Top Shenhao

Chapter 1506: Dawn in desperation

He knows that Lin Yun has many methods, but Hongyuan has a lot of methods. The most important thing is that the two are still three realms away.

"Emperor Wing, although Hongyuan is dead, but Lin Yun also died with him, and it is worth it to be able to drag a direct disciple of a super family to die." said the golden crocodile.

Lin Yun is just a third-order **** of transformation and possesses so many treasures. Of course, they believe that Lin Yun is the son of the super family, and he is also the son!

Because even a general disciple of the super family, in the level of the third-order god, it is difficult for the family to give a super artifact, unless the person is a prostitute and has a higher status.

"It's just that I didn't get a few treasures of that kid, it was a bit of a loss, but it would be a good thing to kill him after all," said the blue-winged giant snake.


East Tan County Town.

Tassel family, early the next morning.

Liu Sudong returned to the mansion. After he left last night, he went to Hongyuanzong overnight to destroy Hongyuanzong. The elders of Hongyuanzong did not expect that Liusudong would come and come so quickly.

In the courtyard of the tassel family mansion.

"Grandpa, you went to support Lin Yun last night, how was the situation?" Liu Su Yun stretched lazily.

"Lin Yun is dead." Liu Sudong shook his head.

"What?" Tassel Yun, who was still lazy, was suddenly startled.

"Grandpa, what is going on!" Liu Su Yun asked quickly.

"He fought with Sect Master Hongyuan to the crater on Huoli Mountain, and both fell into the magma." Liu Sudong shook his head.

"He... he just fell?" Liu Su Yun muttered with some sluggish eyes.

"He has a good talent, but in this world, countless geniuses fall every day. It's normal," Liu Sudong said.



Inside the magma.

Lin Yun continued to endure this inhuman torture under the longing for life

Although Lin Yun still couldn't see the hope of going out, Lin Yun just didn't want to die.

It was such an idea that Lin Yun stubbornly endured, it was a thousand times more inhuman torture than practicing the Battle Emperor Body Refining Technique.

1 day, 2 days, 3 days...

As Lin Yun stayed in the magma for a longer time, Lin Yun's whole body had been burned out of shape, leaving only dense bones in his limbs, and his flesh and blood had completely turned into coke.

The flesh and blood of the chest and back, although protected by the treasure armor, did not turn into coke, but it was completely ulcerated.

In this state, Lin Yun's consciousness became blurred.

Lin Yun himself did not feel the passage of time at all, and he did not know that he had been in this magma for a long time, as if a century had passed for a long time.

As time passed, the original inhuman pain seemed to decrease.

It's not that the power of magma has decreased, but that Lin Yun has become numb, and his ability to withstand this torture has also improved.


Lin Yun, who was confused, woke up suddenly.

Lin Yun found that he gradually became one with the magma. Lin Yun felt a ferocious element produced in the magma through the magma. This is the root of the magma.

"This is..., the profound meaning of fire!" Lin Yun was startled.

Lin Yun even felt the profound meaning of fire through the magma.

It's like human beings are made of water. An adult's water content is 50-65%, and a baby's water content is 70% to 80%.

The root of magma is the fierce and fierce fire attribute.

"The essence of this magma is fire. If I can comprehend the prototype of fire, then I should be able to avoid the damage of magma to me and go out without a problem!" Lin Yun said in surprise.

What surprised Lin Yun even more was that during this period of time Lin Yun was soaked in magma, a large amount of fire attributes had been poured into his body, and he had already grasped the prototype of fire without knowing it.

"Continue! Yes! Continue to soak like this, continue to feel the profound meaning of fire in the magma!" Lin Yun firmly believed in his heart.

Although Lin Yun had been destroyed by this magma, he was completely destroyed.

However, under the protection of the treasure armor, and the blessing of Lin Yun's full-layer battle emperor's refining technique, it would take a long time for Magma to completely kill Lin Yun and annihilate it.

Ordinary people can't bear it absolutely, because in this way, they can't die, they will only fall into this endless torture forever, which is more terrifying than death.

For Lin Yun, this kind of torture is not the most terrifying, the most terrifying is despair, it is the hope of not being able to go out.

And now, Lin Yun suddenly saw hope!

In this way, Lin Yun constantly absorbed the fire attributes in the magma, and understood the mystery.

If this way of comprehending the profound meaning of fire was spread, it would be enough to make many monks' eyes fall out of shock.

Just kidding, comprehending the meaning of fire in the magma, this is something you can't even think of!

Just like Hongyuan, he was tortured and committed suicide just after he fell into the magma for a while.

In this magma, Lin Yun didn't know the speed of time passing, as for the ability to withstand the torture of magma, it was constantly improving.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Yun suddenly became excited.

"The prototype of the Profound Meaning of Fire is finished!" Lin Yun was ecstatic.

Just now, Lin Yun has successfully comprehended the prototype of fire.

At this moment, it has a landmark commemorative significance!

"Try it!"

Lin Yun is directly stimulating the prototype of the Profound Meaning of Fire.

Sure enough, as Lin Yun had guessed, the nature of this magma was because of the fire attribute. After Lin Yun emitted the fire attribute, the magma basically did no harm to Lin Yun.

The painful torment of magma to Lin Yun disappeared instantly.

"Haha, great!"

Lin Yun's whole body suddenly felt extremely comfortable, which made Lin Yun both excited and happy.

During this period of time, Lin Yun has been suffering from the torture of magma, and now that this torture has suddenly disappeared, Lin Yun of course feels extremely refreshed.

It's like a heavy burden placed on a person, suddenly unloaded to him, that kind of pleasure is indescribable.

"I don't know how long it has been since I fell into the magma, and I don't know what's going on outside." Lin Yun muttered.

Lin Yun was in the magma and really didn't know the passage of time.

Was it a day outside, or a year, ten years?

"It's time to go out." Lin Yun murmured.

Now that Lin Yun has understood the prototype of fire, the magma's pressure on Lin Yun is too small, and it is not a problem for Lin Yun to go out.

However, Lin Yun did not rush to leave immediately, but first released his divine consciousness in the magma.

Magma interferes greatly with divine consciousness. Divine consciousness can cover dozens of miles outside, but it can only cover a short distance here.

Under the divine sense detection, Lin Yun quickly found the position of the sovereign Hongyuan's weapon.

Lin Yun hurried over quickly.

Soon, Lin Yun found Hongyuan's spear.

This is a god-level weapon after all, and it will probably take thousands of years for magma to completely annihilate it.

Lin Yun grabbed the spear.

"This is mine." Lin Yunxi said.

This is a divine weapon at any rate. The value is still very expensive. Although Lin Yun can't use the spear, he can definitely sell it at a good price.

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