Top Shenhao

Chapter 1537: Newcomer Competition

At the age of twenty-seven, the spiritual consciousness can reach this point, which can be said to be very exaggerated.

"From the test of these two levels, this Lin Yun should be the most outstanding one among the newcomers this year." Elder Cui stroked his beard lightly.

"It is indeed a good seedling, but whether he can become a talent or not, there is still a long way to go. If one step is wrong, the genius will die." Mei Gu said.

Over the years, have they seen fewer geniuses who have fallen? Because of love, because of grievances, because of experience fighting, because of the pride of genius... Too many reasons will lead to the death of Yige's genius.


the other side.

Lin Yun slowly walked out of the cave and came to the end point.

This also announced that Lin Yun passed the test of this level and officially became a disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Standing here at the end are all disciples who have successfully cleared the customs, and their faces are all filled with happy smiles.

Mo Qing was tested first than Lin Yun, so she was here too.

When she saw Lin Yun come out, she greeted him with a smile.

"Lin Yun, is everything going well?" Mo Qing asked.

Only Lin Yun, Feng Tianlong, and the three watching elders knew about Lin Yun in the cave just now, but Mo Qing and even the other disciples present did not know.

If we let these disciples present know that the guard disciples who Lin Yun beat were forced to violate the rules, I don't know what they would think.

"It went smoothly. After all, there are great restrictions on guarding disciples, not too difficult." Lin Yun smiled.

Mo Qing covered his mouth and smiled, "It's not too difficult for you, but for most new disciples, this level is extremely difficult."

As time passed, the test officially ended in the evening.

Of the new disciples who passed this second level, only more than 800 people remained.

Liu Changtian, Liu Suyun and the others, naturally also passed this test.

The disciple who was eliminated in this level can also choose to become a disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Some of the more than 1,000 newcomers who lost in the second level chose to become disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect, while some chose to leave.

What was left was because of the name of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

They left because they changed their talents to a smaller sect, which is enough to become the key training target of the sect. Why do you want to be a phoenix here?

Elder Cui came before these 800 people.

"First of all congratulations to you 837. Starting from today, you will officially become the outer disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect! You will further your studies in the Heavenly Sword Sect, so that you can take a further step in your cultivation!" Elder Cui said.

All the 837 people present were filled with joy.

When they leave the Sky Sword Sect in the future, they will also carry the brand of a disciple of the Sky Sword Sect for life.

This is a golden sign. It is a sweet pastry that is admired, sought after, and reused. When others hear that you are a disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect, they will think you are not easy.

It is like on the earth, you graduated from Harvard University, Stanford University, Oxford, Cambridge University.

"It's getting late, there will be deacons next to arrange your accommodation, some chores, deacons will tell you."

Elder Cui continued: "However, don't think you can relax after entering the Sky Sword Sect. The competition in the Sky Sword Sect is very fierce. The Sky Sword Sect has excellent resources, top-notch cheats, weapons, magic weapons, etc., but everything , You all need to compete with your ability, rather than send it to your hands for nothing!"

"In addition, in accordance with the rules of the Heavenly Sword Sect, all new disciples are not allowed to leave the Heavenly Sword Sect within six months after entering the Sword Sect. In this six months, you must practice with all your heart. Enter the Treasure Pavilion and choose a qualification for a super **** level cheat!" Elder Cui said.

"What? Super God level cheats!"

As soon as this remark came out, the more than 800 new disciples present were all in an uproar.

Super God level cheats, it is difficult for the Liu family to have a large county and city family.

Even among the royal families of the kingdom, the super **** level is also a treasure, and there is no high enough status in the royal family, and there is absolutely no qualification to learn!

Now, they are able to obtain the super **** level cheats in the Sky Sword Sect!

Super **** level cheats!

Such a reward is so tempting!

The new disciples present, who is not eager?

"Super God level secret book?" Even Lin Yun's eyes showed longing.

For Lin Yun, this is absolutely extremely attractive!

"It's just that the first three can get the super **** level cheats, it's too difficult!"

"Yes, to be able to pass many tests to become a disciple of the Heavenly Sword Sect, none of these more than 800 people are mediocre. How difficult it is to win the top three!"

"Don't talk about the top three, it's hard for me to win the top three hundred."


The new disciples present sighed.

Even Lin Yun feels that this is really difficult. Among the newcomers this year, there are many outstanding ones, such as Mo Qing, Dali Yuantai, and Ximenpu. These are the three most eye-catching. In addition, there are many top talents. The disciples with grade rating should not be underestimated.

Is their background bad? Absolutely not bad? Mo Qing was the lord of the royal family. Dali Yuantai came from the famous Dali family, and the Ximen family in Ximenpu was equally famous.

Moreover, in order to ensure a certain level of fairness, that kind of competition would restrict the use of magical weapons. Metal creatures are even less likely to be allowed to use them. The comparison is their own strength.

And they are completely ahead of Lin Yun in realm.

It may not be particularly difficult for Lin Yun to get the top ten, but it is absolutely as difficult as the sky to get the top three!

Elder Cui continued: "Don’t be discouraged. The fourth to tenth place can be qualified to choose a god-level cheat book, and the eleventh to thirtieth place can be qualified to pick a false god-level cheat book. As for What ranking you can reach depends on your ability. If you lose, you can only blame you for inferior skills."

Everyone nodded in agreement. The cultivation world is neither fair nor relatively fair. As long as you are strong, you can get enough resources.

"Those who do not hope to compete for the top 30 disciples, don't hold on to the mentality of slackening your practice if you can't get the ranking anyway. The last 20 newcomers in the competition will be turned into handyman disciples from below, so don't Be lazy and practice wholeheartedly." Elder Cui told.

Whether it is reward or punishment, it is to encourage new disciples to practice hard.

Sure enough, those disciples with less strength suddenly felt the pressure, and secretly made up their minds to practice hard, so as not to be turned into handyman disciples below.

"It's getting late. Next, the deacon will assign you a place to live. Every new disciple will be assigned a corresponding deacon. They are the people in charge of your newcomer period. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask them. "Elder Cui said.

After Elder Cui finished speaking, he left with Gu Mei and the elder Tsing Yi.

The 50 deacons on the scene divided 827 into 50 teams, each with an average of 16 people.

In other words, a deacon is responsible for 16 new disciples, who are the heads of the new students.

Only after half a year of the newcomer competition can we get rid of the newcomer identity.

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