Top Shenhao

Chapter 1621: Comprehend the harvest

"What the young master said is not unreasonable." The middle man nodded.

"Okay, Uncle Jiu, you are here to watch, I'll take a step first."

After Gu Yu ordered, he took people away.


the other side.

Dongtan County, inside the volcanic magma.

Lin Yun practiced here for a full half a month.

At this time, Lin Yun opened his eyes.

After half a month of comprehension, under the magma of fire attribute, Lin Yun did have a lot of understanding of the profound meaning of fire.

However, Lin Yun did not fully comprehend the profound meaning of fire in one fell swoop.

The complete meaning of fire is not so easy to reach after all.

But there is no doubt that Lin Yun has gone one step further from the complete meaning of fire.

In the last two days, Lin Yun found that there was no gain, so he could only stop.

"about there."

After Lin Yun murmured, he floated straight up.

During this period of time, the understanding of the profound meaning of fire will take some time to digest slowly, and only when you understand it, can you continue to understand it.

Above the volcano, Lin Yun took out a set of clothing from the storage space and put it on.

"Go to Dongtan County." Lin Yun murmured.

Calculating the time, it was three or four years ago that he left Dongtan County to go to Heaven Sword Sect.

When I went to Dongtan County, I first went to see what happened to Mr. Tassel Dong and whether he had broken through.

Secondly, Lin Yun wanted to see if Yuying had returned to her home in Dongtan County...

As for the Liu Family, the enemy of Dongtan County, Lin Yun was not so worried now.

Lin Yun is no longer the third-order **** of transformation three or four years ago.

It was the Patriarch of the Liu Family who shot Lin Yun himself. Even if Lin Yun could not defeat him, he still had the confidence to escape from him.

As long as Lin Yun doesn't fight hard with him, it is almost impossible for him to kill Lin Yun.

"set off."

Lin Yun flew directly into the air and headed straight for Dongtan County.

East Tan County.

It was winter, and there was heavy snow last night, and the entire county town was covered with snow.

Lin Yun landed outside the county city, and then entered the county city through the gate.

After entering the county town, Lin Yun couldn't wait, the first thing was to go straight to Yuying's house, to see if Yuying had returned.

Yuying's house is located in a relatively remote location in the county town.

With the courtyard door open, Lin Yun walked directly into the courtyard with a sense of anxiety.

Of course, Lin Yun hoped that Yuying was in the courtyard.

After entering the yard.

The yard seemed very noisy, and there was a group of people in the yard holding Yuying's father.


Upon seeing this, Lin Yun immediately shouted.

Several big men holding Yuying's father, immediately turned to look at Lin Yun.

"Where's the brat, yelling and screaming here!" a scared man asked.

Yuying's father saw Lin Yun as if he saw a straw.

"Master Lin Yun, it's you! Please help me!" Yuying's father hurriedly called for help.

"Several people, what's going on?" Lin Yun looked at these big guys.

"He owes us debts, and if he doesn't repay the debts, of course we need to find him." The scared man said proudly.

Upon hearing this, Lin Yun immediately looked at Yuying's father, and said coldly, "You still can't make a bet?"

"No! I have quit a long time ago. This is the money I owed at a gambling house a long time ago. I have already paid it back. But they suddenly came to me recently and said that my interest has not been paid off. Gunli, let me return 1.5 million gold coins. If I can't take them out, they will force me to sign the deed to sell my house! I swear, what I said is true!" Yuying's father said eagerly.

Lin Yun looked at Yuying's father's appearance, not as if he was lying.

"Boy, since you know this old thing, he can't afford to pay, you can pay it back for him." The big scared man stared at Lin Yun with a greedy smile.

"Let me pay? I'm afraid you can't stand it." Lin Yun sneered.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun turned around and shouted: "Get out of here immediately, no matter who your boss is, tell him, and if you dare to blackmail him, it will be his death date."

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

Scar Dahan immediately became angry. He showed the machete, released the Jin Yuanying realm aura, and wanted to act on Lin Yun.


Lin Yun's powerful third-order hole virtual realm aura was instantly released.

"The hole... The hole is strong!"

After feeling the realm aura released by Lin Yun, everyone who was about to rush forward suddenly changed their faces with fright.

"You...who are you?"

The scarred men looked at Lin Yun in horror.

"Tianjian Sect disciple, Lin Yun!" Lin Yun said slowly.

After hearing the words, the scarred men were shocked.

"My lord, spare your life!" Several people knelt on the ground quickly.

"Remember, convey what I just said to your boss, don't hurry up!" Lin Yun said coldly.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Several people nodded like chickens pecking at rice, and then ran out quickly.

Calm was restored in the hospital.

"Thank you, Lin Yun, for helping out." Yuying's father thanked her excitedly.

"Has Yuying ever come back?" Lin Yun asked.

Lin Yun had just passed the divine sense investigation, and there was no Yuying in the entire small house.

"No, it has been almost four years, and there is no news from Xiaoying." Yuying's father shook his head.

After a pause, Yuying's father shook his head and said, "I don't know if I should tell Master Lin Yun if I have some things."

"Is there something to do with Yuying? If so, come quickly." Lin Yun stared at him.

"Actually, Yuying was not my own, but I picked it up from the suburbs on a snowy day. In such a cold day, I thought she must have been frozen to death, but in the end she was fine." Yuying's father said.

"Is it picked up? No wonder you were so ruthless and sold her to Fengyue Place." Lin Yun snorted coldly.

Lin Yun had thought before that Yuying's father was really a beast, and he was willing to sell her own daughter to such a place.

At this moment, Lin Yun finally understood.

"This..., this is indeed my fault. I became addicted to gambling. I owed too much money at the time, so I could only do this, and when I first sold her, the contract I signed was just to sell her but not to sell herself." Yuying The father bowed his head and sighed.

After a pause, he continued: "However, Yuying has been unusual since she was a child. She has no masters in her cultivation, and she is born with a peerless face. I sighed before, I didn’t know which family she was, but she was willing to be like this. The child abandoned."

"It's just that after she entered Baihualou, her cultivation was restricted, and there was no opportunity for improvement. Thinking about it now, if she thought about how to cultivate her cultivation, she might be a strong person now. Unfortunately, I only valued the immediate benefits at the time. There is no money to train her to practice."

After Lin Yun heard this, he finally understood completely.

"If Yuying comes back later, as soon as there is news of Yuying, immediately send a letter to the Heavenly Sword Sect to notify me." Lin Yun said to Yuying's father.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun took out 100 spirit stones.

"This is a reward for you. Remember, don't use it to bet. If you let me know, you will end badly."

Lin Yun said as he handed the Lingshi to Yuying's father.

100 Lingshi is equivalent to a Lingjing, to Lin Yun, it is just a drop in the bucket.

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