Top Shenhao

Chapter 1215: Change again

After they arrived, many villagers came to the gate of the yard.

Liu Ye brought more than 20 people into the village swaggeringly, which naturally attracted the attention of the villagers.

The villagers naturally wanted to come and have a look, what is Liu Ye doing in the village.

"Unexpectedly, when Liu Ye came to Zahmen Village, he turned out to be looking for the Jinzhi family."

"The Jinzhi family is honest, how can you get into Liu Ye and let Liu Ye come into the village to make trouble?"


The villagers all talked at the door.

In the yard.

"How is this going?"

When Jin Zhi's parents saw Liu Ye and the group, their expressions suddenly changed.

"It's... it's them!"

When Jin Zhi saw Zhou Xiaoliang, he was so scared that he covered his small mouth, and Qiao's face changed color.

"Uncle, that kid beat me!" Zhou Xiaoliang pointed to Lin Yun.

Hearing the words, Liu Ye immediately waved his hand, and directly led the twenty-odd people, rushed to Lin Yun and surrounded them in a group.

Jin Zhi's mother, seeing this group of gangsters with machetes, was so frightened that she collapsed to the ground, her face pale.

She is just a simple rural woman, she has never seen such a battle!

"You... who are you? Come to our house, what's the matter?" Jin Yong reluctantly stood up, his voice trembling.

Although Jin Yong was also frightened by this kind of battle, he is the head of the family after all, and the pillar of the family. When such a thing happens, he must go up.

"This, it's my uncle, and the town respectfully calls my uncle, sixth master!" Zhou Xiaoliang said with an arrogant expression, pointing to the bald-headed man next to him.

"You are the parent, right!"

Liu Ye stepped forward and grabbed Jin Yong's old and white clothes.

"Yes...Yes." Jin Yong, who was pale, nodded.

"I came today to make sense. Your child injured my nephew outside the town yesterday. Today, I came to pay compensation." Liu Ye stared at Jin Yong fiercely.

"What?" Jin Yong's expression changed.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Yong quickly looked at Jin Zhi and Lin Yun.

"Dali, Jinzhi, really did this happen?" Jin Yong asked seriously.

"Dad, it’s Liu Ye’s nephew Zhou Xiaoliang. He...he had to arrest me and go to his house for the night. The eldest brother did it. Before that, the eldest brother was beaten by them, and the eldest brother didn’t even hold hands. Also." Jin Zhi said aggrieved.

At the end of Jin Zhi's speech, two lines of tears had already fallen down his cheeks because of grievances in his heart.

Jin Yong heard the words and then understood what was going on.

"Liu Ye, this... it was your nephew who bullied my daughter first, so he started beating people. This can't... can't blame us." Jin Yong said with a dry smile.


After hearing the words, Liu Ye immediately slapped Jin Yong's face and knocked Jin Yong to the ground.

Five clear fingerprints were immediately printed on Jin Yong's face.

"Mala, you dare to talk back and give you a face?" Liu Ye cursed at Jin Yong on the ground.

"Stop it!" Lin Yun condensed his eyes and shouted at the same time.

"Lizi, don't do it!" Jin Yong hurriedly shouted to Lin Yun.

The opponent has a knife, how dare Jin Yong let Lin Yun do it?

Moreover, the opponent is someone with ‘power’, even if he wins, I’m afraid it will only cause more trouble.

Such a wealthy and powerless rural family is at the bottom of the society, facing such things, they have only deep powerlessness.

Liu Ye was about to put a machete in his hand and put it on Jin Yong's neck.

Lin Yun didn't even dare to change when he saw this.

"Boy, I heard from my nephew that you are good at fighting. Now that your old stuff is in my hands, you have a try!" Liu Ye looked at Lin Yun grimly.

"Let him go, I won't move." Lin Yun said quickly.

"Boy, with your family, you dare to provoke me and beat my nephew. Do you know what the consequences are?" Liu Ye scorned Lin Yun.

"Liu Ye, I apologize for what happened yesterday, and I'll make it for you." Lin Yun squeezed a smile.

Zhou Xiaoliang stood up immediately.

"Boy, do you know that you are afraid now? When you beat me yesterday, why didn't you think about today?" Zhou Xiaoliang stared at Lin Yun poisonously.

"If you didn't do it so absolutely yesterday, I wouldn't have done anything to you." Lin Yun looked at Zhou Xiaoliang.

"Mom, dare to talk back!"

As Zhou Xiaoliang said, he flew up and kicked Lin Yun, and directly took Lin Yun back a few steps.

"Beat me this kid!" Zhou Xiaoliang shouted.

Those men holding the sticks rushed to Lin Yun immediately, picked up the sticks and smashed them at Lin Yun.

The stick smashed towards Lin Yun like rain, but Lin Yun did not dare to fight back, because Liu Ye's knife rests on Jin Yong's neck, and if Lin Yun fights back, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Liu Ye, I beg you to stop beating, I knelt down and beg you! This child was ill before, and it happened not long ago. If you beat him like this, something will happen!" Jin Yong knelt on the ground and begged Liu Ye bitterly.

"Liu Ye, let your big brother go." Jin Zhi also cried and begged.

Jin Zhi's mother was too scared to speak.

"Let him go? Why didn't he think about the present when he beat my nephew?" Liu Ye sneered.

At this time, Zhou Xiaoliang suddenly talked about the stick and slammed it at Lin Yun.

He was beaten badly by Lin Yun yesterday, of course he has to vent his anger today.


The stick hit the back of Lin Yun's head severely.

Lin Yun immediately lost his mind and fell directly to the ground.

Lin Yun only felt that his mind was humming, the scene in front of him began to blur, and his body began to feel weak.

Zhou Xiaoliang was also taken aback, for fear that Lin Yun would be killed.

Although he was brave, he didn't dare to kill anyone.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Xiaoliang ran to try Lin Yun's breathing quickly.

"Uncle, this kid is not dead, just fainted." Zhou Xiaoliang said quickly.

When Liu Ye heard this, he was relieved, as long as there were no dead people, he could cover it.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Ye grabbed Jin Yong.

"This kid discounted the bridge of my nephew's nose yesterday, so you still have to pay 50,000 yuan and give you three days to collect the money. We will come again in three days. If you can't receive the money, hum, you will be at your own risk! "

After Liu Ye left these words, he immediately waved his hand, leading Zhou Xiaoliang and the others to leave.

The villagers onlookers at the door quickly gave way to Liu Ye.

At the same time, the villagers were talking and sighing.

"How can the Jinzhi family get the medical expenses of fifty thousand yuan!"

"Now, the Jinzhi family is really out of luck."

"Who told the Jinzhi family to show kindness to save the kid with amnesia? Now something has happened, the poor clink of my own family, and kindness to save others."


The villagers onlookers left one after another in the discussion and emotion.

In the yard.


"Big brother!"

Jin Yong and Jin Zhi rushed to Lin Yun and helped Lin Yun up.

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