Top Shenhao

Chapter 1597: Generous reward

After the game.

The referee in the arena grants Lin Yun a gold token in accordance with the rules of the Tianjianzong arena challenge.

"Lin Yun, congratulations, you are on the ninety-ninth place on the God List. This is your golden token." The referee handed the token to Lin Yun.

"Thank you senior."

Lin Yun took the token with both hands with a slightly excited mood.

"Finally got it."

Looking at the golden token in his hand, Lin Yun smiled.

Isn't Lin Yun's main purpose for challenging Feng Tianlong to get the gold token?

The gold token is lost and recovered, but the significance is quite different.

This time, Lin Yun got it on his own. Who would dare to say that Lin Yun didn't have the qualifications to condemn the golden token? Who would dare to criticize Lin Yun in the open and secretly?

Lin Yun used his strength to prove to everyone that he was qualified to hold the gold token.

Lin Yun relies on her own strength to shut everyone up!

"With the gold token, I can continue to the second floor of the Treasure Pavilion." Lin Yun looked very much looking forward to it.

However, the consumption there is also very scary, Lin Yun is a pauper.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun walked to the stage.

As for Feng Tianlong, he had already left dingy.

The disciples who watched the game also dispersed in the discussion and emotion.

Although the disciples of the gods change frequently, and there are often disciples outside the gods who rush to the gods, but Lin Yun’s rushing to the gods is very different from other people, because Lin Yun is a new disciple who rushes to the gods List.

"At the age of twenty-eight, he reached this point. Even if he was in the Heavenly Sword Sect, he was definitely a rare genius in a thousand years. This junior has a boundless future!"

"In any case, find a way to have a good relationship with him, even if you can't make a good relationship, you must not offend it!"


There is no doubt that after today's battle, Lin Yun's reputation in the outer gate of the Heavenly Sword Sect will reach a new height.

After Lin Yun stepped down.

"Congratulations, Brother Lin Yun, on your list of gods, Brother Lin Yun, you are too awesome today!" Roommates Gao Yiheng and Huang Tao both welcomed them excitedly.

At this time, Mo Qing, Dali Yuantai, and Liu Suyun also came to Lin Yun to congratulate Lin Yun.

"Lin Yun, you guy actually defeated Feng Tianlong. Starting from today, you are a great celebrity in the Heavenly Sword Sect." Mo Qing sighed with a smile.

"Senior Sister passed the award. I was lucky to win Feng Tianlong. Actually, I still can't make the gap with him. Feng Tianlong's actual combat experience is a bit worse after all." Lin Yun smiled modestly.

Lin Yun was right, it was really difficult to win this battle.

Dali Yuantaihao smiled and said: "Lin Yun, don't be humble. You are a rookie who defeated Feng Tianlong. This is enough to blow up. Those of us who are in the same class as you are simply ashamed."

At this time, Elder Cui descended from the sky and fell in front of everyone.

"See Elder Cui." Mo Qing and other disciples hurriedly saluted.

Elder Cui stood with his hand shouldered and came directly to Lin Yun.

Although Elder Cui was a bit old-fashioned in front of Yuquezi and the others, he naturally carried majesty in front of his disciples.

"Master." Lin Yun also hurriedly saluted.

"Disciple, your performance today is very good." Elder Cui smiled satisfied.

"Thanks Master for praise." Lin Yun clasped his fists.

Lin Yun was also very happy to receive Master's affirmation.

"I said as a teacher, if you can win today, you will be rewarded richly as a teacher."

Immediately afterwards, Elder Cui waved his hand, and a pile of high spirit crystal hills appeared in front of Lin Yun.

"This... so many spirit crystals?"

Lin Yun was shocked when he saw the spirit crystal in front of him.

Even Mo Qing and Dali Yuantai, who were standing next to them, were also children of the big family, and they were shocked by so many spirit crystals.

"This is half a million spirit crystals. You hold them. With your talents and abilities, they are worthy of giving you so many resources." Elder Cui said.

"Master, this...this is too much!" Lin Yun also waved his hand and refused.

This number is simply terrifying. What is the concept of 500,000 Lingjing? It is equivalent to a super artifact!

"My apprentice, I really don't have so much free money in my teacher's hands now. These 500,000 spiritual crystals were just won from the elder Yuquezi, and I just won it from him. It should belong to you." Elder Cui Said with a smile.

"That's the case, then thank you Master." Lin Yun saluted.

Lin Yun did not refuse any more, it was indeed that Lin Yun was short of money now.

The disciples who were watching this scene were envious. What is the concept of 500,000 Lingjing? For many disciples, that is astronomical!

"Apprentice, look after you and appreciate you as a teacher, so you are so willing to practice hard, don't let your teacher down." Elder Cui said.

"The disciples will definitely work hard to cultivate and live up to expectations!" Lin Yun clasped his fists and said firmly.

Elder Cui nodded with a smile, then turned around and left.

After Elder Cui left, Lin Yun also left with Mo Qing and the others, and then went straight to the treasure chest.

Now that there are gold tokens and Lingjing in hand, Lin Yun of course can't wait to go to the second floor of the treasure pavilion to buy things.

"Haha, half a million Lingjing, Xiaoye finally has Lingjing to eat again, this old man is really generous to you, this old man, if I am, I will give you half of it at most." Xiao Qinglong's happy voice, in Lin Yun Sounded in my mind.

Lin Yun rolled his eyes: "Little Qinglong, don't think about these 500,000 spiritual crystals. I am spending a lot of money now."

Xiao Qinglong suddenly became anxious: "Don't, no matter what, I don't know it, it's 100,000!"

"One hundred thousand is still called a little?" Lin Yun said silently.

"Then reduce it by a little, 80,000, or 80,000!" Xiao Qinglong tried his best to fight for it.

"I will give you fifty thousand spirit crystals at most." Lin Yun said.

"Five hundred thousand Lingjing, you give me fifty thousand? Are you too stingy? Will your conscience not hurt?" Xiao Qinglong said silently.

"Don't compare with me, fifty thousand spirit crystals, that's all, love or not, if you don't like too little, then I won't give you one." Lin Yun said.

"It's really unreasonable, it's really a shrimp scene in Longyou Shoal! Forget it, fifty thousand is fifty thousand!" Xiao Qinglong said aggrievedly.

Lin Yun came all the way to the Treasure Pavilion, and bought the middle volume of "God Magic Power" on the second floor at a cost of 180,000 Lingjing.

As for the second volume of "Five Elements Sword Technique", Lin Yun didn't buy it for the time being, after all, his second volume was still in the process of cultivating.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun returned to his residence and opened the retreat again.

Now Lin Yun can improve his strength again.


Time flies by quietly.

Lin Yun was cultivating in the Heavenly Sword Sect, and it took two years in a blink of an eye.

In the few days when Lin Yungang defeated Feng Tianlong, many outside disciples who had never met before came to visit, congratulate Lin Yun on being on the list of gods, and present gifts.

Although they didn't give too many individual gifts, a few five hundred spirit crystals, and a thousand more, but a lot of people came, and Lin Yun received a total of 120,000 spirit crystals.

A week later, no one came to send it again, because everyone who was willing to come had already come.

Lin Yun stayed quietly in the Heavenly Sword Sect to practice. During this period, Lin Yun went to perform a training mission. After all, according to the rules of the Heavenly Sword Sect, he must perform a training mission at least once a year. This is to increase the actual combat for his disciples. experience.

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