Top Shenhao

Chapter 1339: Break in

"Are you coming to Ouyu?" Irene on the other end of the phone seemed very happy.

Of course she looked forward to Lin Yun's arrival in Ouyu.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yun went to see his cousin Lin Qing earlier.

After the meeting, Lin Yun directly told Lin Qinghe about the cultivator and the monster race.

Although Lin Qing felt all this at first, it was incredible, but after Lin Yun showed her hand, she finally believed...

Lin Qing said that everything depends on Lin Yun's arrangements.

As for the fangs, Lin Yun asked him to be with the lone wolf temporarily.

As for Liu Bo, Lin Yun also called him, and he naturally obeyed Lin Yun's arrangements.

And the group is also on the right track, he can command the group remotely.

As for some friends, such as Xiaodie and Qin Shi, Lin Yun hasn't seen them yet because Lin Yun doesn't know what to do...


After the notification, Lin Yun took the plane directly to Europe.

Ouyu, the capital of Western countries-Wacker City.

As the capital city, Huakol is naturally prosperous.

In the middle of the golden city of Vakor lies a huge castle.

All Westerners know that this is the castle of the Western royal family.

At this time, Lin Yun came to the gate of the castle.

"Who? Stop!"

As soon as Lin Yun walked to the door, he was stopped by two guards holding weapons.

"I'm here to see your king, please inform me." Lin Yun said calmly.

"Can you make an appointment with the king?" the guard asked.

"No." Lin Yun said calmly.

The guard continued to ask: "Then do you have a pass to enter and exit the castle?"

"No." Lin Yun still shook his head.

"If that's the case, please get out of here, noble king, can you see if you want to?" the guard asked impatiently.

These two guards have been guards for a long time, and this is the first time they have encountered this kind of people who want to enter the castle without any appointment.

"I'm here to see your king now to discuss with him. If you don't pass it on, the consequences will not be so simple. If it makes me unhappy, be careful of your royal family's destruction!" Lin Yun held his hands behind his back, still looking turbulent. Not surprised.

"Haha." The two guards laughed in unison.

Immediately afterwards, the guard pointed his gun at Lin Yun.

"Within three seconds, if we don't exit the red line in front of the castle, we will shoot!" the guard shouted.


Lin Yun directly raised his head, and two internal forces rushed out instantly, knocking the two guards upside down.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun walked into the castle step by step.

Lin Yun also kept a hand, so the two guards did not die, they were just injured.

"Someone broke in! Someone broke in!"

After the two guards got up from the ground, they shouted while sounding the alarm, and then quickly shot Lin Yun.

Da da da!

The loud gunfire instantly broke the calm of the evening.

Lin Yun's body surface was already covered by an internal force protection, and bullets could not penetrate at all.

After seeing this scene, the two guards were frightened.

Is that human being?

After Lin Yun stepped into the castle.

The castle sirens were loud.

Dozens of guards have rushed forward, all fully armed.

A row of people in front squatted halfway with explosion-proof shields, and the people behind all pointed their guns at Lin Yun, blocking Lin Yun's path.

"Hold your head! Hold your head and squat down immediately, otherwise we will shoot." The other party issued a loud warning.

Lin Yun continued to walk forward with his hands in his hands, strolling leisurely in the courtyard.


"Da da da!"

Countless bullets poured to Lin Yun like a rainstorm.

"This weapon is not enough to tickle me."

Lin Yun shook his head, and at the same time, Lin Yun waved.

The bullets pouring over instantly changed direction and hit the walls of the castle.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun waved to the crowd in front of him.

A powerful wave of internal force rushed out, knocking these people to pieces, and fell to the ground, howling and pain.

These people were like ants in front of Lin Yun.

Lin Yun continued on.


Inside the banquet hall of the castle.

Today is the birthday of the king's daughter, and a banquet is being held in the banquet hall. The royal family members are all located in the venue, which is very lively.

"what happened?"

Everyone heard the siren.

"Why do you think of the alarm? Is there something wrong with the alarm?" The guests were all suspicious after hearing the alarm.

They did not expect that someone had broken into the castle.

Just kidding, this is an important place in the royal castle. It is heavily guarded. Who dares to break in?

The old king also showed doubts.

"Father, nothing will happen, right?" the old king's daughter asked.

As soon as the voice fell, a guard hurried in.

"King, someone broke into the castle! Someone broke into the castle! Please move to the safe house quickly!" the guard eagerly said.

"What? Someone broke in?"

After the guests present heard the words, everyone suddenly panicked.

The old king immediately asked: "What's the origin of the other party? How bold is it! How many armed forces did you bring? How many light and heavy weapons?"

The castle has layers of guards, all of which are the most sophisticated guards. There are also many deployments of various weapons. It is not easy to break into the castle, unless the other party deploys a large number of manpower and a large number of heavy weapons, such as armed vehicles. of.

However, if such a large force entered the city, it stands to reason that it would have been detected long ago!

All the guests in the audience also looked at the guard, wanting to hear how many people came and how strong the firepower was.

"King, the other party... the other party is a person, without... without any weapons." The guard said weakly.

"What? Alone?"

The old king, his daughter, and all the guests present were all dumbfounded.

Can one break into such a heavily guarded castle without a weapon? What a joke.

"Could it be... the other party is a magician?" The old king was surprised.

But the old king thought about it carefully. There is no magician family in Ouyu, right? Dare to break into him directly? Aren't you afraid that he would give an order to flatten the opponent's magician family?

"King, this man is a monster, no weapon can help him, you can move first." The guard said eagerly.

"Go for a walk, everyone go out first, and follow me to the safe house!" the king said quickly.

Immediately afterwards, everyone quickly walked outside the banquet hall.

In addition to several guards following the king to protect him, there was also a magician following him.

Their royal family is not without magicians.


As soon as the crowd came out of the banquet hall, a young figure appeared in front of them, blocking their way.

The person who came was Lin Yun, about tens of meters away from them.

call out!

At this time, a small missile, dragging a long flame tail, with a terrifying power, slammed towards Lin Yun at speed.

This small missile is used to attack armed vehicles and can directly destroy armed vehicles with armor.

Used to hit people, not to mention.


After the small missile hit Lin Yun, it exploded.

All members of the royal family on the scene stared at the explosion.

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