Top Shenhao

Chapter 1288: Third Elder, lost?

"It's the master of the temple, Yuanyang Palm!"

"My God, what a powerful killer move!"

Those disciples who were present just looked at the phantom palms in mid-air and felt trembling!

Even those who are strong in Nascent Soul and disciples of Tianban are no exception!

The power contained in it is terrifying.

Red Aya, White Shark, Huang Donghua are also nervous, they know that success or failure may be in this move!

The hall master also watched the battlefield closely, observing the movement, and was ready to take action to rescue Lin Yun at any time.

On the ring.

"Three elders, let you see, my ultimate move!"

Lin Yun lifted his hands immediately, and two coquettish and beautiful blue lotus flowers suddenly appeared in Lin Yun's hands.

The moment the lotus appeared, Lin Yun quickly merged the two lotus flowers.

The moment the two lotus flowers collided, a powerful repulsive force and backlash surged.

"It's this trick again? Lin Yun, although your trick is quite powerful, but you want to counter my ultimate move, but it's far from enough." The Third Elder sneered.

It was not the first time that Lin Yun had merged with Qinglian Jue before.

Even last time in the primeval forest, Lin Yun used this trick to counter his trick, but the result was that Lin Yun was pale.

However, before Lin Yun merged, it was the first style.

And this time, the fusion is the second style!

"Fusion me!"

As soon as Lin Yun used his force, with his backlash, he directly integrated the lotus flower successfully.

The lotus flower in his hand has turned into a weird black, and the power contained in it has reached a level of horror.

"No, good... what a terrifying energy!"

The smile of the three elders stopped abruptly, replaced by a look of horror.

He discovered that these many black lotuses are much more terrifying than the lotus that Lin Yun had merged before!

At this time, he suddenly remembered that he used to see Lin Yun's cyan lotus.

And just now, Lin Yun merged with the blue lotus!

"Three Elders, take it!"

Lin Yun raised his hand directly with a grinning smile.

Hei Lian walked out, and at the speed of a shooting star rushing to the moon, she greeted the oncoming palm phantom.

On the way to the flight, the Nether Lotus quickly expanded!

This time, the fusion of Qinglian's second style, compared to playing the six-legged monster, the power has increased a bit.

After all, Lin Yun's realm has improved.

"Give me town!"

The pupils of the three elders twitched, and then issued an order.

The phantom of the palm that exudes a radiant light in midair directly suppressed it.

The powerful force contained in the palm shadow distorted the space, as if to tear the nearby void!

The two's ultimate move crossed the void.

Then, under the gaze of everyone in the audience, two ultimate moves that exuded dazzling light crashed together!


The deafening explosion sounded suddenly!

In the next moment, the energy that destroys the sky and the earth burst out like a mountain torrent!

The void space was torn into a black hole at that moment, and then quickly recovered, exploding the surrounding space, completely distorted!

Given the fragility of space on earth, this kind of killer move is unbearable in space!

The terrifying aftermath of the explosion spread instantly.


The protective barrier of the ring, under the influence of this terrifying power, trembled violently, and also made waves of sounds, as if they were wailing.

The protective barrier quickly cracked, and this crack spread at an astonishing speed!

"Oh! The ring protection barrier is about to break!"

"Rewind! Rewind!"

The disciples present all exclaimed to retreat violently, while running their internal forces to condense a protective barrier for their bodies.

The next moment, the protective barrier burst open!

The terrifying explosion wave, after breaking through the barrier, instantly spread in all directions like a tide!

Except for a few Tianban disciples, all of them were thrown upside down and flew out under the horrible aftermath, and fell to the ground on their backs.


The disciples with low strength even vomit blood.


The slate floor of the square, under the influence, cracked at an astonishing speed!

The strong wind generated by the aftermath raged the audience even more.

The stone slabs on the ground were rolled up and flying all over the sky.

A nearby three-story building was affected, and the walls and girders quickly cracked.


After a loud roar, this three-story building collapsed!

The entire square is full of flying sand and rocks!

After the terrifying aftermath swept for a while, the ring and the square gradually calmed down.

Everyone in the audience couldn't take into account their own embarrassment, and they all looked at the stage in unison.

On the ring.

At this time, the third elder was lying on the ground, his face was pale, his body was covered with soil, and there was a blood stain on the corner of his mouth.

He gently raised his hand to wipe the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, but his palms could not stop shaking.

Thinking of the terrifying power just now, his heart throbbed...

Just after the two's ultimate move met, his ultimate move was finally broken by Black Lotus.

All the remaining power of Hei Lian hit him!

He tried his best to condense internal defense.

But after Heilian arrived, he tried all the defenses he had condensed, but he was instantly broken!

Fortunately, after the power of Black Lotus broke his defense, the energy of Black Lotus was also low, and he did not cause too terrible damage to him, but there were certain injuries in his body!

In contrast, Lin Yun.

Lin Yun stood in the middle of the ring with his hands up and his head held high, giving people a sense of unattainable stalwart!

The elders and the hall masters also stared at the ring blankly, and their pupils all shone with shock.

Hong Ling's beautiful beauty is even more shocking...

The disciples present, looking at the silent ring, everyone swallowed dry saliva.

A sense of horror filled their hearts!

Even the barrier of the arena was broken!

If it were not for the barrier of the ring and consumed a lot of aftermath, the impact they suffered would have been even more serious!

"The Three Elders lost?"

"The third elders unexpectedly lost to disciple Lin Yun!"

The disciples were all panicked.

God, that's an incomparably powerful second-order **** of transformation, that's the elder of the temple!

In their hearts, the supreme elder was defeated by a young disciple?

To the disciples, elders are like gods.

At this moment, the gods in their hearts collapsed!

Mo Yuan was even more dumbfounded.

He slumped down on the ground with a panic in his heart, and stood upright coldly as if he was covered with fur.

Lin Yun is already strong enough, this point?

Just an illusion? Is it an illusion?

After he pinched himself hard, he found that all of this turned out to be true...

On the ring.

Lin Yun stepped out, two blue lotus flowers suddenly rose up in both hands.

At the same time, Lin Yun shouted: "Three Elders, before the war, you said I was not qualified. Now, do you think it is enough?"

Lin Yun's shouting sounded like a thunder on the head of the three elders.

"Enough... Enough..." The voice trembled.

Even if she was unwilling and unwilling in her heart, he had to admit that Lin Yun was even better.

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