Top Shenhao

Chapter 1425: Basic knowledge

"If you join the army, there will be great restrictions on freedom, right?" Lin Yun said.

"Of course it will, but the higher the position and title, the lower the restriction on freedom. For example, if you become the leader of Nanfeng City, you will basically have a lot of freedom in Nanfeng City, but you cannot leave Nanfeng County at will. Because you have to sit here and lead the soldiers." Yang Zheng explained.

Yang Zheng continued: "Moreover, the salary of the leader is also extremely high. I heard that it can reach one hundred thousand spiritual stones for a year, and this is only the basic salary. If you include various rewards, it will be higher. If you fight, there will be Extra rewards. If the talent is excellent, the Sky Kingdom will give special resources to cultivate and then continue to promote."

Lin Yun had to admit that this salary was indeed very good.

Lin Yun figured it out. There are so many salaries for a single chief, and there are so many counties and soldiers in the Celestial Kingdom. The cost of a year is definitely a very terrifying figure!

It is enough to show that the cultivation resources in the mainland are indeed abundant.

"God, one hundred thousand spiritual stones, a terrifying number." Yang Ying was also scared to cover her mouth by this number.

This is absolutely astronomical for them.

"What's this? As far as I know, to become the chief of a city, in addition to salary for a year, there are many ways to make money. For example, the chief of Nanfeng City, I heard that he is particularly rotten. Taking advantage of his identity to make a fortune is much more than his own salary for a year." Yang Zheng sighed.

A hunting team member next to him hurriedly reminded: "Captain, don't say anything casually. If you are reported, you will lose your head."

"Aren't these all my own people? Master Lin Yun is a powerful god, and it's even more impossible to tell me a small person." Yang Zheng smiled.

Yang Zheng continued: "Of course, besides joining the army, there are other options, such as joining a sect. In my Celestial Kingdom and even the Star Martial Empire, there are countless sects, large and small. Joining a large sect can also get a lot of resources from the sect. Be nurtured."

"These, let's talk about it later." Lin Yun said.

Lin Yun is not in a hurry to join a place, but after he finishes some things and learns more about the world, he will only look at the situation.

At this time, Yang Ying jumped to Lin Yun again:

"Little brother, hundreds of years ago, there was a big man in our village. He went from an ordinary soldier of the sky kingdom to a corps leader, a centurion, a captain, and finally became the leader of Nanfeng City, with a strength of two. God Jiehua, during the decades when he was the leader of Nanfeng City, even the big families in Nanfeng City had to respect the people in our village."

"It's just that when he became the general leader, he was already in his old age. He passed away after serving as the general leader for decades. Our village also declined again. It was all four hundred years ago, but it has been recorded in us. In the history of the village, he is the most powerful person in the history of our village."

Lin Yun nodded. In this world, as long as there is strength, there is status; without strength, status will be lost.

As everyone walked and talked on the way up and down, they slowly let go of their fear of Lin Yun, but the respect was still there.

Lin Yun also learned more about the world through chatting with them.

For example, the currency unit in the cultivation mainland has silver coins and gold coins, and then Lingshi and Lingjing are also hard currency.

100 silver coins = 1 gold coin.

100 gold coins = 1 spirit stone.

100 spirit stones = 1 spirit crystal.

For a family like Yang Zheng and the others, their annual income is about 1,000 gold coins, and when the harvest is good, they can reach two to three thousand.

When I returned to Huaishu Village, the sun was setting.

The white-haired village chief and several respectable elders in the village have been waiting at the entrance of the village for a long time.

"Yang Zheng, you can be regarded as coming back. I have always been worried. Didn't you meet the hunting team of Shanghe Village on the mountain?" The village chief hurriedly greeted him.

"I met, the hunting team leader of Shanghe Village, Gou Feng, has reached the real pill state, and a new virtual pill state has emerged. They want to grab our prey and hunting ground." Yang Zheng said.


When the village chief and several village elders heard this, they were all frightened.

"Then... Then how did you escape with your prey?" the village chief asked quickly.

Yang Ying jumped out and said playfully: "Grandpa village chief, this adult rescued us, he is a powerful God Transformation Realm."

"Human God Realm!?"

The village head and several old elders were shocked.

"See... see the adults! The young ones don't know that the adults are here, and hope to forgive them!"

The village head and several village elders quickly bowed down to Lin Yunxing and looked very afraid.

"You don't need to pay much attention, I'm passing by here, but I want to disturb you. I will spend a night in your village, don't you mind?" Lin Yun smiled, without any value.

Lin Yun is usually impossible to put on airs.

"Of course! Of course I don't mind, I will arrange the best room in the village for adults!" The village chief said quickly.

"No, I have already discussed with Yang Zheng on the way down the mountain, I will stay at Yang Zheng's house, maybe I will stay overnight, and I will leave tomorrow." Lin Yun said.

"Since the adults have arrangements, they will obey the adults over there." The village head respectfully respects.

Lin Yun was really uncomfortable seeing their attitude towards him.

Although on the earth, Lin Yun is also worshipped, but when others see Lin Yun, they will not kneel down and salute.

Lin Yun felt deeply about the level of respect and inferiority in the cultivation continent.

"Yang Ying, you take the adults back first, and I will count and deal with the prey with the village chief and them." Yang Zheng said.


"Little brother, come with me."

Yang Ying showed a simple and lovely smile.

Lin Yun followed Yang Ying to the village.

After Lin Yun left here.

"It's weird that this adult has no arrogance." The village head couldn't help sighing.


Everyone couldn't help nodding their heads.

The strong men they have seen before, are not the big bosses, or the army captains and centurions who come to the village to do things, will put a big boss in front of them.

As for Lin Yun, he is dignified, equivalent to the leader of Nanfeng County!

That is what they usually only have to look up and worship.

On the other side, Lin Yun was led home by Yang Ying and stayed in her house.

Lin Yun plans to stay here for one night today and go to Nanfeng City tomorrow.

Yang Ying's family naturally brought out good wine and good meat to entertain Lin Yun, and the village chief also personally delivered some food and wine to Lin Yun.

After eating, Lin Yun said that he would leave tomorrow, Nanfeng City, and asked Yang Zheng to tell himself the direction to Nanfeng City.

Yang Zhen said that he would also go to Nanfeng City tomorrow. Today he harvested a red bear from hunting. The skin of the red bear can be sold at a good price, and he will go to the city to sell it tomorrow.

That being the case, Lin Yun was not familiar with the road to Nanfeng City, and he happened to be leading the way with Yang Zheng.

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