Top Shenhao

Chapter 1526: Good harvest

Three minutes, the time was just right, and of course Lin Yun took the time well.

Before Lin Yun did not use his divine consciousness, under the blessing of the scarlet blood sword, the mysterious sword technique and the prototype of the profound meaning of the wind, it was actually enough to kill the black robe protector. After all, he was just a guardian and had no foundation. In the void of the order, it is definitely not a particularly good one.

It's just that if you fight like that, you will be delayed by the opponent a little longer.

Lin Yun used the second-level spiritual consciousness to make a quick battle and kill the opponent with one blow!

Of course, Lin Yun still had no use of metal creatures, and the biggest trump cards such as Luoyue Divine Bow and Hun Yuan Fan were not used.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun put on a mask, exploded quickly, and left here.


Just one minute after Lin Yun walked, Patriarch Liu arrived here first.

"Chuan'er! Chuan'er!" After the Liu family arrived, they shouted immediately.

But he called out several times without hearing any answer.

He turned his gaze to the broken car.

This was a car used exclusively by their Liu family. Although it was broken, it was easy to recognize.

Immediately afterwards, the Liu family covered his 9th-level divine sense for several tens of miles, inspecting the situation, but did not find his son.

At this time, Liu Changtian also fell from the sky.

"Father, how is it? What about people?" Liu Changtian asked quickly.

"Chuan'er crushed the jade pendant here. According to the guide of the jade pendant, this is here! But there is no one in a radius of tens of miles. We are probably late..." Patriarch Liu looked ugly.

Liu Changtian looked at the blood stains at the scene.

"Father, there are obvious traces of battle here, there are blood stains, and there are signs of explosions over there. Fighting must have erupted here. Since Ogawa is missing, there are only two possibilities, or being taken away." Liu Changtian said.

Liu Changtian continued with a blue face: "Either...has been killed, and judging from the blood stains at the scene, the possibility of being greater."

When Patriarch Liu heard this, his face was already ugly.

"Which **** dared to kill Mo'er! He is looking for death! Looking for death! Looking for death!"

Patriarch Liu looked up to the sky and roared, and his whole body was swallowed by anger.

Under the anger of a powerful third-order combined realm, the surrounding air seemed to be lit by anger.

How could he not be angry when his son was killed!

Liu Changtian's dark eyes also flickered with anger: "Xiaochuan, no matter who did it, my brother will avenge you! He will definitely be killed!"

"Chang Tian, ​​investigate me regardless of the cost! Must find the murderer! Must!!!" Patriarch Liu shouted.

"Father, this is definitely not the work of bandits and bandits. They didn't act so boldly against my Liu family. Those who kill my brother must have a big feud with the Liu family. The child will immediately investigate!" Liu Changtian said.


the other side.

After Lin Yun killed Liuchuan, the explosion speed flew for a full two hours before stopping on a small mountain.

After two consecutive hours of high-speed flight, Lin Yun was also very tired, so he sat on the rock to rest.

"Finally killed Liu Chuan." Lin Yun had a smile on his face.

After killing Liu Chuan, Lin Yun felt that he was relieved a lot, and he was naturally in a good mood.

The biggest advantage of being ruthless and unreasonable in this cultivation continent is that you will run away if you kill someone. There is no need to worry too much, not too much care and fetters.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun took out a handkerchief embroidered with dragon and phoenix, sniffed it lightly, and murmured at the same time:

"Yuying, I helped you take revenge, but... I don't know where you are now, whether it is life or death..."

Lin Yun always felt sorry for Yuying. Lin Yun had rescued him from Baihualou and felt that he had helped her.

In fact, it caused her a lot of trouble and put her in danger twice!

Lin Yun shook his head, cast aside distracting thoughts, and then took out the corpses of Liu Chuan and the black robe nursery.

The corpses of the two of them must be disposed of, because they are not low-level, and things like corpse pills can no longer destroy their bodies.

Lin Yun put away the storage rings and weapons of the two.

"Look at the harvest." Lin Yun muttered.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun checked the contents of the storage ring.

Inside the Liuchuan storage ring, there are more than 10,000 spiritual crystals, but there are quite a few jewelry, jewelry and other things, but there are not many things about cultivation.

This is also normal. Liu Chuan is just a dude. Of course, his father will not let him hold too many good things. In order to prevent him from squandering money, the spirit crystals given to him are also limited.

Lin Yun's spirit crystal was scraped once before, and he only had more than 10,000 spirit crystals, not surprising.

There are fifty thousand spiritual crystals in the storage ring of the black robe nursery.

Of course, what is valuable is their weapons.

Both of them are pseudo-god weapons. When the two weapons add up, it should be no problem to sell 120,000-160,000. Because they are shots, they will be lowered by the merchants. After all, the merchants want to make money.

All together, this time around 200,000 spiritual crystals were harvested.

Lin Yun was quite satisfied with this harvest. One was the young master of the Liu family, and the other was the guardian of the Liu family. It was not surprising that so much wealth could be scraped from the two of them.

The more than 210,000 spiritual crystals spent on the purchase of magma essence a few days ago are back!

So much money, if Lin Yun were to make it on his own, it would be hard work and would take a lot of time.

"Killing people and surpassing goods is really the fastest way to get money."

"However, the benefit is directly proportional to the risk. If you kill this kind of big family, you might have to play yourself in!" Lin Yun smiled bitterly.

The more people you kill, the more enemies you make and the more trouble!

"These two weapons cannot be sold for the time being. If they are sold now, they might be caught by the Liu family, and that would be troublesome." Lin Yun said to himself.

Although Liu Chuan has not formally joined the Sky Sword Sect, he has passed the primary election. If there is evidence that Lin Yun killed Liu Chuan, the Sky Sword Sect might reject Lin Yun because of this.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun dug two deep pits and buried the bones of these two people.

After finishing all this, Lin Yun continued to set off on his way to Heaven Sword Sect.

The Heavenly Sword Sect is located at the junction of the Cangqiang Kingdom and the Anyuan Kingdom.

Lin Yun's current plan is to rush to the Heavenly Sword Sect slowly and arrive within a limited time.


Into the night.

East Tan County Town.

The entire Liu family had already heard the news of Liu Chuan's death.

Even the news spread like wildfire, and it has spread throughout Dongtan County.

Everyone was shocked to hear the news.

The Liu Family is the second largest family in Dongtan County, and Liu Chuan is the son of the Patriarch. His killing is of course shocking news. Various speculations have spread in the city...

Inside the Liu Mansion, the lights are bright.

All the elders of the Liu family sat in the hall, and the atmosphere seemed very depressing.

At this time, Liu Changtian hurried into the hall.

"Father, Haier has already investigated the results. According to Haier's inference, Lin Yun is the most suspicious!" Liu Changtian said.

Those who do this must have a big feud with the Liu family. The Liu family does have several enemies, but Lin Yun is the only one who has had grievances recently, and Liu Changtian will naturally doubt Lin Yun.

Liu Changtian continued: "Lin Yun has disappeared in the city. This shows that Pang Liang, who is a guilty conscience and has a good relationship with him, organized a caravan early this morning and left Dongtan County. The destination is ominous! All this shows Lin Yun is the most suspicious of him!"

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