Top Shenhao

Chapter 1298: Help people to the end

The magic circle of the castle needs to consume magic stones. The amount of magic stones consumed at one time is terrible, but now is not the time to care about gains and losses.

In an instant, the dazzling golden light covered the entire territory of the Promi family.

The Promi family has a very large territory. Except for the castle, dozens of miles around the castle are all within the Promi family.

"Lin Yun, the magic circle is covered, and everyone within the coverage of the magic circle can't escape. Now, he has been locked inside." Irene said.

Although Thomson used the teleporting scroll to run a distance, he definitely hadn't escaped this range.

"Since he has been imprisoned in Weng, we can catch turtles." Lin Yun narrowed his eyes.

After the voice fell, Lin Yun flew directly into the air, searching within this range.

Although there is no spiritual sense, the eyes of the Nascent Soul monk are definitely much stronger than ordinary people, and the speed of searching is definitely much faster than ordinary people.

With Weng Zhong catching the turtle, Lin Yun found Thomson not long after searching.

Thomson was on the edge of the castle magic circle, and was blocked by the formation. He wanted to go out, but he couldn't.

call out!

Lin Yun turned into a streamer and landed in front of Thomson.

Thomson was injured by Lin Yun before and was in very bad condition.

"It's over, it's over..."

Seeing Lin Yun appear, Thomson slumped on the ground again, his face showing despair.

He knew very well that he was not Lin Yun's opponent at all.

The next moment, Thomson raised his head sharply and looked at Lin Yun.

"Don't kill me, I want to see Irene! I want to see Irene!" Thomson was anxious, his voice trembling.

"If you want to see her, you just want to plead, I don't think this is necessary!" Lin Yun said coldly.

When the voice fell, Lin Yun directly used his internal force and slashed at Thomson with a sharp sword.

"No!" Thomson yelled in horror.

It didn't take long for him to go to the patriarch, and it didn't take long for his good days to begin, but it was about to end like this?

Where did he think that Lin Yun would be so strong in the first place?

The injured Thomson was already unable to resist.


The sword shadow flashed, and Thomson's head was directly cut off.

Lin Yun first took off Thomson's storage ring, and then directly carried Thomson's head and flew to the castle.

In front of the castle.

Lin Yun fell from the sky.

"Thomson, dead!"

Lin Yun directly threw Thomson's head in front of everyone.

"Miss Irene, spare your life!"

When Thomson's relatives saw this, they all knelt on the ground and begged Irene for mercy.

There is no doubt that after Thomson's death, Irene will take over the Promi family.

"Captain of the guard, you will be with Thomson, take it!" Irene gave the order directly.

The captain of the guards personally led the guards and stepped forward to take down those collaborators.

"Miss Irene, we are forced to surrender, and we are all willing to support you." Many middle-level family members and Yuan elders immediately expressed their opinions.

"Don't worry, everyone, but I will not pursue anyone who is forced to surrender." Irene said.

After hearing this, everyone relaxed.

"We fully support Miss Irene!" The middle-level and veterans of these families shouted in unison.

When Thomson died, they naturally supported Irene.

There is no doubt that there will be another big purge in the Promi family next, and all those with Thomson will be washed away!

Irene turned to look at Lin Yun with a grateful smile.

"Lin Yun, thank you, if you don't help me, I can't fight against Uncle Thomson."

"No thanks, after all, I owe you a favor, and this is to pay you back." Lin Yun said calmly.

Lin Yun was also thinking about the battle just now.

Although the battle just now was a one-sided crush.

However, Lin Yun also discovered some problems from this battle.

I have no means to keep people!

There is also no means of pursuit (shenzhen).

This is a very difficult problem. If you encounter an enemy in the future, the opponent may not be able to beat him, but he can escape from Lin Yun's hands.

If it wasn't for the formation of the castle, Thomson would have escaped.

Finding problems is a good thing. Only by discovering problems can you promote progress and make your experience more sophisticated.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun took out Thomson's storage ring.

"This is Thomson's storage ring. This is the property of your family. I return to the original owner." Lin Yun returned the storage ring to Irene.

Irene turned out to store the ring.

"Lin Yun, go, let's enter the old castle." A smile bloomed on Irene's pretty face.

"Aileen, there is one more thing to deal with. Didn't he unite with the Guluo family and usurp the throne together? This Guluo family should also be destroyed." Lin Yun said calmly.

Help others to the end.

If Lin Yun doesn't solve this Guluo family, once Lin Yun leaves Ouyu, Irene will definitely not be able to live there alone, and the Guluo family will definitely take action against Irene by then!

The clansmen present were all surprised when they heard Lin Yun utter this sentence so easily.

The Guro family, but the second-ranked magician family in Europe, how could he say the word ‘Mie’ so easily? And speaking so easily, it's like eating and drinking!

"Okay, Lin Yun, then I will show you the way." Irene said.

Irene wasn't particularly surprised. After all, she knew Lin Yun's strength, and she knew Lin Yun had this ability.

The Guro family is also in the West, and the journey is not particularly long.

Irene ordered the housekeeper, the chief guard and several trusted elders to take care of Thomson's remnants and set off with Lin Yun.


On the way, Irene briefly introduced Lin Yun about the situation of the Guro family.

The Guro family also has a very long history in Europe.

In the extremely long history, the Guro family and the Promi family have been fighting openly and secretly. In different periods, the strength of the two sides is different.

For example, hundreds of years ago, the Guro family was stronger than the Promi family.

In recent decades, because Irene's father was strong enough, the Promi family concealed the Guro family.

The current patriarch of the Guro family is a little magister.

The car drove all the way to the private domain of the Guro family.

There is a checkpoint on the road into the territory.

"This is the private domain of the Guro family, leave quickly!"

Several guards in front of the checkpoint directly stepped forward to warn.

Lin Yun and Irene opened the door and got off.

"Ice Field!"

Irene casts magic directly.

The ground froze for an instant, and then it filled all directions.

These guards were in the cold ice area, all shivering from the cold, and quickly exited the cold ice area.

It can be seen that Irene did not kill, otherwise the guards would have died.

The guards are at the bottom after all, Irene didn't want to kill him.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun and the other two took off directly into the air.


Enemy attack! Enemy attack!

Ooh! Ooh!

Suddenly the sirens sounded loudly in the castle of the Guro family, breaking the original calm of the castle.

After the family members heard the siren, they all came to the square in the center of the castle.

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