Top Shenhao

Chapter 1266: Three battles

As an ice magician, Irene is only 8th level, but Lin Yun can use her as a support, and she can still play a certain role!

The magician's defense is low, she is a small crispy skin, afraid of being close, and Lin Yun blocked in front, she has enough room to play.

"Good! Good!"

Irene nodded quickly.

If anyone dared to command him in such a tone before, it would definitely make Irene very upset.

But now, when she was at a loss, having such an order made her feel more at ease, defending herself in the dark, and found a bright way out!

Immediately afterwards, Irene retreated quickly, stayed with Lin Yun to a range of about two kilometers, and then hovered in the air.

Lin Yun also showed the Scarlet Blood Sword.

"Three elders, since this battle is inevitable, come on, even if you die today, I won't make you feel good!"

Lin Yun stared at the third elder, with no fear in his dark eyes.

Yes, just a strong fighting spirit!

"Lin Yun, if you face the old man, your aura will not let the wind fall. The old man has to admit that you are too amazing. It is better to go to the shadow gate with the old man, so that you have a way to survive." With Lin Yun.

If Lin Yun could be recruited, that would naturally be a better thing.

The third elder continued: "As long as you agree, as long as you immediately sign a soul contract with the old man, you will be able to survive. You should consider it carefully. Life is more important than anything!"

Lin Yun can surrender, but once the soul contract is signed, it will come true.

Therefore, surrender is definitely impossible.

"Three elders, you can die of this heart, it's impossible for me to be stunned with a group of beasts!" Lin Yun said indifferently.

"You..." The third elder's facial muscles twitched sharply.

These words are cursing the Shadow Gate and the Yaozu, as well as the three elders.

"I don't know what it is!"

After the words of the three elders fell, they burst out with a powerful second-order god-transforming realm aura.

His Level 5 Divine Sense instantly poured into Lin Yun, giving Lin Yun a feeling of being oppressed.

Although Lin Yun has a strong leapfrog ability, he has divine consciousness and Yuan Ying has no divine consciousness. This is an irreparable gap!

Standing behind Irene, he quickly expanded the field of ice, and injected the air of ice on the three elders, which imposed certain restrictions on the strength of the three elders.

Lin Yun also found two pills. After taking the pill that enhances his strength, it can be improved.

"Lin Yun, die!"

The three elders poured internal force on the treasured sword, and then slashed towards Lin Yun.


The saber was wrapped in a raging fire and slashed, fast as lightning, like a falling star!

Wherever the sword passed, the space was burnt and warped, and the air was wiped out!

Xuanming sword technique fourth style!

Four layers of black flames!

Lin Yun also fully urged his internal strength, and then shook his sword hard.

Irene, who was in the distance, was not idle either, she immediately activated magic and condensed a layer of ice armor on Lin Yun's body!


Swords collided, like two meteorites slamming together, and the surrounding space was full of water ripples.

The power on the Three Elders' battle sword surged like a tide, and through the transmission of the Scarlet Blood Sword, it finally swept into Xiang Lin Yun's body!

The scarlet sword reduces the damage, plus the soft armor of the body armor to reduce the damage, and the ice armor shares a certain amount of damage. Finally, it is trained to the second level of the body in the "War Emperor Refining Technique" to resist the weakened damage of the lower layer.

Lin Yun's defenses are too many!

With the layers weakened, Lin Yun could barely resist the final damage.

However, one thing is clear. If Lin Yun hadn't practiced "War Emperor Physical Training" to the second level, at this time, Lin Yun would have been beaten back and cough, and it would be extremely uncomfortable.

Although practicing "War Emperor Refinement" is extremely uncomfortable, the increase in defense power is very obvious!

Of course, Irene's ice armor also played a role in this, and her ice domain also restricted the attack power of some of the three elders, and she played a certain role.

"It's okay?"

Seeing Lin Yun, the third elder calmly resisted this move, his face suddenly changed.

This is a powerful blow from the second-order **** of transformation!

Moreover, he is also the second-order **** in the temple!

The three elders are the temple elders.

, And Lin Yun is just a temple disciple.

The elder made a powerful blow, but he could not kill the disciple.

This is definitely a shame!

"Three elders, what I said, you want to kill me today, it's not as easy as you think." Lin Yun said with a smile.

When Lin Yun was still in the second-order Nascent Soul, he was enough to defeat Half-Step Transformation!

Being able to defeat the half-step transforming god, represents the strength, barely comparable to the first-order transforming god!

Now Lin Yun has reached the third-order Nascent Soul, and with the help of external forces such as medicine pill and Irene, it is not particularly strange that he can fight the three elders.

"Huh, this is the first move to fight against. It's too early for you to be proud? It doesn't explain much if you can take my move, let alone, you have used almost all the methods, and I have many methods. No use!" The Third Elder sneered.

"Take it again!"

After the voice of the three elders fell, they launched a fierce attack on Lin Yun again!

The raging fire on his sword was burning more vigorously than before!

Obviously, he broke out a stronger offensive than before!

Lin Yun immediately mobilized all his strength to deal with the attacks of the three elders!

The war broke out completely in midair.

Clang clang!

The swords kept colliding, bursting out brilliant sparks!

The powerful attacks of the three elders, like the tide, shrouded Lin Yun continuously.

But Lin Yun is doing his best to resist!

In general, Lin Yun is still in a passive resistance situation.

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