Top Shenhao

Chapter 1275:

After Lin Yun walked more than ten steps to the left, he stopped abruptly and looked at a tree only tall.


Lin Yun showed a touch of joy.

At the same time, Lin Yun stared fiercely at a fruit on the tree!

"This is, the earth mother fruit!"

Lin Yun stared at the fruit, his eyes were about to shine.

The mother earth fruit is formed by heaven and earth. It takes every two thousand years for an earth mother tree to bloom, and after another two thousand years, it will bear an earth mother fruit!

This mother fruit of the earth was conceived by absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, and could not refine the pill.

It can only be eaten directly. After eating it, it can not only wash down the flesh, but also strengthen the strength of the monk's flesh.

The most important thing is that it can greatly increase the cultivation base!

And his effect is the best for the monks in the realm of Nascent Soul and Huashen!

"I really didn't expect to encounter such a treasure in this virgin forest." Lin Yun's eyes were fiery.

"Earth mother fruit? I really want to hear my dad mention it. My father discovered it many years ago, but this earth mother fruit is not yet mature, and then a demon general appeared in the mountains, so my dad was anxious and wanted to destroy the monster beast. , Regain control of this Mother Earth Tree." Irene said.

"It turns out that your father, please help from the temple, and there are other reasons." Lin Yun murmured.

Lin Yun looked at the earth mother fruit again: "It is changing. In my opinion, tomorrow morning, after he absorbs the first ray of sun and moon essence, it will mature, and then it will be ready to be picked."

Lin Yun's eyes grew fierce as he looked at the Mother Earth Fruit.

Such a treasure of heaven and material, encountered by Lin Yun, is simply a gift from heaven.

And it just happens to be about to mature.

If you haven't caught up with the maturity, you can only stare when you encounter it.

Just like Irene's father, perhaps he discovered this mother tree decades ago, but he can only wait for it to mature.

"Lin Yun, don't... we are here, wait till dawn?" Irene whispered.

"Yes, wait till dawn, such a treasure of heaven and earth, since you have encountered it, you must not miss it!" Lin Yun said firmly.

"However, we have been guarding here, will it be dangerous?" Irene worried.

Irene continued: "Furthermore, this virgin forest has long been occupied by the hexapod demon general. It must also know that there is a mother tree here, and it must know that the fruit of the mother earth will mature tomorrow, and it will definitely be there tomorrow. Come picking, when... you want to pick, you just grab food from your mouth. This is too dangerous."

After hiding for so many days, they finally escaped.

And now, even going to meet the enemy head-on?

"It is indeed dangerous, but one way of cultivation is to go against the sky. If you are afraid of danger, you will definitely not become a strong one!" Lin Yun said seriously.

Of course, Lin Yun would not blindly be rash, Lin Yun dared to stay here, he also had a measure in his heart.

If Lin Yun didn't dare to do this 22 days ago, even if he encountered it, he would have to give up.

However, Lin Yun gained a lot from the 22-day cave retreat.

With Lin Yun's current strength, Lin Yun felt that he could compete with that six-legged monster beast.

"If it's just the six-legged monster beast, I am not particularly afraid. The only thing I worry about is whether the third elder is still in the primeval forest." Lin Yun murmured.

After all, Lin Yun didn't know that the Third Elder had already returned to the temple.

Without knowing it, Lin Yun would certainly plan for the worst!

Lin Yun must think clearly, if he is one enemy two, what will be the result.

In the end, Lin Yun decided to stay and wait for dawn!

"Eileen, this is my personal decision. I don't want to hurt you. If you are scared, then ride the night down the mountain. If I meet them tomorrow, I can attract attention and you will be able to escape more easily. "Lin Yun said.

"If I, Irene, really left like this, wouldn't you be regarded as a coward by Lin Yun? If you don't leave, then I won't leave either!" Irene held her jade arm in a firm tone.

"Well, if the scene really loses my control tomorrow, I will cover you to leave. After you leave, you must take the news that the third elders are spies back to the temple." Lin Yun said.

Lin Yun prepared for the worst. If he was besieged by the three elders and the six-legged monster, Lin Yun would be difficult to fight, but it would be no problem to block them and cover Irene to leave.

Soon after, Lin Yun took Irene and found a hidden place nearby, waiting for the sun to rise tomorrow.

Time came to five o'clock.

There are still more than two hours before the sun rises.

In the forest, the demon general's cave mansion.

The six-legged demon general covered in golden velvet slowly walked to the entrance of the cave.

"The King!"

The two gatekeepers at the door quickly saluted the six-legged demon general.

The six-legged demon general looked very unhappy.

During this time, his search has made no progress.

"Today, just put aside the things you are searching for. Today is the day when the earth's fruit is ripe!"

After the Six-legged Demon General said this, a smile appeared on the animal's face.

This is the day he has been waiting for.

Even, it couldn't help swallowing, and he salivated at the thought of earthworm.

"When I eat the Mother Earth Fruit, my strength will definitely increase!" The six-legged monster beast smiled triumphantly.

"Congratulations, King Hexi!"

The surrounding monsters immediately congratulated the six-legged monster general.

"It's almost time, let's go! Go to Di Mu Guo, I want to watch it mature, and there must be no mistakes!"

After the words fell, this six-legged monster flew directly in the direction of the Mother Earth Tree.


Where the mother tree is located.

Lin Yun and Irene squeezed into a small tree hole to hide, while hiding their breath.

Because the space is too small, the two can only stick together, Lin Yun can even feel Irene's softness, and their breath can be heard clearly.

Irene had a blush on her face, obviously embarrassed.

However, Lin Yun's gaze was fixed on the Mother Earth Tree, without even looking at Irene.

This made Irene suffer a blow.

Her charm is still very high, okay, why is it useless in front of Lin Yun?

"Lin Yun, are you a normal man!" Irene couldn't help muttering.

"If you put it two years ago, I might be attracted by your charm and beauty, but now, I won't." Lin Yun shook his head calmly.


Lin Yun suddenly felt that the flesh of his arm was twisted severely.

"Hush, there is movement in the sky." Lin Yun immediately made a hush motion.

Sure enough, two seconds later, the six-legged demon general landed in front of the Mother Earth Tree.

"Sure enough," Lin Yun said inwardly.

Lin Yun took a closer look. Only the six-legged monster came forward and did not see the shadow of the third elder, which made Lin Yun a sigh of relief.

Now it was about an hour before dawn, that six-legged monster beast was directly guarding in front of the Mother Earth Tree, waiting.

Lin Yun secretly said in his heart that he came really early.

If it waits until the ground mother fruit is mature, then Lin Yun can climb the ground first, easily pick the ground mother fruit, and then drive away quickly.

Judging from the current situation, it is inevitable to fight with the six-legged monster general.

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