Top Shenhao

Chapter 1355: The war broke out for book friends Wan Wanting Ting added more

In the past two years, the monster clan has been secretly awakening these monsters, and how many awakened monsters can be imagined!

"Hall Master, I have to go back to my house first to pick up my mother!" Lin Yun said.

Lin Yun must be worried about her mother's safety now. Although there is a lone wolf to protect her, Lin Yun must quickly transfer her to the temple!

This time, since the Yaozu had launched an attack on the bright side, his mother would definitely see the horror of this disaster.

And her mother said that as long as everyone starts to move to the dungeon, she will go with Lin Yun, this time her mother will definitely have nothing to say.

"Okay, Lin Yun, go quickly, we will keep in touch at any time! I will notify you as soon as I have anything to do." The voice of the lord rang on the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yun directly exploded with Phantom Lost Technique, exploding his speed to the limit, turning it into a streamer, and rushing towards Qingyang City, Xichuan Province!

Not long after Lin Yun took off, he received a call from a lone wolf again.

"Brother Yun, the monster beast has launched an attack, and Qingyang City has also rushed into many monsters!" The lone wolf's eager voice came out on the phone.

"Lone wolf, I'm rushing back. Before I get there, my mother and Fatty's safety will be given to you and Fang." Lin Yun said.

In addition to his mother, there is a fat family in Qingyang City, as well as high school monitor Li Rou, who Lin Yun wants to protect!

Lin Yun didn't dare to let the lone wolf and Fang Fang **** his mother and the others to the temple. If he two escorted them, if they encounter a monster clan team on the way, it will be troublesome!

Lin Yun must pick it up in person!

"Okay, Brother Yun, as long as the life of my lone wolf is there, I will not let auntie and the others make any mistakes. Although it is impossible for me to rush to the whole city to protect the whole city, I still protect some people. It can be done." Lone Wolf said firmly.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yun continued to rush towards Qingyang City at the fastest speed.


Lin Yun flew all the way, passing many cities naturally.

When passing over a city, Lin Yun found that a large number of monsters had rushed into the city from countless directions and entered various streets.

Because the monks are limited, it is impossible for every city to send a large number of monks, so they can only rely on hot weapons to deal with these monsters.

However, after these monsters enter the city from all directions, the thermal weapons are also greatly restricted, and it is difficult to exert their effects. Ordinary weapons can hardly cause substantial damage to the rough-skinned monsters, and large weapons and weapons are difficult to play in the city. The effect, after all, there are a lot of humans in the city.

Moreover, these monsters are strictly hierarchical, and they are all under the unified command of the monsters, and they are not scattered.

After the Yaozu invaded the city, the city has been reduced to a **** on earth, with shouts and explosions everywhere.

People are completely at a loss for these ‘monsters’ that pop up suddenly.

Of course, the number of monsters is also limited after all, it is impossible to kill millions of people in a short time, and the survivors are all being organized to escape quickly.

Lin Yun's spiritual consciousness covered the entire city, and he quickly found out that there were three demon spirits in this city, hundreds of big demon, and thousands of little demon. A few of them rushed into various places in the city as a team.

Lin Yun swooped down quickly and rushed into a street in the city.

On the street, a few monsters were killing them, and a large number of corpses were scattered on the street.

The streets were full of screams and crying.

Some people have been frightened to the ground and lost their ability to move. Where have they experienced this kind of scene before? I didn't even think about it.

Puff puff!

After Lin Yun swooped down, the sword light flickered.

Several monsters raging on this street were instantly beheaded.

"Gosh, who is that?"

"Did the gods descend to save us?"

People on the street were shocked when they saw Lin Yun killing the monster beast.

"Hurry up!" Lin Yun shouted at them.

After these people heard the words, they came back to their senses, and then hurriedly ran away.

Lin Yun flew into the sky again.

For a city such a big city, Lin Yun does not have a clone technique, and it is impossible to appear in various places to kill monsters at the same time. Therefore, Lin Yun's kung fu to kill a few monsters here, the killing in other places is also going on.

Moreover, this is only a city, and it is even more impossible for Lin Yun to help all cities at the same time.

A person's power is limited.

After getting rid of the three monsters on this street, Lin Yun quickly soared into the air, heading towards Qingyang City, Xichuan Province!

Along the way, Lin Yun found that not all cities were attacked, and some small counties were not attacked. After all, the number of monsters was also limited.

However, most cities have already fallen into the smoke of gunpowder.

One side is attacking and the other is defending, one side takes the initiative, one side is very passive, one side is full of monsters, and one side has countless ordinary people. The gap must be obvious.


At this time, inside the hall of the East Ying Shadow Gate.

Wang Xue sat on the throne in front, the deputy master of the Shadow Gate, Demon King Chi Yan Huo Qi, Demon King Zi Dian, etc., all stood below.

"Your Majesty, the attack has been fully launched, and most of the progress everywhere is in line with our expectations, and the human race is in a state of retreat!" Chi Yanhuoqi reported.

"Very well, this time, it's time for our monster clan to subvert this world." Wang Xue made a cold voice.

"By the way, Huoqi, I told you not to attack Qingyang City in Xichuan Province. What are your arrangements?" Wang Xue asked.

"The queen can rest assured, everything is in accordance with your instructions." Demon King Chi Yanhuoqi reported.

"Okay, all of you, let's go and work. Now the war has just begun. This kind of battle will be under your unified command. I will wait for you to give me a satisfactory answer." Wang Xue waved his hand.


Chi Yan Huoqi waited for a response in unison, and then exited the hall.

After exiting the hall and walking a certain distance, the deputy master of the Shadow Gate couldn't help but ask:

"Your Majesty Demon King, do you really stop attacking Qingyang City? Qingyang City is the hometown of His Majesty the Demon Emperor after his reincarnation. His Majesty the Demon King did this, indicating that she still cares about some people in Qingyang City. This……"

"I naturally know that the mother and relatives of the empress's human status are in Qingyang City, and some of her friends from when she was a human are also in Qingyang City, so she wouldn't let us attack Qingyang City." Chi Fireworks Qi said.

Chi Yan Huoqi continued: "So, I have sent a full three demon generals, and a sufficient amount of demon spirits, big demon, and little demon to attack Qingyang City, and I must crush the entire Qingyang! Kill all Those who have a relationship with the queen, completely cut off the relationship between the queen and humans!"

"Send three demon generals?" The deputy master of the Shadow Gate was surprised.

As far as the deputy master of the Shadow Gate knows, the attack launched today will only be equipped with a demon general when attacking the big city. It will be equipped with a few demon spirits at most when attacking ordinary cities.

As for the attack on Qingyang, three demon generals could be dispatched. This is definitely a big deal!

The demon generals are comparable to the gods, and the demon generals currently owned by the demon clan are only more than forty.

But in terms of numbers, they are definitely ahead of the human monks!

"But..., Her Majesty the Queen specially ordered several times not to attack Qingyang. Her Majesty the Demon King did this without telling her Her Majesty, in case Her Majesty blames her..." said the deputy master of the Shadow Gate.

Chi Yan Huoqi smiled: "When things are a foregone conclusion, the queen can only choose to accept it. I have been loyal to the queen for thousands of years. She cannot blame me for a few humans."

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