Top Shenhao

Chapter 1578: Kill the real blood

"Little Wawa, die! Jie Jie!"

True Human Xue let out a weird laugh, and at the same time launched an attack at Lin Yun.

Lin Yun immediately responded.

The attack of the two broke out instantly.

After the great sacrifice of the real blood broke out, the battle situation also changed. Originally, Lin Yun had an absolute advantage, but now he is a little worried.

Lin Yun found that this great sacrifice technique had greatly improved the blood real person, and this improvement was all-round, with a significant increase in speed and strength.

"Erupt again!"

There was a sudden increase in the speed of True Man Xue, apparently he used speed cheats.

Many of Lin Yun’s methods are outstanding among his peers, but compared with this kind of old monster who has practiced for hundreds of thousands of years, even if they are not as talented as Lin Yun, relying on such a long time of cultivation, the level of mastery of the secrets is also Not too low.

At this time, Lin Yun fell slightly into a disadvantage.

However, for Lin Yun, the attack of the real blood would actually cause no substantial damage, because Lin Yun's current defensive power was too strong!

Facing the enemy of the Void Void Realm, Lin Yun just didn't use any means. The opponent had the advantage at most, but it was impossible to defeat Lin Yun.

This is the source of Lin Yun's self-confidence. No matter what means your blood real person has, I have a strong defense blessing and I am completely fearless.

Of course, if you want to win a battle, you cannot rely on defense.

"Little Wawa, how many years have you been practicing? How do you compare with your grandpa? Haha!" The dominant Xue Zhenren laughed.

"Do you think I have these methods?" The corner of Lin Yun's mouth raised slightly without panic.

"Phantom Wandering Technique! Outbreak!"

Lin Yun's speed immediately ushered in an increase to make up for the speed gap.

"It's time to try its power!"

"God's magic, fourth level!"

Lin Yun's strength increased by 80% in an instant!

What is the concept of 80%? If Lin Yun can burst out one hundred thousand catties of power, after an increase of 80%, it will be 180 thousand catties!

This gain is very scary.


After Lin Yun used the magic power of the gods, the attacks of the two sides shook again.

Under the powerful and pure force, Xue Zhenren was shaken back dozens of meters in mid-air.

"What? How can your strength increase so much!"

Real Blood seemed extremely shocked. Some cheats can indeed increase strength, but the increase of strength is often the most difficult. The common cheats for increasing strength do not have such a huge increase in strength.

Ximenpu's'great blue thunder technique' also gains strength, but Ximenpu's cultivation to the fourth level, the increased strength is less than half of the magic power of this god, even so, the effect of power increase is extremely good, let alone this' God magic power' too.

"Mr. Blood, your death date is here!"

Lin Yun's aura was like a rainbow, his whole person turned into a streamer, and he rushed toward the retreating real blood, the scarlet sword in his hand turned into a sword light.


The Scarlet Blood Sword tore through the air, and the power contained in it was terrifying.

"You **** little baby, how can you be so strong!" Xue Zhenren's face was pale.

After the fight, True Man Xue had already very clear in his heart that with Lin Yun's current powerful strength, he simply couldn't beat it.


There is no way, the real blood can only explode with speed, dodge frantically and flee.

"Escape? Can you escape today?" Lin Yun grinned, while frantically chasing the real blood.

At this time, Mo Qing had already rushed over, and obviously she felt the movement here.

"Lin Yun's attack, how could it be so strong! He...he actually flees like killing the real blood!"

After Mo Qing saw Lin Yun's terrifying offensive, his eyes widened in surprise.

In the previous rookie competition, Mo Qing had seen Lin Yun's strength. He knew that Lin Yun was very powerful, and even the third-order hole virtuals who were old could not beat Lin Yun.

But now, the combat power that Lin Yun has exploded is much stronger than when the newcomer was compared!

"Senior Sister Mo Qing, just take the battle for me! I'll be enough to deal with him!" Lin Yun said loudly.

As he spoke, Lin Yun, who had exploded at full speed, had once again caught up with Real Man Xue, and slammed his sword towards Real Man Xue!

With this sword, the real blood is unavoidable, and can only face it.


After the collision, the powerful forces of the offensive on both sides shook together, a powerful aftermath spread, and the surrounding wind was strong.

After this blow, Zhenren Xue retreated again, and his figure also appeared unstable.

Lin Yun quickly followed, with a sword as fast as a sword, aggressive, each sword pointed directly at the vital point of the real person, his moves were steady and ruthless, and his experience seemed quite sophisticated.

Clang clang!

True Human Xue resisted, while continuing to retreat, his face even harder to see the extreme.

Lin Yun's attack gave him a tremendous amount of oppression, and he seemed to be unable to hold on at any time.

Sure enough, Lin Yun grasped the flaw exposed in the embarrassing defense of the real blood, and pierced his shoulder with a sword.


The Scarlet Blood Sword pierced through the shoulders of Real Man Blood, as Lin Yun withdrew the Scarlet Blood Sword, a blood hole appeared on Real Man Blood’s shoulder, and the blood instantly stained Real Man Blood’s shoulder red.

As the real man Xue was injured, his condition was greatly reduced.

"Mr. Blood, you have done a lot of evil. Today, it is time for you to pay the price!"

"Die to me! Die! Die!"

Lin Yun's sword spirit was very strong, and the Scarlet Blood Sword, with amazing power, turned into a phantom and continued to shroud the real blood, the power on the blade was not reduced compared to just before!

"Do not!!!"

Real blood roared unwillingly.

He also possesses a magic weapon to escape, which can instantly move to a thousand kilometers away.

True person Xue knew that he had been hunted for many crimes, so he naturally had to prepare such a means of escape.

However, the surrounding space was blocked, just to restrain this instantaneous magic weapon.

Facing the attacking Lin Yun, True Man Xue had no choice but to drag his injured body with a knife to resist.

How fast the two attacked, enough to make many moves in one second.

After a moment of collision and resistance, Xue Zhenren was injured in several places.

As his injuries continue to increase, his combat effectiveness has declined even more severely, which is a vicious circle.

As for the result, it is obvious.


After Lin Yun seized the opportunity, a sword pierced the chest of the real blood.

As Lin Yunjian took it back, True Man Xue looked like a kite with a broken line, and his whole person fell directly from mid-air.

"Why! Why is a small baby from the Heavenly Sword Sect so strong!" Xue Zhenren's scarlet eyes turned round, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

His original plan just now was to use Lin Yun and Mo Qing to separate, and to shoot directly to kill Lin Yun, then Mo Qing, and defeat them individually.

His thoughts are indeed very good, and he is also confident to deal with the two little dolls of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

If today is another disciple of the second-order Dongxu of the Heavenly Sword Sect, his plan will definitely succeed.

Even if he attacked Mo Qing first, he might have a chance to win Mo Qing.

But what he attacked was Lin Yun, the ‘monster’.

His plan is okay, the fault lies in it. He misassessed Lin Yun's strength, and he regarded Lin Yun as the second-order hole of the ordinary Heavenly Sword Sect.

If he had known that Lin Yun was so good, he might as well keep hiding.

However, the three words "knowing early" are ridiculous. How can one know good fortune and misfortune? Blessings and disasters are only known after the fact, who can predict what will happen?

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