Top Shenhao

Chapter 1721: Eye-opener

Just now Lin Yun was able to see that when he said the word ‘no’, there was a flash of loss in Elder Cui’s eyes.

Lin Yun knew that Elder Cui was looking forward to telling him excitedly that he had succeeded!

Elder Cui quickly comforted Lin Yun: "Apprentice, don't think so. As a teacher, I believe you can do it. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. That will only be counterproductive. You must go lightly."

Elder Cui was also afraid that Lin Yun's pressure would be too great, and he was afraid that Lin Yun would be depressed.

Frustration in cultivation is not terrible. Once the will becomes depressed and gives up, it is the most terrifying.

"Master, don't worry. Disciple's ability to withstand pressure is very strong. This does not overwhelm Lin Yun at all." Lin Yun grinned.

Elder Cui said: "Even if you plan for the worst, if you have been stuck in the Void Void Realm and cannot break through the Combination Realm, it does not mean that your path of cultivation is over. You have practiced in 4444. There is another way to go."

"Another way? The teacher is referring to...?" Lin Yun was puzzled.

"Take the path of cultivating spiritual consciousness. In this world, there are many monks who can't realize even a kind of profound meaning in their lives. Then their realm can only stay in the air and underworld realm, but some monks are unwilling to do so. If you have a good talent for spiritual consciousness cultivation, you can shift all your focus to spiritual consciousness cultivation."

"If you train your spiritual sense to a certain level, and then cultivate some spiritual sense attack skills, you can also have good combat effectiveness."

"Our Heavenly Sword Sect has a protector whose realm is only the third-order hole. He can't comprehend the profound meaning in any way, but he has a good talent for cultivating divine consciousness. In a hundred years, he has cultivated his spiritual consciousness to the **** level."

"With this divine knowledge, he has become the guardian of the Heavenly Sword Sect. When he encounters the first-order and second-order empty and underworld realms, he is not afraid at all, and even encounters the empty and underworld realms with poor spiritual knowledge, and he will still suffer from it Loss." Elder Cui said.

"Single cultivation of spiritual consciousness?" Lin Yun looked surprised, but he didn't expect this kind of operation.

"There are still some monks in the world who enter the Tao with divine consciousness and only cultivate divine consciousness, but compared with normal monks, the ratio is extremely low. Our Heavenly Sword Sect is only this protector who relies solely on the cultivation of consciousness. Reach the point it is now." Elder Cui said.

The vast majority of cultivators in the world will eventually get stuck in the Void Hole Realm, because after reaching this realm, they must understand the profound meaning if they want to go up.

Those monks who cannot understand the profound meaning and whose realm is stuck, want to become stronger, they can only rely on the method of cultivating spiritual consciousness.

Of course, the difficulty of divine consciousness cultivation is even more terrifying, especially for these monks who cannot comprehend the profound meaning. They have low comprehension in the first place. If they want to achieve a certain level of divine consciousness, it is even more difficult and difficult.

Therefore, there are very few monks who rely solely on their spiritual knowledge and possess extremely strong strength.

Elder Cui continued: "I will tell you personally again, a well-known strong man in our Star Martial Empire, the Taoist name "Wanderer", his realm is only the third-order combined realm, but even when you see him in the Mahayana realm, you must respect him. He, even jealous of him, because he also cultivated divine consciousness alone and entered the Tao by divine knowledge. His divine consciousness has reached the terrifying Holy Spirit level! With this, he has become a famous figure in the Star Martial Empire."

"Because the attacks of divine consciousness are different from ordinary attacks, so his level of divine consciousness, power, is extremely terrifying, and it can make some Mahayana cultivators with low divine consciousness fear."

Lin Yun was even more shocked when he heard this.

Elder Cui continued: "Like a teacher, he only needs to stand in the distance in front of the'wanderer', and a divine sense attack can make my soul annihilate! Killing is invisible! I even resist Have no ability!"

"so smart!"

After Lin Yun heard this, he couldn't help taking a breath.

