Top Shenhao

Chapter 1604: Arrive at destination


After the four metal creatures took their orders, they went to clear the battlefield.

"Master Xie save our caravan!"

Captain Wu quickly knelt down to thank Lin Yun.

"Master Xie, the lifesaver."

Everyone in the caravan knelt down and thanked Lin Yun.

They all know that if there is no Lin Yun today, their caravan will be in disaster!

"Get up all." Lin Yun raised his hand and gestured.

Everyone got up after hearing this, but everyone's excitement remained unchanged.

Captain Wu brought Wu Qian to Lin Yun.

"Master Lin, I'm really embarrassed. You said before that there were bandits in the canyon, and we could not trust you. Also, when you said that you wanted to shoot, I blamed you. I am really ashamed." Captain Wu was ashamed.

Wu Qian lowered her head and squeezed the petals of the green onions and said: "Big brother, before entering the canyon, my father explored the canyon with his senses and found no bandits, but I really thought you were lying. I thought I was wrong. I’m sorry, big brother, I misunderstood you."

Lin Yun smiled slightly: "It's okay, you are also bewitched by some people's horrible words."

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun turned to look at David Hu, his eyes became cold.

After David felt Lin Yun's gaze, his face changed in horror, and the whole person was an agitated spirit.


David lowered his head and dared not look directly at Lin Yun.

As you can imagine, he must be scared to death now.

"David, your current attitude is different from the past three months." Lin Yun sneered.

"This...this, my lord, between us, it's true...There is indeed a bit of misunderstanding, but I believe that the misunderstanding will definitely be solved!" David's tone was rapid and his voice was shaking.

"If I say, can't solve it?" Lin Yun said.

To David, this sentence was like a thunderstorm, and his back was shocked with cold sweat.

"My lord, spare your life!"

David was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and begged Lin Yun for mercy.

David has already learned that Lin Yun is a third-order hole virtual, and Lin Yun has four hole virtual metal creatures, he knows that Lin Yun wants to kill him, it is easier than pinching an ant.

"Since this period of time, I didn't want to talk to you, but you just want to take the initiative to get in the disgusting people." Lin Yun shook his head.

Take the bandits as an example. Lin Yun told Captain Wu that there were bandits, and David wanted to find Lin Yun's stubbornness from it. Lin Yun was disgusting.

At this time, the four metal creatures had cleared the battlefield and returned to Lin Yun.

"Master, all the trophies have been collected and placed in this storage ring." The metal creature'Tian' handed a storage ring to Lin Yun.

Lin Yun took the ring and said at the same time: "God, this David will be solved by you. I will abolish his cultivation base and throw him out of my sight."


Metal creatures should be in the world.

"Do not!!!"

"Master Lin, please! Please forgive me!" David yelled in horror.

"Heaven" could not help but smashed David down with a punch, and then hit his dantian. Although David shot to resist, he couldn't stop it at all.

Lin Yun took advantage of this time to explore the spoils.

In the storage ring, Lingshi and Lingjing add up to a total of 90,000 Lingjing, one top-grade weapon, several high-grade and intermediate-level weapons, and one top-grade magic weapon.

Although this bandit leader is a Tier 1 hole virtual, the weapon he uses is only the best, and he can't even use it at the pseudo-god level. In fact, this is normal.

"It's a little windfall." Lin Yun said with a smile.

With this gain, this guardian mission was not in vain.

After Lin Yun finished investigating the spoils, that David had also been scrapped, and then he was thrown on the roadside by "Heaven".

In the Cultivation Continent, strength is the respect, and David's strength is abolished, and it will be a waste in the future. Even if his fate is still there, he is destined to be miserable for the rest of his life.

Captain Wu came to Lin Yun.

"My lord, you...can you still follow our caravan?" Captain Wu asked.

In Captain Wu's view, a big figure like Lin Yun didn't need to take on the task of this kind of protector to earn those five hundred spirit crystals.

"Since I have accepted the task, I will naturally complete it. This is a due responsibility. This is a matter of principle." Lin Yun said.

When Captain Wu heard Lin Yun say this, he was naturally happy, with Lin Yun, the third-order cave virtual being protected, their trip was absolutely smooth!

"My lord, we are just small businessmen with limited financial resources, but since you are a third-order hole, you should be given a higher remuneration, and I will mention two thousand spirit crystals, how about?" Captain Wu said.

"No, five hundred will do. I didn't take this task to make money." Lin Yun waved his hand.

Captain Wu smiled and said: "Yes, if an adult is so young, he can reach the third-order hole, and he can have four metal creatures. You must have an amazing background. You must come out to experience life. With your noble identity, why Will care about hundreds and thousands of Lingjing."

"Captain Wu, don't guess about it, let's set off."

After Lin Yun finished speaking, he walked towards his carriage.

"Yes, yes, let's set off right away!" Captain Wu answered again and again.

After Lin Yun left here.

Captain Wu hurriedly looked at Wu Qian: "Qianqian, this is a golden opportunity! In the following period, you will have more contact with Master Lin!"

"Father, you...what do you mean? What a golden opportunity?" Wu Qian's face was full of doubts.

"I don't understand? This Master Lin absolutely has an amazing identity. If you can climb on him and become her woman, then you will be able to reach the sky in one step, and you don't have to suffer this suffering with your father." Captain Wu looked serious. .

Wu Qian heard this, her pretty face flushed immediately.

"Father, what are you talking nonsense, how can a big person like him look at me." Wu Qian said shyly.


The caravan continued on.

Without David, the road was much cleaner.

Usually fine, Lin Yun stayed in the carriage to comprehend, or came out for a walk.

Whenever the caravan parked in cities, small towns and other places to rest and replenish supplies, Lin Yun would also travel around the city or small town for a while, go to the city or the town where the monks’ goods were sold to see if he could. Pick up a leak and find baby or something.

Regardless of the small places, it is only in some small places that it is possible to find treasures in the humble groceries, because there are more treasures in the small town.

There are so many people in the big city who know the goods, but it is difficult to find out.

But for several months, Lin Yun didn't gain much.

As for the things harvested from the bandits, Lin Yun sold them all when he went to the city to rest.

The total number of spirit crystals in Lin Yun's hand is two hundred and forty thousand.

As for cultivation, he still couldn't make the slightest progress.

After four months have passed since the gorge encountered the bandits, the caravan finally arrived at its destination, Daze County.

Captain Wu's home is in Daze County.

Daze County, in front of Captain Wu's house.

The caravan players are unloading.

Lin Yun should also say goodbye.

"Daoist Lin Yun, this is a task reward, five hundred Lingjing." Captain Wu handed the Lingjing to Lin Yun.

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