Top Shenhao

Chapter 1357: Dilemma

At this time, the phone rang again.

Lin Yun picked up the phone and saw that it was from Fang Fang!

After the call is connected.

"Brother Yun! It's not good, a demon will appear in Qingyang City!" Fang Fang said eagerly.

"Demon general?" Lin Yun was startled.

"Only a part of low-level monsters rushed into the mansion before. After being killed by us, a demon general rushed into the mansion and fought with the lone wolf brother by the pool of the mansion!" Fang said.

After Lin Yun heard this, his heart suddenly tightened.

Although Lin Yun knew that the lone wolf should be able to deal with a demon general, in Lin Yun's heart, he was still worried.

"Fangfang, how is the battle going? Also, how are my relatives and friends?" Lin Yun asked quickly.

"The fight was very fierce, but Brother Lone Wolf currently has a sufficient advantage. It should be no problem. The people you urged to protect, Brother Yun, are now in the mansion. Behind me, they are all safe now!" Fang said.

After Lin Yun heard this, he barely felt relieved.

"Crap!" The voice of Fang Fang suddenly sounded on the phone.

"What's wrong with Fang Fang?" Lin Yun asked quickly.

"Brother Yun! Just a second ago, another demon general rushed into the mansion yard to join the battle! Now... now the lone wolf brother is one dozen two, the advantage is gone!" Fang Fang said eagerly.

"Two demon generals appear?" Lin Yun's eyes narrowed.

"Brother Yun, how long will it take you to come back? Brother Lone Wolf hits two. Although there is no advantage, with many methods, it will definitely be fine for a period of time. As long as you come back, Brother Yun will be safe!" Fang said.

When Lin Yun broke out on the fourth layer of the Phantom Lost Technique, he rushed to the limit, and within 13 minutes, he should be able to rush back to Qingyang City!

But what about the Yangtze River?

"Poison Fang! I will rush back as fast as possible. You will fight against the demon general on the lone wolf, take my mother and them first, leave quietly through the back door, and then hide. As long as I arrive, you will be safe!" Lin Yun urged.

"Good Brother Yun!" The fangs responded.

After hanging up the phone.

"go back!"

Lin Yun, who was heading towards the Yangtze River, stopped abruptly in the air, then quickly turned around and rushed towards the extreme speed of Qingyang City, Xichuan Province.

Lin Yun's Phantom Lost Technique, after repeated training, has reached the fourth level, which can double the speed!


Lin Yungang turned around and ran towards Qingyang City for less than a minute, and then suddenly stopped.

"No! What about the millions of people on the Yangtze River?" Lin Yun gritted his teeth.

Now, both parties are in a hurry, and all the **** transformation powerhouses in the Temple Alliance have been dispatched, and no **** transformation powerhouse can be selected.

How to choose?

Lin Yun felt that no matter how he chose, he couldn't have both!

No matter how you choose, you have to choose!

After a moment of contemplation.

"Go to the Yangtze first!"

Lin Yun gritted his teeth and finally made a choice.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun turned again, turned into a streamer, and hurried towards the Yangtze River.

The dragon has reverse scales and will die when touched. This is Lin Yun's code of conduct.

Relatives, lovers, and friends have always been Lin Yun's inferior scales. Whoever dares to touch, Lin Yun will not kill him, and make the other party pay the price!

It shows how much Lin Yun values ​​his relatives, lovers, and friends!

But this time, Lin Yun finally chose to rush to the Yangtze River before returning to Qingyang City!

In this world, after all, there are things that are higher than the value of one's compliance.

Health is what I want. Righteousness is also what I want, neither can be achieved at the same time. Those who sacrifice their lives and take righteousness!

Lin Yun went to the Yangtze River, of course, to enable the tens of millions of people to cross the river smoothly to the Jiangnan Underground City.

On the way.

"The lone wolf can withstand the demon general, and the fangs lead his mother and the others to evacuate from behind, and then hide. As long as the fangs and they withdraw, the lone wolf can also find a chance to escape. It should be no problem! If the Yangtze River does not go, there will be thousands Ten thousand people give their lives!" Lin Yun said to himself.


the other side.


The hall master and the great elder were all sitting in the temple, and the Demon King and Demon King had not appeared, and the two of them would definitely not go out.

After all, all the gods in the temple have been sent out, and only the great elder and the hall master of the void world are left. They must sit in the temple, otherwise, the demon king and demon king will come to attack the temple base camp, and the temple alliance may collapse. !

What's more, there are Lin Yun's relatives and friends in the temple, and some other people who have been transferred to the temple during this period. If the temple is breached, these people will also be killed.

"Hall Lord, what did Lin Yun say?" The elder looked at Lin Yun.

"He said he would think about it, but he didn't know how he would choose." The palace master murmured.

"I still understand Lin Yun's character, he is very affectionate, maybe he will return to Qingyang City first, in fact, there is nothing wrong with this." The elder sighed.

At this time, the hall master received a call again.

"What? A demon will appear in Qingyang City? More than one?" The hall master asked in shock.

"Okay, I see." After the hall master answered, hung up the phone.

"Hall Lord, Qingyang City is just a small prefecture-level city, and there are demons appearing? And more than one? This...this is extremely abnormal!" The elder said in surprise.

"Maybe, the Yaozu deliberately sent to deal with Lin Yun's relatives and friends, just to retaliate against Lin Yun!" The hall master's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Lin Yun left someone in Qingyang City, and he should have received this news. As a result, he might even have to rush back to Qingyang City as soon as possible," the elder said.


Imperial capital.

The imperial capital was surprisingly calm and was not attacked by the monster race.

Obviously the Yaozu also knows that the imperial capital's defenses are extremely strict. If you attack the imperial capital, the price you will pay will be very high.

Although the imperial capital was not attacked, the people in the imperial capital had already watched news and pictures of attacks from other places on TV, and the news was broadcast. People in the imperial capital hurriedly returned home.

Qin poetry home.

Qin Shi, Qin Li, and Old Man Qin, all three of them sat in the living room, staring at the TV closely.

"Why... how could this be? Why are there so many monsters!" Qin Shi's eyes were filled with fear, worry, and discomfort.

Seeing so many monsters invading their homes and killing lives, Qin Shi's worldview collapsed.

"Even our Qin family didn't know about this matter beforehand. I didn't expect that there is such a big secret in the world." Old man Qin couldn't help sighing.

Qin Shi's father Qin Li also said: "Fortunately, our imperial capital is currently safe. This is also a blessing in misfortune."

Just now, the power and harm of monsters and the purpose of monsters to become world overlords have been popularized on TV.

"At present, the survivors are all organized and moved to the dungeon in an orderly manner, which is the sanctuary of mankind and the last hope of mankind." It was reported on TV.

"Dear viewers, we will broadcast an update. There are about tens of millions of people north of the Yangtze River. Now they need to go through the Yangtze River to the Jiangnan Underground City. However, there are currently 13 powerful monsters intercepting the Yangtze River and cutting off their lives. aisle."

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