Top Shenhao

Chapter 1736: Hedong for thirty years, Hexi for thirty years

Lin Yun can only take one step first and watch one step.

Lin Yun walked like this, while at the same time trying to comprehend the profound meaning of wind.

No trouble occurred on the first day of entering the canyon, after all, it was still in a shallow area.

As we moved forward, the more than 20,000 people who entered the abyss of crying were also completely scattered. At first, we could meet many people. The farther we go, the less we encounter people.

The next day, they also seemed calm. Along the way, Lin Yun and Ye Wuchi were also paying attention to their surroundings, but they didn't find any opportunities.

The more shallow the area, the lower the chance of finding treasures, because the ancient battlefield of Howling Abyss has been opened many times. The shallow area has been explored by countless people, and the deeper the ancient battlefield of Howling Abyss, people who have been there. The less, the easier it is to discover.

During the period, the two also encountered some special places, such as a small hill, where the space was full of cracks, as long as they approached there, they would definitely suffer, and the two naturally avoided.

Perhaps it was that the space in that place was completely destroyed during the Great War tens of thousands of years ago, so much so that it is still like this now tens of thousands of years later.

Time came to the third day.

The two of them drove very fast, and they had already traveled a long distance. Of course, compared to the entire Howling Abyss, they only traveled one ten thousandth.

Until now, it is even more difficult to meet someone once.

"There seems to be movement ahead." Lin Yun said.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun quickly released his Heavenly Level 1 Divine Sense.

In this ancient battlefield of the Howling Abyss, the space is extremely unstable, and the release distance of the divine consciousness is also greatly restricted, and the release distance is greatly reduced.

However, it was enough for Lin Yun to detect a few miles ahead.

"It turned out to be him?"

Lin Yun smiled after detecting the situation ahead.

"What's wrong with Lin Yun?" Ye Wuchi asked quickly.

Ye Wuchi's divine sense was a bit worse than Lin Yun, and his divine sense could not be explored that far in this limited ancient battlefield of the Howling Abyss.

"It's our brother, Bai Lixi." Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Bai Lixi? What's wrong with him? Did he fight with someone?" Ye Wuchi asked in surprise.

"It's not with people, but with a monster beast. That monster beast seems to be very powerful." Lin Yun said.

"Lin Yun, what do you think?" Ye Wuchi said.

"Go ahead first," Lin Yun said.

"Good!" Ye Wuchi nodded.

Immediately afterwards, the two accelerated their speed and went straight ahead.

Four miles ahead.

Bang bang bang!

Fierce battle is going on.

Bai Lixi and two inner disciples were fighting with a six-legged giant worm with a body length of more than ten meters.

This six-legged giant worm, covered in black scales, is extremely strong in combat and extremely strong in defense.

Bai Lixi was in the second-order empty and underworld realm, and the two inner disciples around him, one was the first-order empty and underworld realm, and the other was the third-order combined body realm.

The three of them joined forces, all under the crazy attack of this giant insect, fell into a disadvantage, and looked a little embarrassed.

At this time, Lin Yun and Ye Wuchi arrived at the scene.

The two stood 800 meters away.

"It turned out to be Senior Brother Bailixi, what a coincidence, Senior Brother Bailixi, it looks like you can't beat it." Lin Yun hugged his arms, with a smile on his face.

During the battle, Bai Lixi's expression changed: "It turned out to be you two!"

Just then.


The giant worm in the battle suddenly spewed a big mouthful of green liquid, which was full of smell.

"Damn! Toxic!"

Bai Lixi's faces were pale.

The green slime made them all over, it smelled so bad.

The most important thing is that this green liquid instantly corroded their coats and eroded their skin, making them hurt and itchy all over, and their state suddenly dropped a lot.

"Ah! It hurts!"

Especially the disciple of the third-order combined body, being eroded by the venom so severely, he screamed after being released.


Just when he screamed, this hexapod giant worm flicked its tail and smashed him out several tens of meters. Blood spewed along the way, his injuries were not light, and he lost combat effectiveness for a short time.

Only Bai Lixi and another Tier 1 Hole Void were left in the field. The two of them were also poisoned. With attrition, the fight was even more difficult. Under the six-legged attack of the hexapod giant insect, they were already dead. There are several colors.

"Brother Bailixi, it seems that you are going to be overwhelmed. You said that we two brothers and sisters should be nosy? If I am nosy, I am afraid that Senior Brother Bailixi will be mocked." Lin Yun laughed Said.

Bailixi's face changed suddenly when he heard the words.

Another inner disciple who was with Bai Lixi said eagerly: "Brother Bailixi, this beast is too strong, and if this continues, we can't last long! Let the two juniors help!"

Bailixi's expression became even more ugly when he heard the words, and asked him to ‘invite’ Lin Yun to take action. How did he speak?

"Brother Bailixi, when you satirized me before, you must have never thought of it. Sometimes you need my help? But I'm Lin Yun, and I'm not a stingy person. If you really want to ask me for help, we can do it. "Lin Yun said with a smile.


Bai Lixi's facial muscles twitched, making him "please"? He who is arrogant is even more unlikely to speak!


The crazy hexapod giant worm, another claw, grabbed the arm of the first-order empty world, and the arm was dripping with blood.


"Senior Brother Bailixi, let them help, the two of us, we really can't stand it anymore!" said the inner disciple of the first-order empty world.

"Do you really think that the two of them will be useful? An outer door is inferior to you in Tier 1 Kongming, and the other is a poor third-order hole virtual realm. Let them do it, but it will not help!" Bai Lixi Gritted his teeth.

"It's better to ask the elders for help!"

Immediately afterwards, Bai Lixi took out the jade pendant and quickly crushed it.

Immediately afterwards, they continued to fight.

"Don't want us to take action? Okay." Lin Yun stood there, holding his arms to watch the excitement.

About five or six minutes later.

Bai Lixi and the disciple of the first-order Kongming Realm were getting more and more injuries, and coupled with the effects of toxins, they couldn't hold it anymore.

"Brother, even if they participate in the war, they won't be able to win, but they can drag on until the elders come. If we don't let them take action again, we are afraid...If the elders are not allowed to come, we will be finished!" The disciple said.

As soon as this person's voice fell, he was wounded by a sneak attack that the Centipede could not prevent, and he flew out directly, spraying blood.

In the battlefield, only Bai Lixi was left.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

"Two Junior Brothers, trouble... trouble you guys!" Bai Lixi gritted his teeth and finally said this sentence.

He has to put down his figure now.

"Brother Bailixi, I'm asking for it!" Lin Yun shook his head.

"You..." Bai Lixi's face changed suddenly.


Bai Lixi is now facing the hexapod giant worm alone, and the injury is not light, plus the poisoning, he really can't hold it.

Lin Yun looked embarrassed: "Brother, your attitude is too fake and you are not sincere. I am embarrassed. Be sincere."

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