Top Shenhao

Chapter 1277: Demon Slayer

Lin Yun just urged the two blue lotus, and it only took a moment to condense.

This signified that Lin Yun was already able to urge Qinglian to decide the second style with one thought.

These 20 days of retreat cultivation were not in vain. Lin Yun had already practiced Qinglian's second pose, to the point where his thoughts were condensed.


After the two blue lotuses approached, even though they were repelled, under Lin Yun's full fusion, they merged successfully in an instant.

Integrating with Lotus, Lin Yun is already familiar with the road.

At the moment when the fusion was successful, there was a ‘crackling’ burst around, and the powerful counter-attack rushed to Lin Yun like a tide!

The severe pain spread all over Lin Yun's body, Lin Yun's body was red, and his blood vessels were bulging high.

However, with Lin Yun's current physical strength, he could barely resist this backlash, and would not cause too much damage to the body, let alone cause the meridians to be broken.

The third layer of Lin Yun's "War Emperor Refining Technique" was not made for nothing.

Lin Yun started urging the blue lotus to condense successfully, which seemed to last a long time, but in fact it was only a momentary event.

After the fusion was successful, the lotus in his hand turned into a weird black again.

"go with!"

Lin Yun directly raised his hand lightly, and the black lotus containing terrifying power instantly let go!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun quickly backed away, pulling away!


After the six-legged demon felt the terrifying power contained in that black lotus, his face changed suddenly.

He felt a deadly suffocation from the black lotus.

However, he was already very close, and Hei Lian reached him in front of him in an instant.

next moment.


Hei Lian slammed into the six-legged monster.

The terrorist explosion, broke out!

The rumbling noise made people tremble, and the surrounding space and ground trembled violently!

The energy storm caused by the explosion was violent.

A powerful aftermath of energy, like a wave, raged in all directions.

The wind blows, flying sand and gravel, like the end of the world.

The flowers, plants and trees within a radius of more than ten miles were all annihilated in the aftermath!

More than ten miles, all turned into a barren!

Even if it was hundreds of miles away, I could faintly feel the trembling of the ground.

Those monsters outside the Demon General's Cave were frightened when they felt the movement.

In the battlefield.

With such a terrifying power, Irene was stunned as she covered her mouth.

She never dreamed that Lin Yun would be able to mobilize such a terrifying trick.

She couldn't help thinking, when Lin Yun played against the three elders 22 days ago, Lin Yun didn't have such a terrifying trick.

Could it be that... it was cultivated in these 22 days?

After she thought of this, her heart was even more shocked!

How terrible is his growth rate?

After a while, the wind stopped.

The world returns to silence.

In front of Lin Yun, a huge gully about two feet deep appeared.

The six-legged monster beast was lying in the gully, with its skin open and flesh covered with blood.

Although the six-legged monster was not dead, it was already seriously injured.

"The power of this trick is really good." Lin Yun nodded in satisfaction.

Lin Yun just wanted to use this six-legged monster to try the power of the second style of fusion Qinglianjue.

The effect naturally made Lin Yun more satisfied.

But Lin Yun also found a problem.

He could only barely bear it, fusing the backlash of Qinglian Jue's second form, the backlash still made Lin Yun's meridians distended and painful.

In a short period of time, I am afraid that it can only be combined with the second form of the Qinglian decision, which is the safest.

If it is fused multiple times in a short period of time, it will definitely cause damage to the body and meridians.

Therefore, although this trick is successful, it also has limitations.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun jumped directly into the gully.

"Why, you are obviously just a Tier 3 Nascent Infant dilution, you... why are you so strong!" The six-legged demon will growl unwillingly.

He never dreamed that he had used the Yaozu forbidden technique, and he was defeated by Lin Yun with one move!

The hexapod demon general couldn't help thinking in his heart, is it possible that the human monks are already so strong now?

It shouldn't, it's the Age of Doom!

"Beast, what I said before the station, you will definitely die." Lin Yun stood with his sword in his hand, disregarding this six-legged monster.

This is a powerful monster!

But at this time, he was also defeated by Lin Yun!

Moreover, with the current state of the monster beast, it was obviously unable to fight Lin Yun anymore.

"No! You don't want to kill me!"

After the monster was finished, he wanted to explode!

However, Lin Yun was very close to him.

And Lin Yun had already prepared for him to blew himself up, and had already taken precautions.

"call out!"

Lin Yun's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he pierced out with a sword.

The moment before he blew himself up, the Scarlet Blood Sword pierced his head directly!

The six-legged demon will collapse, and all its vitality will be dissipated. Only its eyes are still round, as if to tell its unwillingness before death.

A powerful demon general is killed!

Slayer, Lin Yun!

Killing a monster with a strength equivalent to the second-order Yuan Ying is definitely Lin Yun's most proud record so far.

If such a record comes out, it will shock the world!

You know, the difference between defeating a demon general and beheading a demon general is very big.

To defeat in a single round, as long as the strength is higher than the opponent.

But to kill the opponent, you must have it, completely surpassing his strength!

Because when the opponent sees that he is in a desperate situation and is about to be killed, he will definitely explode all means at all costs to fight you desperately. It is very scary!

"It seems that I have gained more!" Lin Yun smiled satisfied.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun broke open the head of the six-legged monster general with a sword, and took out the radiant monster pill!

A demon general's demon beast pill is equivalent to tens of thousands of spirit stones, which is definitely a big gain.


After Lin Yun took out the monster pill, he put the body of the monster commander into the bag.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun jumped out of the gully.

"Lin Yun, you actually killed this six-legged demon general, are too terrifying!" Irene exclaimed.

Lin Yun proposed to be here last night, and Irene was still very worried when the mother fruit of the earth matured. What if the monster beast came?

As a result, she never expected that Lin Yun would be able to kill this six-legged monster!

He never expected that Lin Yun's strength had reached this level?

As the person who witnessed this battle, Irene was shocked in her heart, it is self-evident!

She couldn't help thinking in her heart, I am afraid that Lin Yun's strength has... surpassed his father, right?

"Eileen, you are here waiting for me, I will clean up the remnants."

Lin Yun said.

After the voice fell, Lin Yun stomped directly into the air.


In front of the cave house of the six-legged demon general.

The monsters under the demon general's men gathered at the gate of the cave at this time.

"Why is there no movement? What happened to the king?"

"The king won't... something has happened, right?"

The monsters found that the previous fighting movement had disappeared, and they all became worried.

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