Top Shenhao

Chapter 1411: New order

When the people rushing out saw the red firework Qi, they all looked a little scared.

"Kill it!" There was a loud shout from the crowd.

"Yes, kill it! Kill it!"

Countless people came out, all shouting together.

Everyone’s shouts were filled with endless anger. During this period of time, human beings sacrificed so much and the world became purgatory. Everyone naturally hated monsters!

Lin Yun slowly got up and looked at Chi Yan Huo Qi.

"Chi Yan Huo Qi, you ordered the demon general to go to Qingyang City, right? My mother, you killed him, right?" Lin Yun stared at Chi Yan Huo Qi with vicious eyes.

"Yes, I did it! Even if my monster clan fails, but can pull your mother to death, it will make you feel uncomfortable for a lifetime. This will be your regret for Lin Yun's life, Jiejie!" Chi Yan Huoqi was crazy! laugh.


Lin Yun's eyes condensed, and he patted Chi Yan Huo Qi with a palm.


The red firework Qi, which had been dethroned, had no resistance. After being hit in the forehead, he was killed on the spot.

The second leader of the Yaozu was killed.

"Long live Venerable Lin Yun! Long live Venerable Lin Yun!"

After seeing this scene, the people present all cheered excitedly.

Lin Yun has become a great hero to save the world. There is no doubt that after this war, Lin Yun's status in everyone's hearts will increase countless times.

Lin Yun will be recorded in the annals of history, spread through the ages, and admire for future generations!

At this moment, Lin Yun was not at all happy.

Lin Yun didn't want to be a great hero, Lin Yun just wanted to protect his favorite person, nothing more.

Lin Yun saved the world, but lost her.

After Lin Yun killed Chi Yan Huo Qi, he returned to Wang Xue again.

"Xue'er, if I can reach the point where I can change my fate one day, I will definitely let you come back and wait for me." Lin Yun gently stroked Wang Xue's hair.

Zheng Yi (Kurokawa Nako), mother, Fang, the lord, Wang Xue...

All these people who left Lin Yun caused Lin Yun to have an obsession, that is, he must ascend to the sky to reach the legendary point, be able to change his fate against the sky and bring the dead to life!

"Lin Yun!"

A light voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the palace lord walked over quickly and came to Lin Yun's side.

"Lin Yun, you have done a great job. It's not you, nor Wang Xue."

The palace lord patted Lin Yun's shoulder gently, comforting Lin Yun, her beautiful eyes were filled with distress.

She knew that Lin Yun had to bear too much!

She knew how uncomfortable Lin Yun would feel at this moment.

"Palace Master, I'm fine, I can come through. Actually, I had predicted that there might be this day." Lin Yun lowered his head and said.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun raised his head and looked at the palace owner: "I have to bury Xueer, Yun Chang, can you go with me?"

"Hmm!" The palace lord nodded vigorously.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun hugged Wang Xue's corpse and flew into the air, and the Palace Master quickly followed.

Holding Wang Xue's body, Lin Yun returned to Qingyang City, which is Lin Yun's hometown and Wang Xue's hometown.

Lin Yun buried Wang Xue next to his mother.


"Mom, you have always liked Wang Xue, and Wang Xue's disappearance. You have always cared about it. Now Xueer is here to accompany you."

After Lin Yun finished speaking, he kowtowed again.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun stood up and let out a long breath.

"Lin Yun, don't put too much pressure on yourself." The palace lord looked at Lin Yun distressedly.

"Don't worry, Palace Master, I am no longer the me who used to be. No matter how big a setback is, it won't let me sink. What I have to do is to turn my grief into strength, work hard and reverse all regrets in my heart!" Lin Yun said. firm.

Sinking cannot change anything, only hard work can change!

The palace lord was relieved when Lin Yun said this.

"Lin Yun, your performance today really shocked me and all the monks in the Temple Alliance. I really can't imagine that you can reach this point in just three months." The palace master couldn't bear it. Live sigh.

The terrifying power that Lin Yun showed today really shocked the palace lord!

Today, not only the palace master, but also the great elder, the second elder, the fourth elder, and Meng Yangtian... everyone who is familiar with Lin Yun's strength was shocked by Lin Yun's strength.

"Actually, it was clearing the ruins and getting a chance." Lin Yun explained.


After March.


Lin Yun sat on a rock on the highest peak of the temple, overlooking the temple.

After three months, the temple has been rebuilt, and the building is more majestic than before.

The remnants of the demon race all over the world, as well as the Shadow Gate and the Asura Hall, have been cleared in these three months, and the deputy master of the Shadow Gate and the Asura Hall Hallmaster have all been captured and executed.

Not only China, but also the monster races in Shalai, Ouyu and other parts of the world have been cleaned up.

Of course, Lin Yun didn't take any action personally on these things, because these remaining enemies didn't need to let Lin Yun take action personally.

Human beings also returned from the underground city to the ground, the destroyed city began to rebuild, and people returned to their former lives.

However, the monster world of cholera will be remembered by everyone.

History will also be remembered!

Lin Yun has also become a hero who is praised by all. Many cities have built sculptures of Lin Yun to praise Lin Yun's great achievements.

Lin Yun's reputation covers the world!

After this catastrophe, the number of people in the world has dropped from more than 7 billion to more than 2 billion, and the world landscape has also changed drastically.

Of course, there is no need to worry about the population problem, as long as it recovers for hundreds of years, the population will slowly recover.

After this incident, there is still another change, that is, the special profession of ‘monk’ has changed from being unknown to everyone, becoming a profession that everyone worships.

Because of this, the number of disciples of the major hermit sects and ancient sects has increased significantly. Even in the cities, there are some casual training, introductory training courses for cultivation, and the establishment of academies for practitioners.

"Hall Master!"

A voice sounded, and at the same time, a voice fell from the sky.

The person who came was the great elder of the temple.

"See the hall master." The elder saluted Lin Yun.

"Elder, when there is no outsider present, there is no need to call me the lord, just call me Lin Yun." Lin Yun smiled.

More than two months ago, the rebuilding of the temple was on the agenda, and a new temple owner needed to be selected. The upper and lower temples voted for Lin Yun unanimously. No one opposed, the four elders, and they totally agreed.

After all, Lin Yun's strength is placed there, who can disagree with Lin Yun's strength?

"This is not good, the rules are still required."

The great elder said, sitting next to Lin Yun and overlooking the temple together.

"I don't even dare to think that the temple and this world have experienced such a catastrophe." The elder couldn't help sighing.

Immediately afterwards, the elder turned to look at Lin Yun.

"By the way, the triennial temple trial is about to begin again. This time, are you going to watch the competition? After the previous battle, several good seedlings emerged from the outer door. This time the temple The trials should be very exciting."

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