Top Shenhao

Chapter 1431: Gratifying effect

Those who can cultivate on the mainland from the earth are generally Tier 3 Nascent Souls or Transcendent Gods. After these years, some of them must have made their mark.

Find them, Lin Yun will not be unaccompanied in this world.

Moreover, they have been in the mainland for a long time, and they must know more than Lin Yun in many aspects, and they can give Lin Yun some guidance.

After the token is activated.


Lin Yunyixi, his token also reacted, apparently someone received his signal.

"Next, I will stay in Nanfeng City and wait." Lin Yun made up his mind.


Star Wu Empire.

Cangqiang Kingdom, Dongtan County, a mansion.

"Huh? Another fellow from the Earth Temple is here?"

A man with sword eyebrows opened his eyes, took out a token, and the token emitted bursts of light, releasing fluctuations.

"The signal is from Jiangyang County. When I finish the two-day retreat, I will pick up people from the village. I don't know the strength of the person who came this time." The man looked curious.

Nanfeng City, Jiangyang County.

Lin Yun is in the hotel room.

"I have learned the'phantom magic technique' now. As long as my spiritual consciousness is improved enough, the combat effectiveness will also be sufficiently improved." Lin Yun muttered to himself.

The ‘Divine Replacing Technique’ is a cheat for a divine consciousness attack rewarded by Lin Yun after clearing the divine consciousness test in the earth ruins.

This ‘phantom magic’ is to transform God’s consciousness into substantive offensive power in battle, integrate it into one’s own attack tactics, and increase power. It’s not difficult to learn.

As for how powerful its power is, it is linked to its own spiritual realm. The stronger the spiritual consciousness, the stronger the effect.

In the first few months of the earth, Lin Yun basically did not practice, only spent time studying and learning this ‘phantom magic’.

"God consciousness should be upgraded to spirit level as soon as possible. Try this magma essence to enhance the effect of divine consciousness."

Lin Yun currently has two ideas for improvement, one is to improve his spiritual consciousness and the other is realm.

Lin Yun's current realm is the peak of the third-order God of Transformation, and above it is the hole virtual realm. This is a leap of a big realm. In other words, Lin Yun is now at a bottleneck.

If you want to break through the bottleneck and reach Dongxu, and rely on your own cultivation, you can only slowly realize how long it will take to reach Dongxu, Lin Yun has no idea.

In addition, there are only two ways to break through the hole. Either get some chance, or get a good fortune pill.

Good fortune pill: A god-level pill that can get a good fortune after taking it to help break through the bottleneck of the god. The success rate is 80%. Each person can only take it once. If the breakthrough fails after use, it cannot be taken again.

But this good fortune pill must be extremely precious, and it is not sold in the county-level Xiaoyao building.

It is estimated that the Taixu Tavern and Nebula Hall in Nanfeng City cannot be bought either.

If you want to buy it, I’m afraid you can only buy it at the Xiaoyao Building in the county city, and there, the Pill of Good Fortune is definitely a treasure in the temple, and the price is definitely not cheap!

The 100,000 spiritual crystals left by the ancestor Xuyun were originally a very huge wealth, but they could not withstand the consumption of Lin Yun.

"If you want to become stronger quickly, you have to have a way to make money." Lin Yun sighed.

It's just that Lin Yun really couldn't think of anything for a while, how to make money quickly, could it be that he also became the leader and the city lord, earning salaries, and then hunting for black money?

It's a pity that it is not Lin Yun's style to collect ambiguous money, Lin Yun has his own bottom line and who is accurate.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun flipped his hand and took out the ‘magma essence’ that he had just purchased in Xiaoyao Building.

The 9th-level divine consciousness and the spiritual-level divine consciousness are watershed. If Lin Yun can reach the spiritual-level divine consciousness, his strength will definitely increase significantly.

The magma essence was packed in a special small bottle, and Lin Yun flicked his finger and dropped a drop of magma essence on his Tianling cave.

The feeling of blazing heat instantly spread from Lin Yun's brows.

The quintessence energy contained in the magma essence instantly passed through the Tianling cave and poured into Lin Yun's brain.

Lin Yun's divine consciousness seemed to be ignited instantly, boiling!

A scorching burning sensation hits instantly, as if his brain was completely ignited.

And this is the magma spirit, the temperature is very high!


Lin Yunrao was mentally prepared, and he sucked in pain, his face turned pale.

Divine consciousness is calcined by this magma essence to improve.

This is a very overbearing and very tormenting method of improving spiritual consciousness, and it is absolutely unbearable for ordinary monks to endure such torture.

However, when Lin Yun practiced "War Emperor Physical Training" and mental exercises, he had already exercised this ability to resist torture, so it was not completely unbearable.

Under the calcination of magma essence, the consciousness is steadily improving!

About twenty minutes later.

"Come again!"

Lin Yun dropped another drop of magma essence on his Tianling Cave.

Next, the third drop, the fourth drop...

According to the man in the blue robe, he used 1 to 2 drops a day at most, but Lin Yun knew the sixth drop before stopping.

"Nothing, no rest, the consciousness can't hold it!"

Lin Yun opened his eyes and let out a long sigh, his pale face was covered with sweat, and his eyes turned scarlet.

Everything has an endurance limit. Even if Lin Yun's endurance and resistance to torture are strong, he has reached the limit at this time.

"However, the effect is obvious. Only these 6 drops are worth the effect of practicing 120 days of spiritual consciousness!" Lin Yun showed a touch of joy.

"If this magma essence tube is enough, 6 drops a day, it is estimated that in about 20 days, my spiritual sense should be able to reach the spirit level!"

Lin Yun did the math. It takes 12 bottles of Magma Essence in 20 days, one bottle of 2000 Lingjing, and 12 bottles, which is 24,000 Lingjing!

This number is terrifying.

"Although this magma spirit is very effective in extracting divine consciousness, I really can't afford the cost." Lin Yun smiled helplessly.

Some of the inheritance left by Lin Yun and Xuyun's ancestors can't be consumed. It can be seen that ordinary monks definitely dare not be so extravagant!

This magma spirit can be regarded as a luxury in the practice world.

Even the big families in Nanyang City are generally reluctant to buy this magma essence.

A bottle of magma essence 2000 spirit crystals, equivalent to 200,000 spirit stones, is enough to cultivate a monk, Yuan Ying.

Even if they can afford it, there are not many people who can endure the painful torment of magma spirit.

Lin Yun is now in Nanfeng City and is waiting for the fellow villagers of the temple, and there is nothing special. When he meets the fellow villagers, he will make the next step.

"Repairing the sword spirit, now I can go and inquire about it," Lin Yun muttered.

Soon after, Lin Yun got up and left the guest room.

After asking Xiao Er, the location of the most famous iron shop in the city, Lin Yun left the inn.

Outside the inn.

The streets of Nanfeng City are still busy and lively.

Not long after Lin Yun walked on the street, he saw a sect standing a flagpole on the side of the road to attract disciples.

"Bai Wuzong’s annual recruitment of new recruits has begun. We, Bai Wuzong, are the second largest sect in Nanyang County. Daoists are welcome to sign up. As long as they are under 30 and reach the Qi training period, they can sign up and participate in the sect. Selecting, wanting not to be bullied, wanting to be the ancestor, joining our Baiwu Sect is the only choice!"

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