What Elder Cui said seems to have opened a new door for Lin Yun.

The realm of divine consciousness, the spiritual level is the heaven level, then the false **** level, the **** level, the super **** level, and the holy spirit level.

Under each major level, there are nine small realms.

The spiritual consciousness can reach the Holy Spirit level, it is terrifying to think about it!

Lin Yun now is nothing but a ninth-level spiritual sense.

"Holy spirit level consciousness, no wonder this'wanderer' can become a famous figure in the Star Martial Empire." Lin Yun sighed.

"Telling this for the teacher is to tell you that realm cultivation is the most mainstream, but it does not mean that there is no other way of cultivation."

"I'll tell you another kind of puppet master, called a puppet master. This kind of person may not have a high level of himself, but they are good at refining puppets and controlling puppets. Maybe he himself is only a third-order hole virtual realm, but he can show one. A puppet with the strength of the Netherworld Realm will fight against you, or a bunch of puppets with the strength of the Combination Realm will fight you."

"It's just that this kind of puppet master is also extremely small, the proportion of monks is extremely low, it is extremely difficult to encounter, and there are very few really powerful puppet masters, and ordinary puppet masters refine some low and intermediate puppets. It’s useless, but you’ll have to be careful when you encounter this kind of puppet master in the future. This kind of person is difficult to deal with."

"There is also the kind of poison master who is good at using poison. His own realm may not be high, but he is good at using poison. He once met a poison master. His strength is only in the Void Void Realm, but he is good at using poison. Poison can easily poison the Harmony Realm, and it would be very troublesome to get his poison in the Sky-Nether Realm."

"There are sorcerers, summoners, etc. Of course, these are very small, extremely difficult to encounter, and realm cultivation is the mainstream."

Elder Cui whispered.

"Huh..., the disciples understand."

Lin Yun took a deep breath and heard what Elder Cui said, which greatly improved Lin Yun's knowledge.

After all, I am young and don't know much.

What Elder Cui said just now is like the professions in the online game of the earth, such as warriors, mages, and poisonous masters.

Elder Cui smiled and said: "Your kid's talent for divine consciousness is extremely high. Even if your kid is really stuck in the Void Void Realm and cannot break through, you can also enter the Tao with divine knowledge and become a strong person. Of course, this is just a teacher. I just say it casually, I believe that your teacher will surely step into the fit state!"

"Master, since the cultivation of spiritual knowledge is so high, how about performing spiritual knowledge and realm cultivation at the same time? It must be even more powerful," Lin Yun asked curiously.

Isn't it cool to be a soldier and a mage?

"The dual cultivation of spiritual consciousness and realm is of course very powerful, but generally they are both majoring in realm and minoring in spiritual consciousness. Both are very powerful. After all, people have limited energy and time, and the same major is enough. High, it is more powerful than doing both at the same time, and the spiritual sense is indeed too difficult to cultivate." Elder Cui said.

Elder Cui continued: "Of course, it is not to say that there is no such strong person who doubles at the same time. For example, the Xingwu Great Emperor of our Xingwu Empire has double cultivation of divine consciousness and realm, and both are extremely powerful! So he is very strong!"

Lin Yun secretly made up his mind that if one hundred years later, he still can't grasp the profound meaning of wind, he will completely follow the path of divine consciousness.

If he could master the profound meaning of wind, Lin Yun would also major in these two at the same time!

One's own talent in divine consciousness must not be wasted.

"By the way, Lin Yun, there is one more thing. The seal of the Howling Abyss Ancient Battlefield is about to loosen. Our Heavenly Sword Sect will send a group of people to break through. Then you can follow along. This Howling Abyss Ancient Battlefield is A good place to understand the profound meaning of the wind, maybe you will become it." Elder Cui said.

"Is it?"

Lin Yun's eyes suddenly lit up.

Lin Yun is now looking for opportunities to break through the profound meaning of wind.

This is undoubtedly a good opportunity!

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