Top Shenhao

Chapter 1259: War trigger

"So that's it, third elder, then I will go back to the tent first." Lin Yun arched his hands.

"Go." The third elder waved his hand.

After returning to the tent.

"Explore the nearby terrain?" Lin Yun murmured in his heart.

What kind of terrain did you explore this night?

What's more, what's the use of looking for the demon generals and exploring the terrain here tomorrow?

Lin Yun could not understand the practice of the three elders.

Even... Lin Yun felt a little strange!


Nothing happened in the night, and a peaceful night passed.

Early the next morning, the team set off again and continued deep into this virgin forest.

After a day's search, there is still no gain.

At night, the team camped again, this time with Patriarch Promi as a vigil.

Everything is still very peaceful.

In a blink of an eye, the team entered the virgin forest for 5 days.

In five days, the team had entered the depths of the forest.

In five days, nothing has been gained!

At this time, it was noon.

"It's been five days, and I haven't even seen the shadow of the monster beast. I don't know how long it will be." Irene, who was walking in front of Lin Yun, shook her head.

"If you didn't even have this patience, you shouldn't have come back then." Lin Yun said calmly.

"How can I be impatient, the patience of the magician has always been very good." Irene said coldly.

At this time, the three elders walking in front suddenly stopped and their expressions became solemn.

"What's wrong?" Everyone looked at the three elders.

"Everyone, I have detected the monster! It's on our left, eight miles away!" The third elder said solemnly.

As soon as these words were made, the atmosphere of the team changed instantly.

Everyone became nervous, on alert, ready to fight!

"Finally found the monster! I can finally go to war!" Irene looked very much looking forward to it.

Lin Yun shook her head helplessly, she really hadn't experienced actual combat.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun took out the Scarlet Blood Sword and entered a state of high alert, ready to fight at any time!

"Everyone, hide your breath, let's go!" The third elder lowered his voice.

Immediately afterwards, the whole team quickly moved to the wrong side.

In a blink of an eye, a few people came to a huge cliff.

"Who is it, dare to disturb the general!"

A vigorous voice suddenly exploded like thunder.

At the same time, a six-legged monster beast rushed out of the cliff, and fell to the ground with a ‘boom’.

When the six-legged monster landed, the whole ground trembled.

This six-legged monster beast, covered with golden fluff and a pair of emerald green pupils, exudes a terrifying breath at the same time!

The demon generals are also divided into strengths and weaknesses, just as the transformation of the gods is divided into first-order, second, and third-order gods.

The strength of this demon general is approximately equal to the second-order **** of transformation!

"It's this beast!" Promi clan leader said loudly.

"The general seated the monster beast, and he didn't show up quickly!" The six-legged monster beast looked up to the sky and roared.

In the next moment, more than seventy monsters appeared from all directions.

After these monsters appeared, they immediately formed a siege to Lin Yun's team.

Of these seventy-headed monsters, six or seven are at the level of the demon spirit (Yuan Ying), and the rest are basically at the level of the big demon (innate (virtual single, real pill, golden pill))!

These monsters are grinning, full of ferocity!

"This... so many monsters!" Irene showed a nervous and flustered expression.

She has never seen such a scene.

Moreover, the fierce appearance and murderous aura of these monsters is too full!

The other magicians in the team also seemed to be nervous. These magicians had very few actual combat opportunities. After all, they did not have the ability to raise monsters in the temple.

"Now that you are afraid?" Lin Yun smiled coldly.

Facing these monsters, Lin Yun just licked his dry lips, and a crazy fighting spirit rose in his dark eyes!

As for fear?

absolutely not!

"Stop talking nonsense, am I afraid? See how I kill them later!" Irene said coldly.

Irene continued: "With my father and the three elders, this battle will be won! These monsters must die!"

At this time, the Promi clan leader said loudly: "Everyone, you deal with the monsters around, me and the three elders, deal with that monster! It's time to raise soldiers for a thousand days, use them for a while, and train you all!"

"Yes, Patriarch!" The magicians responded in unison.

"All the monsters listened to my general's command and gave it to me, regardless of the cost, kill all the humans in front of them!" The monster shouted.

After these monsters got the order, they all roared, and then rushed towards Lin Yun and the others!

Chief Promi and the third elder attacked the six-legged monster beast.

I saw that Patriarch Promi took out the magic scepter and immediately activated the magic.

The scepter burst out green light instantly, a suffocating terrifying power, instantly rushed out of the scepter, and smashed towards the six-legged monster!

The three elders also showed the sword in an instant, attacking the monster beast!

The battle is about to start!

Lin Yun is here.

"Hurry up! Cast spells!"

7 magicians including Irene, cast spells immediately!

The light of different attributes burst out from the scepters of these magicians, and powerful attacks continued to be emitted!

The flame that the ninth-level magician urged, instantly burned out a big demon!

Lin Yun and Huang Donghua also broke out instantly, attacking the monster beast that rushed over first.


A big demon rushed to Lin Yun, roared, and attacked Lin Yun swiftly.


Lin Yun cut out with a single sword, and the head of the great demon was instantly penetrated!

One sword, kill!

Fast and precise, without the slightest drag!

Lin Yun fought a lot of monsters, so the fighting methods were already more sophisticated.

At this time, several more monsters rushed over in an instant.

"Crack to death!"

Lin took the initiative to attack.

Lin Yun put away the sword and kept harvesting the lives of these monsters.

Seven magicians have a good record!

But as the battle progressed.

With the sacrifice of some monsters, these monsters were already close.

Lin Yun's formation in this area was directly disrupted.

The battle becomes close combat!

Magicians, good at long-range attacks, close combat is their weakness!

Moreover, these monsters are all wise, not only are they not afraid of death, but they also know how to cooperate in battle!

An 8th-level magician was killed by the sudden joint attack of the three demon spirits, and was torn to pieces by the monster beast, splashing flesh and blood.

Moreover, the place of death was not far from Irene, blood and debris even splashed on her.

"Ahhhh, Uncle Wu!!!"

Irene screamed with fright, her face turned pale!

She had never seen such a **** scene!

You know, usually in the Western Xiu realm of Ouyu, the 8th-level magician is an extremely powerful existence, and a strong person respected by countless people!

Even in the Promi family, level 8 magicians have a lofty status.

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