lin Yun only felt very relaxed.

Although Lin Yun's meridians were completely broken and he was no longer a monk, he was still much stronger than ordinary people.

The meridians are broken, but the internal force can no longer run.

After washing the dishes, Lin Yun returned to the courtyard.

At this time, Jin Yong was going home carrying a large back of firewood.

"Uncle Kim, I'm coming!"

Lin Yun rushed to Jin Yong.

"There are more than two hundred jins of firewood on the back. You have thin skin and tender meat. You must not work hard at ordinary times. You can't afford it." Jin Yong quickly refused.

"It's okay, I think I can."

As Lin Yun said, he took the initiative to unload the firewood from Jin Yong's back.

With a total of two hundred catties of firewood, Lin Yun held it in one hand and walked like flying, just like carrying it for fun.

"This..., he...,"

Jin Yong saw this scene, he was dumbfounded.

As an out-and-out farmer, he worked hard all the year round, and this carrying firewood made him feel very tired, so Lin Yun could walk like flying with one hand?

"Little brother is so good?"

Jin Zhi also covered his small mouth, stunned.

Even the fat aunt sitting in the yard snarling the sun had her eyes widened by this scene.

"This silly boy is so powerful?" The fat aunt exclaimed.

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