Top Shenhao

Chapter 1379: Love and righteousness

At this time, the four elders rushed directly to Lin Yun.

"Lin Yun, the temple you have already killed has fallen, do you still want to kill us all?"

The Fourth Elder yelled at Lin Yun and grabbed Lin Yun by the collar.

Lin Yun was taken aback.

These words awakened Lin Yun at once.

"Lin Yun, think about it for yourself! If it's not for your arrogance, you don't listen to the palace master's arrangements, and you have to rush to kill, will the palace master send us? If you don't send us over, will the temple defend the emptiness? Does the clan take the opportunity to sneak attack?" The Fourth Elder asked harshly.

The Fourth Elder had always had a better temper, but at this time he was furious with Lin Yun.

Hong Ling and the palace owner rushed over.

"Four elders, shut up! At this time, are you fighting in your nest?" The palace lord shouted at the fourth elders.

Hong Ling also said quickly: "Four elders, this is not Lin Yun's intention. His mother was killed and he felt uncomfortable, so he wanted to kill monsters to avenge him. This really doesn't blame him."

"His mother’s life is fate. Isn’t the life of tens of thousands of people in this world dead? Hundreds of millions of people died in the world yesterday and today! They also have relatives, they are also other people’s parents, Children!" The Fourth Elder said angrily.

Lin Yun lowered his head, said nothing, and did not reply.

Only Lin Yun's fists were clenched tightly, his nails were already in the flesh, and his hands were full of blood.

I did not do well enough. My mother died and the temple that was killed was attacked. The Lord and other temple disciples might all die, and their relatives, lovers, and friends in the temple might all be killed!

Thinking of all this, Lin Yun's heart was pierced in pain.

Lin Yun is also a human being, no matter how strong he is, there is a limit to it.

All these blows and bad news have pushed Lin Yun to the brink of collapse!

The big elder interrupted the four elders: "Four elders, don't talk about it, now is not the time to blame anyone. It is useless to say this. Lin Yun also saved countless lives. The top priority is how to respond."

The look of the Great Elder was equally solemn.

"Elder, take your attention, what should we do now? Should we rush back to the temple immediately, or what?" Hong Ling said.

"For the big elder, you have an idea." Elder Xiong, the second elder and the others all started together.

In the absence of the hall master, it must be the elder's decision.

"The danger considered by the four elders is not unreasonable. If the Lord has really...has been sacrificed bravely, and if we go back and collide with the Demon King, then we will also be very dangerous. Once we have an accident, the Temple Alliance It will be disintegrated, and no one can stop the demon clan's footsteps!" The great elder said in a low tone, his face pale.

When everyone heard the words of the great elder, they fell silent.

Everyone naturally understands the truth.

If the temple has fallen, they can't go back for the time being. This is a sensible approach.

Lin Yun quickly took out his mobile phone, trying to contact Su Yan and the others.

However, the mobile phone simply couldn't get through.

The sky was dim and the ground was dark between the hall master and the demon emperor on the other side of the temple.

Lin Yun suddenly raised his head.

"Elder, I also know that I can't return to the temple rashly without understanding the current situation of the temple, but...I must go back!" Lin Yun said firmly.

Not only because of the temple master and the disciples of the temple, but also because his relatives and lovers are all in the temple!

Even if he knew he was going to die, Lin Yun had to rush back.

This has nothing to do with reason, only love and righteousness!

"Lin Yun, do you still want to mess around with your own temper?" the Fourth Elder asked loudly.

Lin Yun looked at the four elders: "Four elders, I won't hurt you, I will go back to the temple alone! Just follow your plan and do everything!"

After the voice fell, Lin Yun turned directly, heading towards the temple with a burst of speed.

After all, Lin Yun could not leave those relatives and lovers in the temple alone and live alone.

Lin Yun must go to the temple to rescue them, even if the hope is slim! Even if it is to die!

The Great Elder and the others looked at Lin Yun who was leaving, with complex expressions.

"Elder, I have to go too!" The Palace Master suddenly said.

After the voice fell, the palace lord also directly exploded in speed, turning into streamer and rushing in the direction Lin Yun left.

After all, the palace lord was unwilling to let Lin Yun go alone to bear it.

Lin Yun saved her and saved the Ice Spirit Palace. Now Lin Yun may be in danger, and she cannot ignore it.

"Elder, I can't let Lin Yun go alone. This is my personal decision. You don't need to follow." Hong Ling also said.

After the voice fell, Hong Ling also exploded quickly, chasing after her.

Elder Xiong also said: "Elder, my old Xiong is a person who has died once, and I am not afraid to die a second time. Whether it is for Lin Yun or for the Lord, I have to go!"

After Elder Xiong's voice fell, he quickly chased after him.

"This...this..." The Fourth Elder looked very helpless.

Only the Great Elder, the Second Elder, and the Fourth Elder are left here.

"Elder, all four of them have gone. If we three old guys hide and don't go back, what is it?" said the second elder.

The elder nodded.

"In that case, let's go back quickly!" said the elder.

After the voice fell, the three elders quickly followed.

The Fourth Elder also had nothing to say, everyone had gone, it was impossible for him not to go alone.


Lin Yun burst out with all his strength and rushed to the temple.

Along the way, Lin Yun felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

Wrong wrong wrong!

Lin Yun felt that no matter what he did was a mistake.

Rushing back to the temple now seems to be another mistake.

But between right and wrong, there is love and righteousness!

If Lin Yun doesn't return to the temple or save his relatives and friends, what is the difference between himself and the beast?

"Lin Yun!"

A familiar voice sounded.

Lin Yun quickly reduced his speed and looked back.

It was the palace lord who caught the eye.

"Palace Master, why are you here? Go back! I don't want to drag anyone down!" Lin Yun's face was pale and his tone was serious.

"Lin Yun, what drag is not dragged down, this time, I have to go with you whatever the palace says!" The palace owner's tone was firm.

"Palace Master..."

Just as Lin Yun wanted to speak, the palace lord interrupted Lin Yun.

"Shut up!" The palace owner said in a commanding tone.

Lin Yun couldn't stop moving when he heard the words.

After all, some people support themselves unconditionally.

"Lin Yun, I'm Yige, Senior Sister! Senior Sister and you have also experienced life and death, how can Senior Sister let you go back to the temple alone!" Hong Ling's voice also sounded.

Then, Hong Ling appeared.

Seeing Hong Ling coming, Lin Yun was startled again.

"Palace Master, Senior Sister, thank you." Lin Yun's eyes flickered.

"You are so much nonsense, hurry up!"

After the palace master said this, he quickly rushed towards the temple.

"Sister, let's go!"

After Lin Yun finished speaking, he quickly followed.


Imperial capital.

The palace lord of the Cultivation Palace has made a decision that most of the people in the imperial capital will move to the underground city of the imperial capital!

The transfer of the imperial capital has already begun in an orderly manner.

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