Top Shenhao

Chapter 1245: Exotic Wind

So, the two guards brought Lin Yun to the outside of the castle, and then drove a car and personally sent Lin Yun and Huang Donghua to Bama City, and then the two guards returned to the castle first. .

The city of Bama has a long history.

Standing on the street.

"Brother Huang, you should rarely come to the city?" Lin Yun looked at Huang Donghua with a smile.

Although Lin Yun had grudges with Huang Donghua before.

However, the two are now friends.

Huang Donghua nodded: "I really didn't have much contact with the city. Since I can remember, I have stayed in the temple."

Even if Huang Donghua is in his 70s or 80s, his experience in the city is almost blank.

(Taking the Yuanying monk's life span of 300 years, 70 or 80 years old, still young).

"I have never been to Ouyu. Since the three elders have discussed and made plans, we will be in Bama City. Let's take a tour and show you the urban and exotic atmosphere." Lin Yun said with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun took Huang Donghua and wandered around in the city of Bama.

Because Lin Yun and the two were wearing white robes from the temple, to the people on Ouyu's side, they were strange outfits.

In addition, Lin Yun and Huang Donghua are foreigners here, so naturally there is a certain rate of return.

Huang Donghua is also curious about everything in the city, and can't help but look around.

At this time, two Chinese came to face each other.

In a foreign country, in the streets full of other skin colors, seeing two compatriots is still very cordial.

After the two sides approached.

"Lin Yun!"

The other party called Lin Yun's name, a young girl with a fashionable dress.

"you are?"

Lin Yun looked at the girl suspiciously, unable to think of her name for a moment.

"Lin Yun, it's really you. I didn't expect to meet you here. You don't know me? I am Wang Wanchen." The girl said her name.

"Wan Chen?" Lin Yun was startled.

Lin Yun is no stranger to the name Wang Wanchen.

She used to be neighbors with herself and classmates in elementary school. Although she was not in the same class after entering junior high school, they have always been neighbors and friends.

It's just that Wang Wanchen's family moved out of the shanty town at Lin Yun High School. Since then, Lin Yun has not seen her again and does not know where she has been.

"Yes, I am Wanchen, my God, what a coincidence, Lin Yun, I didn't expect to see you again!" Wang Wanchen said in surprise.

"Wan Chen, I didn't expect that I would still meet you, and we are still in Ouyu. We should have not seen you in five or six years. I didn't expect you to have changed so much." Lin Yun couldn't help sighing.

The Wang Wanchen in Lin Yun's memory was sixteen or seventeen years old, ignorant, young, and a young girl full of youthfulness. She was always undressed, as pure as she was pure.

And now, she has become a big girl, with heavy makeup and fashionable, avant-garde clothes.

Therefore, Lin Yun didn't recognize her at first.

"Wanchen, who is this man?"

Next to Wang Wanchen stood a thin and tall man wearing a suit and standing at a height of 1.5 meters.

The man carries a watch worth more than 100,000 yuan, and he should be a little money owner.

"I forgot to introduce it. This is my former classmate and neighbor, Lin Yun." Wang Wanchen introduced.

Wang Wanchen introduced to Lin Yun again: "Lin Yun, this is my boyfriend, Yu Chaojie, my boyfriend and I have been in Europe and the West for more than two years, and they have already settled here. ."

"Hello." The man named Yu Chaojie stepped forward to shake hands with Lin Yun and Huang Donghua.

"My buddy, the clothes of the two of you are so unique. You wouldn't be the ones who went to Ouyu to do an art?" Yu Chaojie looked at Lin Yun's Dao gown with a smile on his face.

Yu Chaojie only glanced at the strange clothes of Lin Yun and Huang Donghua, and he had a position for Lin Yun and Huang Donghua in his heart.

"Just kidding, we just wear it casually." Lin Yun said calmly.

"By the way, Lin Yun, why did you come to Ouyu to pull? Why are you here?" Wang Wanchen asked.

"Come over and do some small things, now it's okay, just come out and go around." Lin Yun said.

"Since you are here to play now, let's go together. We just haven't seen so many. I also came out to play with my boyfriend today." Wang Wanchen actively invited.

"Brother Huang, do you mind?" Lin Yun looked at Huang Donghua.

"Lin Yun, I am totally unfamiliar with the city, you can just look at the arrangement." Huang Donghua said.

"That's so Wanchen, then I will trouble you and help you be a guide." Lin Yun smiled.

Lin Yun had never been to Ouyu, and he was indeed not familiar with it.

Now that I met old friends, I would be fine together.

"My dear, are you not in trouble?" Wang Wanchen looked at her boyfriend.

"You have invited others, can I still say trouble?" Yu Chaojie spread his hands.

Yu Chaojie seemed a little reluctant.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Chaojie and Wang Wanchen, along with Lin Yun and Huang Donghua, continued to move forward.

Along the way, Wang Wanchen asked Lin Yun how he was doing and what he is doing now.

Lin Yun basically took it arbitrarily, without specific answer, and Wang Wanchen didn't ask too much.

Wang Wanchen also talked about her situation. She has already obtained a green card with the help of her boyfriend, and plans to settle in the West in the future. His boyfriend is doing well here.

Then Wang Wanchen asked what brand her bag was, how many tens of thousands, and showed it to Lin Yun.

Then she said again, his boyfriend’s current job, doing foreign trade here, was a little proud of what he said.

Lin Yun couldn't help but sigh secretly when listening to Wang Wanchen's words.

Sure enough, the years are ruthless.

The little girl who used to be innocent and ignorant has now become so rich in makeup, even so material and realistic.

Such an era of innocence is obviously gone forever.

This made Lin Yun sigh in his heart.

After a while, the four came to the gate of an entertainment city.

This entertainment city is very large, from cinema, singing and dancing, various games and entertainment, etc.

"Second, this entertainment city is the largest entertainment city in the city. It has a very large background and is owned by the Promi family. You can play whatever you want later, but don’t get into trouble here. Although I’m here There is a bit of energy here, but if you guys cause any trouble in it, I can't protect you." Yu Chaojie said to Lin Yun and Huang Donghua.

"Is the Promi family's property? Such a coincidence?" Lin Yun murmured.

"Little brother, do you still know the Promi family?" Yu Chaojie looked very surprised, as if in his eyes, Lin Yun was a bun who knew nothing.

"Have heard this name, is this Promi family very good in Ouyu?" Lin Yun asked.

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